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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Because women never fuck guys around. Of course. With regards to the topic, grow some balls (wait...) and grow up. Shit, as VaKo said, does happen (just be thankful that it wasn't shit that happened here if you catch my drift. Ja, der lederhosen).
  2. Turn it into a file/mail/web/ftp/media server or NAS/backup server, run emulators on it, turn it into a media center or dvr (mythtv, xbmc, mediaportal, windows mce), make it a firewall/router, use the case and power supply to host 12v lights/appliances/tools/toys, take out the motherboard and hang it on the wall as decoration...
  3. moonlit


    Where's the fun in that?
  4. moonlit


    So I was thinking, if you turn an eeepc on its side (and rotate the screen to match using Intel's graphics drivers), the LCD looks like like an oversized PDA screen... Then I started thinking about emulators... hrm... TI84 emulator? Cybiko emulator? Windows Mobile emulator? Palm emulator? OpenMoko and Android emulators... maybe even an iPhone emulator? There's an idea... these would all work great with a touchscreen mod, right? So then my mind wandered some more... what else is small and has touchscreens... a Nintendo DS. Now, the problem here is that the eee only has one screen. What if, though, you did the touchscreen mod, then you took another small LCD, a Lilliput, for instance, and mounted that above the main LCD? Better yet, if you clipped it over the keyboard. The eee can run dual monitors, so surely if you hooked the Lilliput up to the VGA port (and USB for the touchscreen), gave it some juice, then ran a suitable DS emulator, you'd have an oversized DS? I'm just thinking out loud here, of course, but who wouldn't want a double-sized DS? :D Edit: ...and even if you didn't want a double sized DS, you could always use the Lilliput to make my previous idea, a clip-on tablet mod for the eee, where you would close the lid, hook the Lilliput up and clip it on the lid of the closed eee and you'd have a warranty-saving eee tablet! Same could be achieved with a PSOne screen, too, if you performed the VGA mod on one and picked up an appropriate touchscreen overlay for it. Then again, who says it has to be a tablet? Why not clip it to the side of the eee's lid so you could have dual monitors on the move?
  5. So I was on IRC batting around an idea in my head and with the rest of the channel, it's an idea that would need significant refinement but I think it's an interesting idea nonetheless. It's quite hard to describe I think, I originally described it as "a sort of night-school style hacker-space-cum-classroom, a mini teaser course in a whole bunch of stuff to get people interested thinking outside of the warranty (so to speak)" but I found that description both too narrow, too broad and too irrelevant all at the same time. I eventually condensed it down to "taking a conference talk, squeezing it down, throwing in a workshop, some social interaction and some group discussion" which I think is likely more accurate for what I was thinking, and it avoids the dreaded H-word which certainly wouldn't help anyone in trying to imagine what this would all be about. The idea would be to give those who wouldn't know what this whole seemingly shady world actually can provide rather than just vegging out in front of the news being told that everyone who uses a computer for more than MS Word steals credit cards and identities and hacks into Russian banks. A sort of informational buffet if you will, a selection of topics from various areas of computing and general technical knowledge which may inspire attendees to progress onto courses that would go into detail about their preferred areas of interest. I then progressed onto thinking about the possibility of a sort of workshop roadshow, though if anything of the sort did happen I'm sure it would be many years before a roadshow occurred, but a nice thought for the future, and it's not a huge jump from existing traveling IT trucks which travel the country and allow people to experience computing and I would imagine complete short courses in the basics. Well, that's about all I have for now, but l3db3tt3r thought that what I was saying meshed very well with what he was saying in this thread, it seemed appropriate that I should spew forth my hairball of an idea right here and see how the whole thing pans out. Thoughts and ideas welcomed, and bonus points if they combine both mine and l3db3tt3r's ideas. -------------------- Edit: Ideas could include how to find the information you really want, "it's ok to break the warranty seal"/why dead kit doesn't always mean dead kit/basic troubleshooting, why security is important, what you really get for your money when you take your computer for a checkup, alternative OSs and what they might be used for/how computers are used in datacenters/what's in that cupboard in the IT dept's office with all the blinking lights, unusual uses for tech/computers. I'm sure you could think of many more but I'm not nearly caffeinated enough, those are just some basic answers to the inevitable "well, like what sort of teasers/info?"
  6. http://www.hak5.org/logo.psd
  7. Idle Thought of an Idle Fellow (and its sequel, Second Thoughts of an Idle Fellow) by J. K. Jerome. Not adventure, but turn of the (last) century humour.
  8. moonlit

    Virtual ..?

    VMWare can do this but it won't play games, at least with any reasonable speed, the 3D support is currently minimal.
  9. He's still around, he pops into #hak5 every now and again.
  10. Note that he said Dual Core vs Core2Duo, not CoreDuo vs Core2Duo. The difference between CoreDuo and Core2Duo isn't the number of cores (as you say), it's the fact that Core2Duos use a different architecture to that of CoreDuo and support 64bit whereas CoreDuo processors do not. Incidentally, the architecture in the Core2Duo is called Core yet the CoreDuos didn't actually contain it. Go figure.
  11. Less cache in the Dual Core. That's about it, really. I have an E2180 (2GHz Pentium Dual Core, 1MB L2 cache, 800MHz FSB) and it's pretty much the same as an E4400 (2GHz Core2Duo, 2MB L2 cache, 800MHz FSB) but with half the cache. Both are fairly overclockable, I can squeeze around 3GHz out of my E2180 and for a budget 64bit dual core chip that's pretty good going. There have been reports of 3.8GHz and above on air cooling and that's shit hot for an $80 CPU.
  12. I intend to do shows involving Skype call-ins, I have no set time as yet but if it goes well I'll turn it into a regular show. I'll probably do one in about an hour/hour and a half if no-one else is on. I did a show last night too but it ended up being pretty much just music and a sound check because of the time at which I broadcast. As for legality, AFAIK mubix has a licence for Hak5Radio to play copyrighted music and permission to actually take the stream is not required, providing no-one else is on the stream it's fair game.
  13. Sounds like a good use for yet another project that never saw the light of day: community lectures on the IRC. The idea behind this was that lectures would be given in a sort of auditorium channel much like a regular lecture. I would imagine that screenshots (or other graphics, perhaps screencasts and/or videos, I don't know) could've been used to aid in said lectures and questions could easily be answered. Homework could be assigned to show understanding of the topics explains in said lectures. The downside to all of these ideas is that we couldn't provide any recognised certificate or proof of knowledge, though this isn't entirely necessary it would be nice to be able to do so. The knowledge alone is a fair reward.
  14. Modplug Tracker ftw! Assign a VSTi or sample to an instrument, type away. Q, A and Z are all the note C in increasing octaves as you go down the keyboard and all the keys in between are... well, the notes in between. Q©, W(C#), E(D), R(D#), T(E), Y(F), U(F#), I(G), O(G), P(G#), [(A), etc.
  15. It can boot from an SD card, I've done that exact same thing on my desktop machine (in the absence of a supported HDD controller). It can be a tad slow but it works just fine. 4GB is enough for Tiger, 8GB for Leopard. Really though, I wouldn't say it's worth putting it on an eee purely because there are many issues with drivers and even with the core of the OS itself, timing issues cause slowdown in the UI animations and some of the hardware is unsupported. I guess it's fun for a laugh, I've been tempted myself but for the time and effort it would take I just don't see it as worth it.
  16. I've tried to produce music of various genres and while not being particularly good at it, I have realised one very important thing - your music will sound different on every system it gets played on. An iPod, a DVD player hooked to a TV, a PC with 7.1 surround, a home theatre setup, headphones, bookshelf speakers, in the car... it'll sound different everywhere. While a nice pair of headphones do come in handy (and I'd probably recommend them for high end production, just because you want things to be as good as they can be but) for general dabbling I'd say just get a half decent pair. By that I mean don't take out a loan to be able to afford a pair of uberphones but don't sit there trying to make music on iPod earbuds either. Make sure they're comfortable and that they have a decent frequency response, the rest you'll only really find out by experimenting with genres of music and EQs and all that kind of stuff, some headphones/speakers work better for different purposes so read up on reviews.
  17. You realise we have an entire subforum dedicated to the vile offspring of these "hacks" just over there? *points, frowns, leaves*
  18. moonlit

    step by step

    Perhaps teaching someone how to fish is better than giving them a single fish. Perhaps telling someone how to break a particular server using step by step instructions is akin to supplying the lonesome fish when compared to the hint that a little research on one's own will provide much more fruitful results (or fishful, maybe?).
  19. Because your opinion is the gospel. Right. I think the point might've been well and truly missed.
  20. Pretty cool I reckon, imaginative use of tesla coils.
  21. If he did, maybe he could just check his email again and see the email that immediately follows it.
  22. It's only a bugmenot account for this forum. We knew about it but didn't feel the need to have it removed unless it was abused and up until this point it hasn't. No big deal really, but thanks for bringing it up anyway.
  23. Rozen Maiden Rozen Maiden Traumend If you like anime/asian movies, http://aznv.tv is the place to be.
  24. This thread is within the rules and all the photos in the original post are public. All is well, move along, nothing to see here... well, except the photos, but... those don't... count... or something.
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