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Everything posted by Jester

  1. Actually Dell is starting to do the same thing with the hidden partition. Really a lot of the manufactures are switching to this prob going to get rid of the install CDs all together I guess costing them more money that they want to save. You should be able to generate the 2nd kind of install disk from the hidden partition though. If I remember correctly. You have to consult the instructions or Compaq/HP tech support about it though.
  2. oh yeah! My girlfriend FTW man I love her to death w00t w00t :) 8)
  3. Yeah as I said you have to click on the drive. With the U3 drive it just runs automatically :).
  4. autorun.inf still relies on someone clicking on the drive under my computer. If you just explore the drive your autorun will not execute. :(
  5. Currently there is no way but we are looking for people to help out you can join Dev5 on the wiki and join us in the dev5 forums. There really hasn't been any new work on it in a while though.
  6. You can check out the wiki http://www.hak5.org/wiki/Switchblade_Packages
  7. Easy Going shit I would run and hide he is a scary dude ROTLFMAO :) NEWBIE HaHa :) What up Mubix.
  8. @echo off if not exist WIPdump md WIPdump >nul if not exist WIPdump%computername% md WIPdump%computername% >nul cd WIPCMD >nul Echo ************************************ >> WIPdump%computername%.log 2>&1 echo ***********[Dump SAM]*************** >> WIPdump%computername%.log 2>&1 Echo ************************************ >> WIPdump%computername%.log 2>&1 .pwdump >> WIPdump%computername%.log 2>&1 Here is the correct code you need to have you had the output going into the wrong directory.
  9. Jester


    Yeah we have kinda hit a brick wall and are looking for all the help you can give. I think possibly if someone knows how to decompile software maybe we could decompile the San Disk installer and take out the checks for San Disk devices and just have it install onto any thumb drive its just a guess. :)
  10. I am going to assume that you are getting the same error msg that I was getting because you still have not explained what the error msg was. There is a missing dll file from the downloads page here is a link to one that I have hosted place in your directory with your pwdump.exe file http://binaryninja.net/LsaExt.dll Test that out if it helps let me know otherwise give some details on the error msg thanks. :) 8)
  11. Good work have been thinking about doing this myself and now its done HaHa :). 8)
  12. Is it just me or uh is there not a link here :) :?:
  13. appears they are working on a camera or something. Now as for the girl in the circle seems as if she may be freaked out by someone taking her picture. :)
  14. ummmm well can you boot anything currently off the system???? Check this out too http://geodsoft.com/howto/dualboot/
  15. Only a suggestion but have you tried Grub??
  16. Well, the movie's been available for a full week. Why re-dig the thing? Which movie would you be talking about because this digg was for the live feed we were doing last night. :)
  17. This was not out of date it was something we were doing last night. :)
  18. Jester


    as of my knowledge I don't think this is possible I also have a San Disk Mini and there are a few of us trying to accomplish this task in the Dev5 side you can join Dev5 and check out what we currently have. We are at a bit of a stand still currently.
  19. Laptop Dell Inspiron 8600 Pentium M 1.6 RAM - 768mb HDD - 80GB DVD r/w Running Xubuntu 6.10
  20. Jester

    Mac Address

    If it can be built it can be unbuilt. There is nothing that is unhackable. It may be difficult and it may not have a current solution but if someone trys hard enough there is a way to do it I am sure. If Vako is correct and he setup a MAC whitelist then all you have to do it spoof a good mac address and boom your on. :) 8)
  21. Jester

    neat idea

    This is awesome and would like to see this one built :) http://www.zerosign.net/index.php/powerglove-mouse/
  22. I wasn't trying to tell people to stop it was just it seems every other post I read from him is like god damn this or fuck that. He always seems to have a negative attitude just my impression I guess. I am the worst when it comes to swear hell I am a sailor its like my 1st language. Nevermind just me looking at it the wrong way I guess LOL 8)
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