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Everything posted by shonen

  1. Damn, my stomach hurts! Its been a while since I have laughed that hard. Nice post.
  2. shonen


    LFMAO @ Mach, well played. Moonlit and mach the resident hak.5 firewall and b.s filter. XD
  3. shonen


    Correct me if I am wrong its been a while since I read ARP shit (and I am sure you guys will if I am) XD ARP use's a broad cast address so all computers on a network will receive the ARP packet to view it from your routers prospective all you need to do is filter for only ARP in wireshark and look at source and destination of the packet (usually found via its MAC address or IP number). If you are unsure as to what your routers mac is, just flip it over and it should have it on a sticker at the bottom (or in the web gui config settings) For a more detail inspection click on the packet of interest and view TCP/IP stream. If I am missing something guys feel free to elaborating on this. Anyways hope it helps.
  4. LMFAO 4gb thats some plugin.
  5. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    Lyzon I tried your app today and it wouldn't launch the .exe file, not that its your fault but more so the fact my school don't have the .net framwork installed. I suspect I may need a couple of .dll's to get it to load but as to which ones I have no idea. lol I feel your pain with packet logging its easier if you create a custom filter that gets rid of the ARP and other assorted rubbish so you are only looking at lanschool packets also you can can select a packet of interest and follow tcp/ip stream to get the ascii output (in case you didn't know), Anyways I maybe able to fudge my way through it and if not I will make it a class project out of it and see what me and the boys can come up over a lunch break or two for ya. Also it may pay to capture/upload the wireshark log's and the teacher program hack for posting on here so anyone else interested can have a crack sifting through it. MMMM good question, I was pondering over this today and I couldn't think of what else would be helpful........ maybe synergy, *shrugs*. In any case I am sure some of the hak5 higher ups and regulars will have some great suggestions. This could be a useful device for students to carry around on a thumb drive. XD You thought of a name for it yet other than the crasher and teacher hack? If you go the student swiss army knife route may I suggest Lyzon's LAN tooled. Its a spin off from the older LAN school hack called LAN Schooled. Think of the slogan don't be a fucking tool use one Lyzon's you got LAN tooled =P Edit due to that once a year brain wave I have a cunning plan me lord! Now I can only speak from my own experience's but using a school network is a shit, how many times have you been working on an assignment and had your word document/computer crash or the stupid admins fire up their AV scans not after hours while you saving a word .doc and due to low resources your file gets corrupted/fucked (so far I am up to the 5th time in 3 months...... feel the rage!). Also you do a fair amount of google research during class and sometimes you neglect to copy and paste the url of some website that has really good info on something and when you get home to try and find it you can't. The answer lies within, Lyzon's LAN tooled (I am calling it that for now, until you name it officially) with built in key logging feature to record assignments you are working on and visited websites. Anyways thats just an idea, not sure if other students have the same problem but if you ever lost work or a good website for referencing you would WANT this feature. Only issue is this feature would be picked up by most AV's even though it has no malicious use intended (sucks).
  6. lmfao the KING of add-ons has found another way to milk money from its customers.
  7. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    EDIT Good luck on the port blocker venture I tried this already with a number off them in earlier posts and could't stop the bloody thing. I believe they mention that you can't do this on the website seeing as this was an issue with students working around it in previous versions. lol a hidden dialog to close students, thats a nice find indeed. Hey I wonder if it is at all possible to make something that listens and allows LANschool teacher to connect to it so you can do some funky stuff with the techers desktop or some shit. I doubt this is possible, form what I remember about Lanschool when I put it to a sniffer the student constantly broadcasts and all the teacher does is listen in on that broadcast. I will have to take a look and see if it is possible to get the teachers desktop IP number from this, if you can maybe you could add a port flooder of some kind or some standard annoying windows shit like net send or what have you. On the other hand if you could be arsed you could turn that app in to every students swiss army knife for class by adding shit like a packet sniffer, XB browser or what ever else tickels your fancy (just an idea). I would love to help working on this but unforunitly I specialize in netwroks not programming (however it is on the to learn list).
  8. Yeah BT4 and it being ubuntu based is totally kick ass (apt-get is every nix n00bs best friend/not to mention more practical). +1 For sticking with BT3, as much as I totally love the BT4 layout my Atheros WPN311 is not supported and I don't think my asus eee 701 is either (yet to check it).
  9. I love it, it blows all over the prefab shit you buy in stores. Very nice and you were ahead of the times creating that.
  10. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    I say your the boss Vako and you can do whatever you want. XD Actually its a very good suggestion but that would be up to the people who actually have the program skills unlike myself. Thanks for the reminder to others on that Lukar, yeap the secure version does have some of those feature's and I did briefly touch on them in a previous posting (just not in as much detail). In any case this is not really an issue for me seeing as my school are to tight to purchase the secure version of LAN school. Oh and Lyzon sorry I have been a slack arse and am still yet to test that crasher you so generously created (been bussy configuring cisco routers/switches for a class test coming up). I will get around to doing it sometime this week and post. lol Oi what are the chances of getting snubs doing a demo on the Vmware work around and Lyzon's app in a future episode or is that wishful thinking XD P.S Thanks again to all who contribute on this and really ran with the inital posting, you guys are FREAKING awesome.
  11. Thanks Viv I shall eagerly await that tutorial on setting up the honey pot. That barcode one sounds interesting too, especially cuz I use to work in a video/dvd rental store.
  12. shonen

    BBC botnet

    Yeah I watched this a couple of days ago on www.securitytube.net was interesting but rather short. I would rather have the BBC as the zombie master of my hijacked computer rather than some fuck tard skiddy who paid for em. There was a talk at defcon a few years back about this sort of thing that I watched on youtube, from memory a bot retails for as low as 20 or so cents each. remind me of the good old days when I went to the store and got $3 work of mixed lollies. Now days kids ask for $10 worth of bot nets =P
  13. shonen

    Can't Boot

    I had the exact same thing happen to me, when I was doing the same thing (only I wasn't using vista). Now don't hold me to this and to the others please correct me if I am wrong but when you partition a drive it also allowcates roughly 8mb for the MBR I believe and if this goes missing you have the above issue. The way I corrected it was booting from my winxp CD (you could use Vista or Ubuntu) and remove created partitions and starting again. Now when you are doing a dual boot, I just allowcate what ever I need with Windows and add that single partition, the rest is left as free space. Run your windows install to that partition and then fire up Ubuntu. Use the manual partition option and set 1024 size partition and set it as swap from the drop down list. Then create your partition of whatever size you would like for ubuntu and select ext3 file system. Also for the mount point select the / option from the drop down list and you are good to go. Hope this helps.
  14. I second backtrack 3 and I use it all the time when I need to recover files off fucked systems prior to nuking. Plus it has an asortment of pen testing tools as well.
  15. Ah yes we have these types of twats in OZ as well, they are usually of the holden commodore driving variety. I love it how they buy some cheap shitty beat up care and then waste money on the HSV sticker. All it says is this is the car I wanted but this bomb was the only thing I could afford. I fucking LOL'd hard! By the way you so have to see this The Chaser's War on Everything, Wanker Number Plates
  16. Adm1nx Thats a really simple but good idea, I agree for the april fools prank once you have permission you should do it to all non-work related websites for the whole working day. or a mass rickroll could be fun. XD
  17. shonen


    On large networks try the below. ping ***.***.***.255 or ping ***.***.***.*** -l 65535 -n NUMBER OF PACKETS Note: windows wont allow you to do this anymore, you will need a third party app to send packets of that 65535 size but I am guessing thats what digip's regediting fixes. Thanks digi I shall check that out. Finally: DONT BE A TWAT! P.S: We covered DoS very briefly in my security class and I have to say it was interesting stuff, oh if any of you have some good links on the subject for further reading I would be most interested.
  18. Ah I see, awesome. Thanks for clearning that one up for me woodstriker.
  19. I second Avast, I was using avg not to long ago but found it missed things that Avast didn't. Fucking avast and its blairing siren virus alert, the first time it went off it was conducting a scan while I was watchinga divX and it scared the shit out of me. I shit you not I fall out of my chair after I jumped and tried to sit back down. *shakes fist* I will get you for that avast
  20. loftrat well I was looking for dumb shit user but hey close enough. Vako I honestly have no idea, but I am guessing this is a setup for more of your outstanding witty-ness, in which case I will sit back and wait for your classic one liner. *not to self do not drink coffee when reading next Vako posting*
  21. shonen

    zero punctuation

    Glad you enjoyed it. Speaking of ZP I just finished watching the latest one on yet another zombie horror game, review was so so and by no means up to his usually standard. Maybe next week I will get my dose of lul'z, that is if the I-dose doesn't have a mp3 for it yet =P
  22. Thats a really good write up Ray man, cheers
  23. lol I have always hated the twits that feel the need to advertise what car they have on the reg0 plates. WOW like thanks captain fucking obvious.
  24. lol Airpwn, I have always wanted to have a crack at doing that, maybe come this lot of school holidays if I don't cop a shit load of work. Hey seeing as we are talking ARPing on a company network it got me thinking. Any respectable network would implament VLAN's to logically sub divided its deparments into groups. So Lets say we have this scenario VLAN 1 Sales, VLAN 2 Accounting. Sales and Accounting are not setup to communicate with one another only within their own VLAN/colision domain. Now lets say someone is ARPing on sales VLAN 1 as far as I can gather the malicious attacker will only be able to affect users on Sales and not in Accounting. Question: 1: Is the above assumption about the VLAN the attacker can affect correct. 2: If question 1 is correct would this affect our friedly Prankster Admin in this post? Sorry if this is a bit of a stupid question (still a networking n00b) but I was curious as to how VLAN's would affect the above. eg would he need to configure anything? I would assume he would be setup to be a member of all VLAN's.
  25. Ah fair enough then and in that case I would want a legit version, especially if you are going to access it via the outside world. The inner tight ass in me loves the FREE aspect of the linux and BSD world however if you are a bit of a nix tard at times such as myself doing certin things on the platform can be a royal pain in the ass and waste a fair amount of time which is annoying when you are pressed for it/in a hurry. But hey the upside is you are learning something new which is worth major points. catch 22 much.
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