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  1. https://shop.hak5.org/blogs/payloads you should be able to view all there.
  2. Thank you my friend for the information. Much appreciated and keeps us all posted. Hope you have a great Christmas and superb 2020! 🎄🇺🇸
  3. Hi, Yes that is arguably the best approach, also you can screen grab and make notes so that you can always refer to them later..... Hope this helps 😎
  4. Hallo und nochmals viele Grüße, Wenn Sie keine Module laden können, weist dies darauf hin, dass die SD-Karte möglicherweise schreibgeschützt ist. Sie müssen jedoch sicherstellen, dass Sie die SD-Karte formatieren. Welche Marke verwenden Sie und wie hoch ist die Speicherkapazität? Prost
  5. Hallo und herzlich willkommen, Was machst du mit der Ananas?
  6. Hey WPA2, I agree that it can stretch the budget, but it depends on why you want it? If it is to be added to your arsenal as part of your business, then I am sure you can recoup the expenditures. If, on the other hand, it is because you want one rather than need one, well, that is a decision that relies on available finances. For me, it is the former, but having tried edutech on several occasions and no joy (not even for a ducky), it is hard to see where else other than HAK5 shop, you can get one from. Sometimes, just sometimes, they do sneak onto ebay or even Amazon, if that helps you at all😎
  7. Ditto........much easier and still great info......🙏
  8. Even though this is a post from back in 2017, it is reassuring and makes my life a bit easier! Thank you once again for all your posts😎
  9. It is well worth the money........although the shipping as you say is 'not so good', but there are no other options at this stage. Would love to be a HAK5 distributor.........great products and excellent staff. 😎
  10. Happy days buddy......... So, if you write Upgrading the Antenna............in the search bar or click on the image...........hope this helps you buddy😎
  11. Sorry buddy, but you are in the wrong thread...........I know as I have made that mistake before. Head to the top of your page and you will see the search box, put PINEAPPLE in there and hit return. It should show you all the threads that have that term in the conversation. You may even find the answers that you seek. You can also do that with other things that you are looking for. I hope this helps you in some way😎
  12. Hi James..........interesting thanks 😎
  13. Hi buddy, That sounds bad, how did you set it up, and is there a way that you can start over? Let me know how you get on, as I have had no problems to date🤓


    Yep..Jtyle6 is correct......delete your own thread.........https://forums.hak5.org/profile/65192-ethi1ca4l/..................😎
  15. Hi Foxtrot & Darren Kitchen Awesome product🔥🔥🔥 guys, which just add to the arsenal. Cannot wait to get mine and deploy! Enjoy DefCon Nevada, hopefully see you there next year. Cheers 😎
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