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Everything posted by HarshReality

  1. Im curious, I noticed in the v2 notes on Gonzor's site they worked on the VB to resolve the "No Disk" error. Exactly what was changed if I might ask? On another type of payload I get it in Vista and the launchpad is
  2. I have to be misreading something... you just got a NAS and want to alter it to make it a NAS.. If its localised why not just make use of Samba?
  3. Can we mount a micro wireless webacm to it and send it into the cheerleaders locker area???
  4. Why not... even rednecks cleanup ok I guess http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n229/1HarshReality/SSPX0114.jpg[/img]
  5. So has anybody got this going?
  6. Beak... you get a chance add me to your messenger I got alot of this hammered out with html and what not but some things are driving me up a wall but cant get a handle on the problem.. for example the pwdump file is marked for delete in the ini but the damn thing doesnt die. Just leaves the file in the directory regardless of the setting.
  7. How does one know when he is really bored.... http://harrea.100webspace.net/SysInfo.jpg Set dtmConvertedDate = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime") Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!.rootcimv2") Set colOSes = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem") For Each objOS in colOSes objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Logged On User</b></td><td>" & strUserName & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Computer Name</b></td><td>" & objOS.CSName & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Caption</b></td><td>" & objOS.Caption & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Build Number</b></td><td>"& objOS.BuildNumber & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Build Type</b></td><td>" & objOS.BuildType & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Boot Device</b></td><td>" & objOS.BootDevice & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Country Code</b></td><td>" & objOS.CCountryCode & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Debug</b></td><td>" & objOS.Debug & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Encryption Level</b></td><td>" & objOS.EncryptionLevel & "</td></tr>" dtmConvertedDate.Value = objOS.InstallDate dtmInstallDate = dtmConvertedDate.GetVarDate objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Install Date</b></td><td>" & dtmInstallDate & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Licensed Users</b></td><td>" & objOS.NumberOfLicensedUsers & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Organization</b></td><td>" & objOS.Organization & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Language</b></td><td>" & objOS.Language & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>OS Type</b></td><td>" & objOS.OSType & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Primary OS</b></td><td>" & objOS.Primary & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Registered User</b></td><td>" & objOS.RegisteredUser & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Serial Number</b></td><td>" & objOS.SerialNumber & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Other Type Description</b></td><td>" & objOS.OtherTypeDescription & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Version</b></td><td>" & objOS.Version & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Service Pack</b></td><td>" & objOS.ServicePackMajorVersion & "." & _ objOS.ServicePackMinorVersion & "</td></tr>" Next Set dtmConvertedDate = Nothing Set objWMIService = Nothing Set colOSes = Nothing 'End Table http://harrea.100webspace.net/BIOS.jpg objRightFile.WriteLine"<hr color=""#0066cc"" size=""2"" width=""400"">" objRightFile.WriteLine"<p><font size=""3""><b>BIOS</b></font>" objRightFile.WriteLine"<hr color=""#0066cc"" size=""2"" width=""400"">" objRightFile.WriteLine "<table align=""center"" bgcolor=""#ffffff"" border=""1"" cellpadding=""2"" cellspacing=""0"" frame=""box"" rules=""all""><tbody><tr>" & _ "<td class=""colhead""><b>Item</b></td>" & _ "<td class=""colhead""><b>Value</b></td></tr>" Set dtmConvertedDate = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemDateTime") Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!.rootcimv2") Set colBIOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_BIOS") For Each objBIOS in colBIOS objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Build Number</b></td><td>" & objBIOS.BuildNumber & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Current Language</b></td><td>" & objBIOS.CurrentLanguage & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Manufacturer</b></td><td>" & objBIOS.Manufacturer & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Name</b></td><td>"& objBIOS.Name & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Primary BIOS</b></td><td>" & objBIOS.PrimaryBIOS & "</td></tr>" dtmConvertedDate.Value = objBIOS.ReleaseDate dtmReleaseDate = dtmConvertedDate.GetVarDate objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Release Date</b></td><td>" & dtmReleaseDate & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Serial Number</b></td><td>" & objBIOS.SerialNumber & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>SMBIOS Version</b></td><td>" & objBIOS.SMBIOSVersion & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>SMBIOS Major Version</b></td><td>" & objBIOS.SMBIOSMajorVersion & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>SMBIOS Minor Version</b></td><td>" & objBIOS.SMBIOSMinorVersion & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>SMBIOS Present?</b></td><td>" & objBIOS.SMBIOSPresent & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Status</b></td><td>" & objBIOS.Status & "</td></tr>" objRightFile.WriteLine "<tr><td><b>Version</b></td><td>" & objBIOS.Version & "</td></tr>" & _ "</td></tr>" Next Set dtmConvertedDate = Nothing Set objWMIService = Nothing Set colBIOS = Nothing 'End Table objRightFile.WriteLine "</tbody></table></p><p> </p>"
  8. Sounds like a plan! Somebody throw me the lines for autorun.vbs that would make it not run if the OS is Vista Yea I know Im modifying the same post over and over..
  9. For whatever reason (I cant say for certain since this one is relatively new) the default in your ini us FWDump, when its selected cachedump still tries to run and FWDump stalls. When however cachedump is selected it goes smooth as silk. Going to dive a bit further into your code this week and see what I can see.
  10. True enough, but as I was lead to believe its not the quality of BS but its effectiveness. the laptop ended up back in his office in 45 minutes.
  11. I wont go into a 'political' debate. But in wartime.. who in hell says "there are rules". This week, UN POW rules apply and then they dont obligate.. in any wartime situation or for that matter dispute you always have one side that is going by a 'white book' policy and the other side is taking full advantage of it. In war or conflict there is only one rule that applies... win. History is written by the victors. As for the 'US bashing' this and that how about keeping it on a civil tone. No government is perfect, US gov (yea I live here) just doesnt hide details as well as other countries. And as far as a comment I saw about "US thinks they have all the power" I beg to differ, we cant even take care of our own since everything is outsourcing to other countries. Back in the day people border jumped and what not to get here for the american dream now its more like 'leave and find a better life anywhere BUT the US'. Granted its not as bad as some other countries but in comparison to the past it just plain blows. The biggest joke I have ever seen was the movie 'Sicko' where they were talking about US healthcare vs. other countries. Get on a boat and goto Cuba to get your meds taken care of... cost too much here.
  12. Well according to that link you can add a manifest to an exe that states how the program should be handled. IF a manifest could be added it would circumvent UAC and run as administrator by default.
  13. I'd take the suggestion above and hit mp3car.com. Get an amp case mictoITX board and goto town. Alot of options are avail. from miniITX.com I mean for a car.. you dont need a supercomputer figure 1G would do nicely and for the purposes of power you want as low as possible. Artigo doesnt look bad, take that with some of the tips on mp3car and mount you a touchscreen in the dash where your radio is... add some BT and wireless and away you go!
  14. WIKI... whats a wiki?¿? Ohhh, I should look at the wiki to find out what a wiki is Funny but when you google "wiki" you get directed to one to define it.
  15. Exid3... got something for you to take into consideration... http://www.securityxploded.com/vistauacmaker.php Making Application Vista UAC Compliant To make any application Vista UAC compliant one has to embed a manifest file specifying the privilege required by the application. Manifest file mainly contain 2 important information, privilege required by the application and UI interaction of application with other windows. There are 3 types of privileges that can be mentioned in the manifest file. * requireAdministrator : Run as administrator * asInvoker : Run as same privilege as parent process * highestAvailable : Run with highest privilege available for user Other than this, one has to specify if the application interacts with user interface of other high privilege applications. For example your application may send the message to modify the UI of other high privilege application. This is specified through following parameter uiAccess : TRUE/FALSE
  16. Here is your little Addition... course I added it to the switchblade so feel free to recode... 1.We're first validating that it is XP (no point in running it if it isnt) 2. We're validating the exitance of the wpa file and if its there creating a folder within the logging folder to copy the file to. I rather liked Gonzor's idea of date/time for the log and on the odd chance you run it on 2 machines that have the same computer name it wont overwrite. Ver | find "5.1." > nul IF %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 ( IF EXIST %systemroot%system32wpa.dbl ( ECHO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> %log% 2>&1 ECHO +----------------------------------+ >> %log% 2>&1 ECHO + [XP Activation Located] + >> %log% 2>&1 ECHO +----------------------------------+ >> %log% 2>&1 ECHO This file is an activation backup and will only function when installed on the original machine that has had no hardware >> %log% 2>&1 ECHO modifications. Boot the unit to safemode and copy the file to the System32 folder and restart. >> %log% 2>&1 MD "%logdir%"XP-Activation-[%Year%%Month%%Day%-%Hour%%Minute%%Second%] COPY /Y %systemroot%system32wpa.dbl "%logdir%"XP-Activation-[%Year%%Month%%Day%-%Hour%%Minute%%Second%] ) )
  17. Hell that is like this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxyp8Kbj9PQ
  18. A point was brought up in another thread.. why encrypt when it had to be unencrypted to run and the av picks it up at that time.
  19. Pownce invites still floating around? If so Im interested.
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