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Vista Upgrade


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I was just looking through a magazine and I saw that Vista had cut the price of Vista on both the upgrade and full version.  The magazine only mentioned Ultimate and Premium but whatever.  I got me thinking, could you buy an upgrade version of Vista, download a full version from a torrent site, and use the key that came with the version you bought?  Is that within the right of the EULA?  You would save yourself some cash but would Microsoft me mad at you?

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I was just looking through a magazine and I saw that Vista had cut the price of Vista on both the upgrade and full version.  The magazine only mentioned Ultimate and Premium but whatever.  I got me thinking, could you buy an upgrade version of Vista, download a full version from a torrent site, and use the key that came with the version you bought?  Is that within the right of the EULA?  You would save yourself some cash but would Microsoft me mad at you?

What you can do is buy an upgrade version install ti without putting in the serial number, it gives you 30 days to put it in. After that is done you can put the installer in again  and chose to preform an upgrade and you just got vista for cheaper.

You could also just find a copy of XP or something lying around and put that on first.

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What you can do is buy an upgrade version install ti without putting in the serial number, it gives you 30 days to put it in. After that is done you can put the installer in again  and chose to preform an upgrade and you just got vista for cheaper.

How does that make it any cheaper? Please explain...

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Get TechNet, I have everything MS have made for about £250.

or azureus I have everything for 50/mo


Get TechNet, I have everything MS have made for about £250.

Got Neptune?

Ok seriously stop, I just fell out of my chair laughing and almost broke my elbow.

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Get TechNet, I have everything MS have made for about £250.

or azureus I have everything for 50/mo


Get TechNet, I have everything MS have made for about £250.

Got Neptune?

Ok seriously stop, I just fell out of my chair laughing and almost broke my elbow.


Neptune was an older release of Windows, that was never released. It did have betas though, and I want it.

Anyways, can someone tell me why you would want Vista anyways?

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Get TechNet, I have everything MS have made for about £250.

or azureus I have everything for 50/mo


Get TechNet, I have everything MS have made for about £250.

Got Neptune?

Ok seriously stop, I just fell out of my chair laughing and almost broke my elbow.


Anyways, can someone tell me why you would want Vista anyways?

The only reasonable reason someone would want to use it is for DX10.

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I have no desire to switch to Vista.  I just saw it and wondered.  Maybe this information will come in handy one day when a less computer literate friend who shamefully bought Vista with their computer needs my help or when there is a good reason to go to Vista.

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how about better user management, more security, better file management?



Ive realised something lately, K1u no longer posts irritable skiddie posts. now he just post irritable 1 liners, or single words.


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Yes, let's all laugh at the interesting observation, hmm? While we're doing that, let's bash a user with a legitimate question by suggesting the OS he'd like to use is inferior. Yes, let's do those things.

C'mon people, get a clue, stop using all your energy to shit on each other and put it to constructive use for once.

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Yes, let's all laugh at the interesting observation, hmm? While we're doing that, let's bash a user with a legitimate question by suggesting the OS he'd like to use is inferior. Yes, let's do those things.

C'mon people, get a clue, stop using all your energy to shit on each other and put it to constructive use for once.

Ok, I from personal use feel as if Vista is not the most stable or fastest OS, I prefer XP over it if I choose to walk to windows path. I feel the only reason I would use Vista is if I were to purchase a DX10 card.

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Yes, let's all laugh at the interesting observation, hmm? While we're doing that, let's bash a user with a legitimate question by suggesting the OS he'd like to use is inferior. Yes, let's do those things.

C'mon people, get a clue, stop using all your energy to shit on each other and put it to constructive use for once.

Ok, I from personal use feel as if Vista is not the most stable or fastest OS, I prefer XP over it if I choose to walk to windows path. I feel the only reason I would use Vista is if I were to purchase a DX10 card.

yea, might be true, but have u installed it ur self? to test it, n see if the error reports and suposably bugs are true? Theres no point in judging something from all the bullshit that people crap on about. He wants to Use vista, might as well help him.

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I only have used Vista on one computer it was actually stable except very slow.  Interestingly, even though Vista never properly crashed, it's reliability monitor seemed to think vista was been horrifically unreliable. The reason being every problem I ran to see if it would run that actually error'd or opened a warning message actually counted agents Vista's over all reliability. Since it was installed almost exclusively for the purpose of abusing it (to some extent), it's quite funny how vista reports it's self as been very unreliable when it hadn't actually been that unreliable (just slow). If any thing this 'reliability factor' was actually a 'incomparability factor' if not else.

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slowness is a major factor of unreliability.

I also ran vista (still have it because i have to get a good feel for the OS since many of the new pc's i have been fixing have had windows vista )

many of them were people who got a new HP computer  with pretty good specs, 3GB memory, and a good CPU for gaming (then with a crappy videocard that  probably the mode it can ever do is run the vista glass crap effect)

people will complain that their PC is slow and will ask me to make sure there no viruses or trojans. and it usually turns out that  the cause of the slowdown is vista.

superfetching can speed up the opening of large programs, but at the cost of application performance and overall system performance  and with all the other crap vista runs, the OS  feels very sluggish, games are much slower

and vista is less fault tolerant (installing beta creative drivers caused vista to bluescreen in both normal mode and safe mode and the last known crap  never fixes anything.  with xp i have done worst, i have installed beta ones that were designed for another model of a card. all xp did was notice that the driver didn't work and just  didn't use it

if you want direct x 10  and cant wait for a hacked copy to be released for windows xp  (already in the works)  then go with vista.  DX10 makes things like smoke and fog look smoother  in most direct x 10 games

most of what direct x 10 does is increase the lighting quality and particle quality in games that use direct x 10  and in many games you cant really notice the difference.

width=470 height=830http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/5643/10gidzrtz8.gif[/img]

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Yes, let's all laugh at the interesting observation, hmm? While we're doing that, let's bash a user with a legitimate question by suggesting the OS he'd like to use is inferior. Yes, let's do those things.

C'mon people, get a clue, stop using all your energy to shit on each other and put it to constructive use for once.

Stop. Shitting. On. Vista.

I cannot possibly say it any clearer. This goes for all of you. Quit fucking fanboying. I don't wanna hear "Vista is (the) shit", "(Don't) Use Ubuntu!" or "Mac sucks/rocks!"

Don't you ever get fucking bored? If you don't like something, don't use it, doesn't mean someone else has the same opinion as you. I'm using Vista right now and I'm actually really enjoying it - now sure, it has its downsides, but so does everything else. It's fast enough, rock solid and fairly nice to look at as a nice extra. Note that I haven't needlessly bashed any variation of Linux, any Apple product, anything from Microsoft or anything with a BSD label on it. -_-

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