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Everything posted by itsm0ld

  1. I know when I first got my mk3 I was surprised by how long it took to boot all the way up. Be patient and make sure you give it enough time, also for testing I would suggest using the wall adapter, with low batteries the lights will come on but the pineapple will not actually function....ask me how I know =)
  2. Nice write up bobby1980! I also love nano but its not installed on the mark 2 so here is the code to get it. Note the mark 2 must be able to connect to the internet first... opkg update opkg install libncurses nano
  3. Yes it only automatically works for open routers.
  4. For the mark 2 Edit /etc/config/wireless and add option ‘txpower’ '18’
  5. The pineapple will respond to any probe request it receives open or otherwise. It will ONLY automatically connect if the saved probe request is from a OPEN network set to automatically connect. If it responds to a probe request for a encrypted ap it will show up as a non encrypted ap but it will have to be manually connected by the user.
  6. Question, can you get on the internet from BT5 before setting up the pineapple? If all is working correctly it would be asking you for the gateway IP of wlan0....not the IP of wlan0 but its gateway IP.
  7. They also include the battery pack and stickers. Plus they have always shipped to me the next day...not every site does that.
  8. Yea for the Mark 2 this works awesome! http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?showtopic=18060&view=findpost&p=173201
  9. I have the same laptop as Darren, Timelinex 1830T i7 version. For my day job I need windows but I play in Linux a lot and wouldn't be without a Linux box handy. I run VM workstation or VM player and with the power of the i7 and 4GB RAM I can run two vm instances at the same time. Just my vote for the Acer.
  10. OK so I was able to fix the error by looking closely at the actual config.php file vs what the command was asking it to do. After copying and pasting the command directly from Darren's post into SSH it doesn't return an error however it modifies the file in this way: if ($newdata != ) { $newdata = ereg_replace(13, "", $newdata); The code should be: if ($newdata != '') { $newdata = ereg_replace(13, "", $newdata); I just added the two '' and everything works. Anyone else with a MK3 have issues with just copying and pasting the update code? I just wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy and tried it again from the web interface and it does not modify the files other than the version echo command.
  11. Darren, I copied and pasted the update code into my MK3 and hit submit. I then get the 4 commands listed at the top of the page in red. Next I go and check the about tab and it shows 1.0.2 as the version. Sweet! Here is the problem, I still get the ^M at the end of every line in any config file I modify via the web interface. So I go and look at the actual config files and they have not been updated. So I'm trying to figure out why it may not have worked.....I don't have to provide any credentials to log into the pineapple web interface so I figure maybe I should try the commands via SSH. So then I log in with root and pineapplesareyummy, I then run each command separately and they return without error. Ok so it looks good, I open the config files and I see that the changes have been made! I decide to go try a simple change via the web interface, so I click on configuration and I get the following error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ') in /www/pineapple/config.php on line 18 Obviously line 18 is the line was modified with the first command "sed -i '18s/.*/if ($newdata != '') { $newdata = ereg_replace(13, "", $newdata);/' /www/pineapple/config.php" So I have 2 issues: 1) It seems that the commands do not execute for me via the web interface 2) Commands can be executed via the command line and SSH, they will run without error but I am no longer able to use the configuration page via web interface with error mentioned above Additional question: Is it by design that the does not require credentials to log into? Also I can log into from a connected victim connected via karma. EDIT: If I cleanup / edit the files manually karma still fires up and works so this is all just an interface issue.
  12. Normally when I use any type of wireless card or tool for penetration testing I like to spoof the mac address. I was able to do this on the MK2 by following this post LINK. After getting my new MK3 in I am excited to start using it right away and changing the mac is a must have for me. Here is how I got it working: 1) Get your pineapple on the internet, use either method for windows or Linux as shown HERE 2) SSH to your pineapple: If your haven't changed the password the default is pineapplesareyummy ssh 3) Test that your pineapple can get to the internet: ping If you get a reply move on to the next step if not you didn't do step 1 right... 4)Type the following commands to update your package list and install macchanger: opkg update opkg install macchanger 5) Now that macchanger is installed we need to edit the startkarma.sh script to run macchanger: nano /www/pineapple/startkarma.sh It should look like this default: hostapd -dd /etc/hostapd/karma.conf >> /tmp/karma.log 6) Add the following lines ABOVE the existing hostapd line: ifconfig wlan0 down macchanger -r ifconfig wlan0 up Just save the changes and your ready to go! As soon as you click the link to start karma in the web interface macchanger will assign a random mac to the wireless interface! As a note every time you start and stop karma you will get a different random mac. If you would prefer to assign your own use the following syntax for step 6: macchanger wlan0 -m xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Replace the xx with whatever you want ie 00:11:22:33:44:55 . I hope this will save someone some work!
  13. Before I even plugged my mark3 in I had it apart....its a sickness I know..... As far as size its almost identical to the original fon 2100 in fact the LED's of the fon 2100 match with the AP51's case exactly. If anyone is interested in more pics or details of some part let me know and I will take some better ones.... NOTE: AP51 is on the left, Fon 2100 right
  14. PM sent, but I'm willing to throw in some cash with the trade!
  15. I was under the impression that the iMesh51 had more output power. I would be interested in this also keep us posted.
  16. I did a lot of work with airbase-ng and and alpha card before I got my first pineapple. The ONLY reason I went with a pineapple in the first place was becasue I was having throughput issues with the alpha card driver in BT5r1. The max d/l speed with an alpha card and BT5 r1 rtl8187 driver was 1.3MB/s. So to learn the tech all you need is the card and some time. If you are interested in trying it out I have some pretty basic scripts that I had good luck with.
  17. I did have the same issue on a win 7 pro box. I was able to resolve my issue by actually shortening the pause time between commands as the box in question was pretty new and the pauses were a bit over kill. It seemed to me that with the long pauses the box being fast would lose focus and do another task, even if that task was the fly out box for the newly inserted HID device...ymmv
  18. Yea not being dual nic is kinda a bummer however I have a new MK3 on order and after seeing the latest episode I am very excited to see what software I can run directly on the pineapple...also Darren hinted about him being interested in putting two together..all good stuff. I'm just excited that Darren is excited, if he is excited/inspired then we can bet we will get some attention at least until the next new "shinny" thing =) Techno lust is kinda like a fish....we are just swimming along then OOOO SHINNY and off we go =)
  19. Yea it does look like an ap51, output specs match also...Interesting...
  20. Nice! Yea so many possibilities with this thing. I found right away that it made a great tool to do simple day to day IT stuff along with the more black hat stuff =)
  21. Hope she likes it! Actually kinda cool idea!
  22. It would be cool if even just the UI was usable on the v2 hardware. Unrelated but I just realized that in the case challenge with Ben Heck the pineapple int he backpack was a v3!!
  23. The speed can be slowed down if you have a bad signal but its not related to signal strength....that probably doesn't sound right....If you are at the range limit (low signal) of a AP that can do 150MBs IF you stay connected it may slow the rate down to 54MBs or less. On the flip side if you AP only supports 54MBs than no bigger antenna will make it faster. Late night coffee deprived post, hope it was kinds useful...
  24. Antennas absolutely make a difference even with low power. Here is a link to a pretty good article that will explain everything but in a nutshell this is what you need to know: " dB is a logarithmic unit and every 3 dB increase is a doubling of the power (intensity). This means that if you switch out your theoretic 0 dBi antenna for a 3 dBi antenna you will gain the same amount of extra range as doubling your transmitter output power. A 3 dB increment means an extended range by 1.414, a 6 dB increment means an extended range by 2 (1.414*1.414) " So basically every 3db of antenna doubles whatever power your outputting. Link to original article with great explanations and diagrams:Understanding Antenna Gain
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