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What kind of Drunk are you?


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I find that even though I can't do certain things, if I try enough (or in some cases try less) as far as creativity goes it will just flow out... I'm not great at drawing, but something like music... I can't play instruments (very well) so I use computers... ok, some musicians say that it's cheating, but it's still creating music... if you have emotions/ideas to convey, which is what creativity esentially is, there will always be some way you can successfully get it down on paper/screen/tape/CD/disk etc...

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Hey guys, it's me your happy forums sysop. Don't mind me, I'm just poping in to say thanks. I was skipping around the forums and saw a really lame thread/poll about how macs suck. I didn't read it all so for all I know it could have gotten good, and I havent read every post in this thread, but what I did read made me feel better about the forums.

So anyway, cary on. I just wanted to say I'm happy to see some really interesting thoughs in this thread.

PS: Darren Kitchen and Hak5 do not promote doing anything illegal, including drugs, under age drinking, etc. Just gotta throw that out there. Be safe and trusten der technolusten.

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Yeah, was wondering if this would be censored in some way, Hak.5 has an image after all. Its hard to talk about drugs, given the stigma thats attached to them, and especially when you know there are impresionable minors about. But I feel its important to talk openly and honestly about drugs in an adult fashion.

its been mentioned before, but if your interested in drugs, and would like to know more about science and pharmacology behind drugs, i would advise reading www.erowid.org. A lack of information could kill you.

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yeah it's unfortunate that the discussion of drugs is frowned upon and has an image just as much as the consuming of them, but that's how it is...

I couldn't agree more though, know about these things in great detail before you even consider doing anything with them. I do not actively encourage the use of illegal substances but I am very well aware that people do take them and do so often without knowledge of what they are, their effects or what side-effects they can cause.

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As long as what's posted won't get us in trouble with the law I don't have a problem with that's being posted. We comply with all DMCA notices (but don't get me started on that law) so it's really a non issue. Free speech rules.

However, I've said it once and I'll say it again. On one shoulder sits a BOFH and the other sits the first amendment (again sorry to be US centric). The only thing that ever sets off my BOFH alarm are immature, slanderous, or flaimbait posts. (I'm looking at you syntax if you hadn't gotten the drift).

Anyway: on with the mind altering, soul searching, tree hugging happy drugs.

My $0.02: Stay away from Dextromethorphan. I know in high school it's highly available but it's not something you want to mess with.


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Darren Kitchen and Hak5 do not promote doing anything illegal, including drugs, under age drinking, etc. Just gotta throw that out there. Be safe and trusten der technolusten.

Technically I'm still listed on the Hak.5 cast page, so I'll go ahead and throw it out there that I support underage drinking, absurd belligerence, fighting people for no apparent reason, smoking too many damn cigarettes.....oh yeah, and killing small children and puppies!!

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