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Encryption Program


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If you want to have your files locked up so no one else can access your file. I found this program called TrueCrypt which is the best, better then the programs then all other encryption programs.

AND IT'S FREE, it's a opensource program which it a good thing, which means that the program it so beaten down to death, so its bug free.


ok, I didn't found it. It was on "Call for Help" some of you people might know it, Hak.5 was on, I found out Hak.5 on that show, and I bet some of you people found out this place on "Call for Help" too.

If you don't know "Call for Help", the hosts were on Hak.5 ep. 6, Leo Laporte, Amber MacArthur, Mikey, etc. If you don't understand tech enough to understand Hak.5, then watch call for help, it is ment for people who doesn't understand tech.

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If you want to have your files locked up so no one else can access your file. I found this program called TrueCrypt which is the best, better then the programs then all other encryption programs.

What you probably meant to say was that it works for you and you like it. When you need to use programs like this and go out searching for one, you don't look for people saying "It's totally the SHIT, dude!" but instead you research the algorithms it supports, how it does its encryption, and then pick the appropriate one based solely on technical merit (as your life may very well depend on it).

The problem with your post here is that you completely fail to provide any technical info on the product, causing you to sound like the next anti-wrinkle cream/snakeoil.

AND IT'S FREE, it's a opensource program which it a good thing, which means that the program it so beaten down to death, so its bug free.

Whooo boy. Talk about a big assumption. Open source does not equal bug-free. Open source allows (no proof that it actually happened) people to verify the workings of the program in question. OpenSSH has been around since december 1999 and is widely considered to be a program capable of properly securing the communication between two machines. Since it stems from the OpenBSD project, we actually DO know some very knowledgable security people have audited the code. Yet it too has had its small share of security-related problems.

I took a look at their website and it does appear to be a solid program. They've been around for about 2 years, and during this time just one bug was discovered that seems potentially serious, but appears more related to the tooling rather than the actual driver itself ("Password input field will be correctly wiped after each mount attempt").

They support AES, Blowfish, CAST5, Serpent, 3DES, Twofish, AES-Twofish, AES-Twofish-Serpent, Serpent-AES, Serpent-Twofish-AES and Twofish-Serpent as encryption algorithms and Whirlpool, SHA-1 and RIPEMD-160 as hash algorithms. See this document for more information on what it does and how it does it.

It supports the newer versions of Windows, as well as Linux (kernel 2.6.5 and up).

Based on what I've read I think I might use it for the encryption of my USB key.

Ok, I didn't find it. It was on Call For Help. Some of you people might know it. Hak.5 was on it, and I found out about Hak.5 through that show. I bet some of you people found out about this place through Call For Help aswell.

If you don't know Call For Help, their hosts appeared in Hak.5 ep. 6. Leo Laporte, Amber MacArthur, Mikey, etc. If you don't understand tech enough to understand Hak.5, then watch Call For Help.

I fixed up your spelling a bit so I could make sense of just what it was you were talking about.

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No need to have a go cooper he was just informing us.

I've been using the program for a while for my USB, only problem is I can't install it at college becuase you have to be an admin as it requires a driver to be installed

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