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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. I think VaKo was aiming for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorem_ipsum
  2. Pretty much the same everywhere in the UK... Yeah, I kinda remembered being told that ages ago on IRC when we had a similar conversation. I think PC World and such over here do sell on commission though, which means if they can sell you lots of expensive stuff (often including an extended guarantee, if they can pull it off) then they get paid more.
  3. You have to understand that people come through here all the time saying "this box has a password, I need to get into it" and sometimes that's at school, sometimes work, sometimes a store or just a stupid, forgetful friend's house. Now, with that in mind, consider that we don't know the details, we don't know who's lying and how much they're lying. Now, imagine that's happened a lot, and almost every kid who asks is trying to obtain access to a system that isn't theirs (which is actually still the case on this occasion). Think you'd be all up for helping them fuck each other over? Really? As I mentioned earlier, regardless of whether anyone thinks this is the right thing to do, it's not your box to worry about. trying to "fix" (that is, fix as /you/ see it, remember, this isn't a system under your control) it can land you in just as much shit as owning a machine can. You can't really do much more than telling the staff you'd like to try the machine, if they want to sell you it that badly (hmmmm, commission) then they'll find a way or get someone who knows how to fix it. That way, you walk away with a clean mind because you acted, you don't get fucked because you screwed with their machine, the computer (maybe) gets de-passworded. This is all assuming that someone did indeed put a password on the machine that wasn't authorised to do so. If that didn't happen, then you still shouldn't be fucking with it, the password's there for a reason. To sum up; it's not your problem, it could land you in shit and they won't appreciate it anyway. My advice? Walk away, stay away, all is good.
  4. Then speak to the staff, say you're interested in buying one but you'd like to try one out first.
  5. No, no you're not "rite". Stop acting like a twat.
  6. Neither actually, though I have worked in the latter category before.
  7. That makes no difference, some poor shmuck will probably get sold that thing eventually. Regardless, you still don't own that machine so you're still a douche for fucking with it. Next please.
  8. As much as I'd like to believe this would help, a common association with school hacking is "well, they just weren't smart enough to not get caught", or "it'll never happen to me". I don't think it'll stop most of them giving it a shot. I was going to link to theregister's article on this before it was posted to make the very point that if you're stupid enough to try, this might happen, but then I realised that if all we've said so far hasn't helped then this is unlikely to either. Still, no harm in wishful thinking.
  9. ...and in the meantime, unplug the internet connection, just so you don't have to go through the hassle of calling the ISP and making them re-enable it.
  10. That's because we keep deleting it. Oh, and since we're on the subject, can we have something like the old report system so I don't end up having my (horrible to use) PM inbox spammed whenever someone finds a message they'd like to report. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind deleting spam and stuff, it's what I'm here for, but it could be so much more graceful... I don't even know whether the message has been dealt with until I get my wonderful popup telling me I have a PM, which never shows enough of the message to get the URL of the reported post, then I go to my inbox (manually, because the popup doesn't take you there), just to find that someone's already deleted it. Doesn't seem too bad when you put it like that, but compared to the old moderator subforum, this is a nightmare
  11. ...or serial/parallel. Ah, the good old days.
  12. That said, I'm pretty sure that while it removes the savegame, the Homebrew Channel will still remain, meaning you still have a route to running homebrew.
  13. You're missing the point. Do shit yourself.
  14. Sidebar has always been a buggy mess, from the day it was born until today. Still, you should just be able to move it off to a spare space.
  15. Good reason to screw with computers that aren't yours? I think not.
  16. moonlit


    You should know this before you try making it run. For all you know it irrecoverably destroys your OS.
  17. Poke one end of a paperclip intro any of the black pins on the motherboard connector, and poke the other end into the green pin of the motherboard connector. The PSU should spring to life.
  18. Free alternative... to what? Oh, and just for suggesting it wasn't what you wanted to hear, try google.com. You think I'm taking the piss, I'm serious.
  19. Wherever's good for me, I'm with Metatron on this one, if it has a roof and something to sleep on then I'm all good.
  20. Funny what you find on google, after a conversation on IRC about those funny tones you get if you have your phone off the hook for too long or the voice you get telling you to hang up and try again, I found these links... http://devbox.mebeam.net/devzone/faqs/uk-telecom/ http://www.telephonesuk.co.uk Not sure how old or relevant they are, but potentially interesting for all you would-be UK phone phreaks.
  21. I found a few random computing and hacking related documentaries so I figured I'd put them up on archive.org. http://www.archive.org/details/ComputerNet...ResourceSharing Internet Archive: Details: Computer Networks - The Heralds Of Resource Sharing (Arpanet, 1972) http://www.archive.org/details/MicroFileHammer Internet Archive: Details: Micro File - If I Had A Hammer (BBC Two, United Kingdom, 1985) http://www.archive.org/details/EquinoxCybercops Internet Archive: Details: Equinox - Cybercops (Channel 4, United Kingdom, 21 Dec 2000) http://www.archive.org/details/HowInternet...arriorsOfTheNet Internet Archive: Details: How Internet Traffic Works - Warriors Of The Net (2002) http://www.archive.org/details/HardDriveHeaven Internet Archive: Details: Time Shift - Hard Drive Heaven (BBC Four, United Kingdom, 28 Sep 2005) http://www.archive.org/details/NetNeutralityPBSNOW Internet Archive: Details: PBS NOW - Tangled Web (PBS, United States, 2 Jun 2006) I'll probably throw some more up soon, I have the "The Computer Programme" series mentioned in the "Hard Drive Heaven" video, it has 10 episodes and was shown originally in 1982 on BBC Two. If you have any more, why not post them here?
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