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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. I don't mean to be sarcastic in saying this so sorry if it sounds like it... but that's better! Assuming the router's connected to the phone line properly (and with a suitable cable - regular phone extension cables sometimes kill ADSL), the only thing I can think of is the kind of connection the router's trying to make. I don't know much about this, but I do know there are different methods of connecting to a network and your router might not be set for the right one. Also check to see if it's trying to connect to ADSL2 using ADSL settings... I don't know if that'll make a difference but it might, so double and triple check the DSL settings are exactly right.
  2. No problem. If you were attempting to be sarcastic, before anyone can answer your question you need to ask it. By asking the question I mean GIVING PLENTY OF INFORMATION. "omg my internet won't work" isn't a question. "ok, so I connected my dsl router all up with my PC on the first LAN port and the DSL's hooked to the phone line. I've used the router's quickstart wizard and given it my ISP's information, I've installed the filters properly (which work because I used them on my old DSL modem) and all the phone cables are good, they're brand new so I know they're not at fault. everything's plugged in and turned on but I can't get the net on the PC or wirelessly on my laptop, anyone think of something I've missed?" is a question.
  3. Yeah, I just don't wanna end up being responsible for anything that might happen along the way... I saw we sign responsability waivers... then it's fine. Edit: I didn't account for maturity issues in that calculation, so I'll just leave it open... whatever the mass opinion is... We obviously need to work this part out before we know what we'll need in terms of a venue/stuff to do so it'll have to be agreed soon.
  4. The problem with that is if <18s turn up without parents or whatever, what do we do when we go to the pub... leave 'em?
  5. Yeah, but not when it's on the virge of flamewar :P
  6. lol slightly biased images there, but I do agree... I think we've all gotta be prepared to travel, London sounds good to me... All in favour say aye! All those against, say why not and state your reasoning! :)
  7. My Palomino core AMD AthlonXP 2100+ (stock speeds, 1.73GHz, non-stock cooling but similar to it) runs at ~35'C idle with software cooling. ~44'C without software cooling, ~50-52'C under full load. As for the topic, I say go for the cheaper ones. If need be it's likely got room for OCing, not that you should need it. The performance doesn't justify the prices of high end CPUs for most people.
  8. I wasn't threatening... you posted loads of messages one after the other. That's called spam. If you wanted to test for something it might've been nice to have told a moderator/admin.
  9. Lol yeah, I wasn't really whining about the cost of internet access, it was a joke ;) I'm up for pretty much anything... being able to drink in the hostel would be nice, heh, we could try the "omg let's try to smuggle booze in so the teacher won't notice >_> <_<" approach :D We'll probably be living on burgers and kebabs (or something a little more healthy for some of us) so food isn't gonna be a problem.
  10. £1.50 an hour for internet?! Something like that does look like it'd bee good though.
  11. If you 'test' something again I wouldn't fancy your chances of sticking around here much longer. That's a warning.
  12. Sounds reasonable... any objections?
  13. Well, now that we're *cough* back on topic... I think we need to decide this stuff as soon as we can otherwise we'll be debating for weeks on end and it'll fizzle out...
  14. I concur... I know the under 18s will be pissed off if they don't get to go, I know what it was like when I was under 18 and couldn't do stuff, but you gotta understand the age thing will be a problem. Perhaps where you live you can get in to bars your family knows or that don't care, but it will cause problems if we try anything. We're not saying this to piss on those who aren't old enough to visit a bar, we're trying to be logical. Just as we'll think about solutions if we can, you guys gotta understand we're not organising this as a school trip, we will be reckless and we'll probably be wanting to be spontanious which we *cannot* do if we're accompanying minors.
  15. That works but it'll take some organising, and still leaves the responsability issue... if it can be done though I think that would be fair...
  16. Ahem, and back on topic we go...!
  17. As a side note, I certainly won't be buying any booze for anyone I know is a minor... and I've a feeling most others who are interested won't either.
  18. I vote 18+ (or legal drinking age possibly). Thing is, us 18+ y/o people will be responsible for any minors if they're not accompanied by a parent/guardian (which I don't think is gonna happen) and I think with a meetup this it's fairly important that you're confident everyone can stand on their own two feet (at least until the 3rd round of drinks...) The booze issue is a big 'un too, it's gonna be pretty crap for the younger ones if we decide to go on a bar crawl... and... well... that just isn't gonna work, for them, for us, for anyone. I would like to say "hey, anyone's welcome" but this really is gonna be an adult environment.
  19. I was wondering the same... I think it's gonna depend on how long we intend for this to last as to whether someone might be insane enough to house us for a couple of nights... My original thought was a hotel or something but any other ideas would be good. :)
  20. Mine got shut down in less than a day... seems fortunecity didn't like my site... :?
  21. Definitely. I think it'll be captured in some form no matter what. A discussion perhaps for later on but I don't think you need to worry that it won't be filmed. :)
  22. That's probably not wise, we don't want any angry parents chasing us down or getting the cops on this. This is NOT A GOOD IDEA. If you reqiure permission to attend a meetup PLEASE OBTAIN IT FIRST. This makes me even more sure this should be 18+ than I already was.
  23. Well I'm open minded on the venue, I won't say "if it's not in London I'm not going and you can all go have your crappy meetup" 'cos I actually wanna be there ;) As Phil Collins said, "it's a game of give and take"... there's not gonna be a place we can all easily just materialise, we're all gonna have to travel some way... a few more pins on the map and we might have an idea where's good. London isn't a bad choice though because it's (almost) fairly central to the UK/west mainland Europe. I say somewhere in the 'bottom right hand corner of England' (ie: south-east England) or somewhere right on the west of the mainland.
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