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Can't connect to


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Hi, I've just received the WiFi Pineapple Nano and everything seemed to work well until I had to connect to to set it up. I am using Windows 7 and my browser (Google Chrome) said that the site can't be reached and that the IP refused to connect. I did look on other forums but all I've seen was uncheck your internet sharing (was already done) and to reset it which didn't change anything. So I would really like some help to get this set up and finally upgrade my pentesting arsenal, thanks. :happy:

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2 minutes ago, b0N3z said:

Are you using the USB y cable on the male end of the USB port on the nano

Yeah. Right now I have it plugged into my laptop for battery and into my Android for usage. Laptop won't connect to it using its IP. Making my work space very small :unsure:

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Does windows give it an IP address? Can you run cmd and ipconfig. I'm think that's the command, I haven't had windows in over a year 

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