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but no one will give it to me for nothing. And no one wants to emply some one who will only stick around for 3 or so months, it's hard to get a jop befor you go to university. :(


I think the idea is that you have the job long before that point already...

Can't you get a paper route or some job stocking shelves at your local supermarket?

Can't you get a paper route

I was offered one, but the guy quickly realised he can hire kids and pay them less then minimum wage to do the same thing.

or some job stocking shelves at your local supermarket?

I did also applie for a job at morrisons, they said no. But this brings me to my point, they said in the interview that they where looking for long term emplyees, and the woman seemed to switch off to what I was saying after I said the words 'univeristy', 'in' and 'september'.


And Morrisons is the only store within bike riding distance?

Wash dishes at a lokal choke & puke.

See if they need some help on the garbage trucks.

Deliver some pizza's.

Wash the cars of the local neighborhood.

If there are houses with a waterway nearby that's not particularly well maintained and in danger of being overgrown by reeds, get some home owners to pay you to jump in with old shoes and a hedge scissor, and cut some of that shit away (I actually did this for my parents and 2 neighbors when I was younger).

Put an ad in the local paper for rendering computer help if you're of the more entrepeneureal type.

Seriously, there's TONS of ways to make some money. Look harder.


Its kinda hard to get a job in the UK atm, i've had one job outsourced india and was replaced by 2 polish guys for the same money in another, and i'm only 23, not even started full time work yet. Most of the really shitty cheap jobs are either done by kids (ie yard work & plate washing) and the agencys round my end are slowy moving all there jobs to imigrants who will work 12 hours a day, 6 days a week for less than min wage (they pay them min wage, but then provide them with food and board which is taken out of there wages).

You look for IT jobs, but they all say "minimum of 2 years in the industry"... how the fuck do you get started?

Me, i'm going to start a cash in hand PC fixing thing. Have PC? PC borked? Call me! £10 an hour, min call out time 1 hour.


Don't let those 2 years experience keep you from applying. The main thing they look for is attitude. If you can convince them that you're eager, willing to learn, and not too stingy about working hours and such, they might be willing to give it a shot.


Its just as bad trying to find a job here in the states. I live in Florida and ever since the hurricanes of 04 swept through all the jobs have been taken over by immigrants that will work for less than min wage like VAKO said. It kills us the students when we need jobs to pay for books, and supplies and what nots. Not to mention most of the IT jobs around here want 5+ yrs experience... I'm thinking WTF?!?!?! I'm 25 been building PC's since I was 13... How much more experience do I need, not to mention I run my own PC repair business around here. But thats not working to well either... I ended up getting a job at the Discovery Channel Store in a ritzy mall. Its not much but it does fill the pockets.


You wait until robots take off, I know a few people who were replaced by robots, and one guy who was employed because it was illegal to not have one human working on the factory floor.


It's going to be hard for robots to install a network, trouble shoot random errors on non-sensicalness and install more RAM in to a server.


Nah... what they do is slave a robot to a remote worker based on some tiny shitty pacific island and being payed in chocolate money.


Sparda your pretty much spot on with the "Can we trust" part. Those personality tests are the stupidest things I've ever seen here in the States. It took me 4 months here in Orlando to find a job since I moved here from a different part of Florida. Anyhow they ask stupid questions on the applications like "Do you like to work alone?"or "Are you willing to work overtime when needed?"or even "If you wittnessed a coworker taking something that they didn't pay for would you report it or leave it be?" Some of them even go as far as "Do you participate in extreme sports or activities?" And then they go as far as rewording the exact same questions to try and catch you lying on the whole thing. Its about the stupidest thing I've ever seen. Hell I was just denied a job with the Harley Davidson Company because my CREDIT score was too low. WTF?!?!?! My credit score wouldn't be low if I had a job to keep it up... DUH!

Sparda your pretty much spot on with the "Can we trust" part. Those personality tests are the stupidest things I... Hell I was just denied a job with the Harley Davidson Company because my CREDIT score was too low. WTF?!?!?! My credit score wouldn't be low if I had a job to keep it up... DUH!

I should demand to see the source code of the aplication that could prevent me from getting a job.

The best part is you have to do "training" on the computer (thank god I got paid for doing it). The quizes all had VB script errors. :p I cant wait untill the end of the month when I quit!


LoL! Which company was that for? Cause WalMart used Java for they're quiz. Which was kind of silly cause when they first put the stupid computer thing... Well the thing that they call a computer in there it didn't have Sun Java on it. I went to start to do the questionaire thing and it said that java was required blah blah blah. I laughed and said out loud WTF?!?! is this a computer test for me to see if I know anything about computers or is this just something stupid that the corp. office forgot to install. Well come to find out it was neither. It was the stupid vendor that puts those in that forgot to set it up properly. But what was cool about it was the fact that with out java on it, you could view the rest of the stores network with it and see the tracking, billing and what not with it. Only cause with out java the questionaire screen wouldn't be up, so anyone could access anything. Any whats more stupid with walmart is I can get into they're wireless network out in the parking lot with my lappy with out even trying... Its "secured" the morons used the WEP or the WPA key as the wireless identifier... MORONS!


I did a 6 week training course on how to install consumer routers, then an extra 2 weeks learning how to setup WEP connections (that poor staff trainer, he was given all the linux users in one group to train on windows software). For 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Once on the floor and taking calls we just told the customer to bin the CD and use ethernet. Then i got promoted to 2nd line for some reason and had to do actual work.


I have a job at a local coffee shop that kinda sucks. The pay is decent: $7 bucks an hour plus tips, so it usually works out to $9-10 bucks an hour, which is great for me, especially because i dont have any expenses, as im 15

1. start iptv show

2. ?

3. profit

PS: If you know what step 2 is, please PM me. Thanks :)

Step 2 is give up IPTV ;). There is no money to be made in IPTV, unless you're Kevin "Ex TV Presenter" Rose. :P


Metatron hits us in the balls again with his huge walet :lol:

I'm glad I seem to beable to just write down what I think and am able to start a actual sencical disgusion as a result :)

dosn't pay the bills though...

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