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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. Well I have just found Studio MX which I think is version 7 of that suite at £145 so you can still get the older versions. £145 is $266
  2. Firstly, your post doesn't make much sense, it makes answering your question a lot easier if you can construct a sentence. No I don't live in the onario durham region, and not all the computer will be connecting to proxies that filter the internet. Most likely all schools and business as well as people who have large networks run proxies. Its up to them or the government whether they run a proxies and filter the web. By black list program I think you mean a Proxy that actively filters the requests it recieves for websites against a known list of unsuitable websites. Its not a program as such the black list. The proxy is however.
  3. Its not justful at any price. You are stealling from a company, same as if you walked into a shop and walked out with a 42 inch plasma tele. How would you like it if I stole something that you produce? You wouldn't like it very much. A lot of people work hard on software like that and the don't like you not giving them credit for it. It costs $699, so if you can't afford it then you find an alternative. I'm rather sick of seeing flash on the web everywhere, there are plenty of other technologies on the web that you could learn for free. Or you could try and pick up and older version cheaper.
  4. I would seriously doubt that your CDROM drive in your laptop is USB, mainly because this would cause some problems with booting off it and it would have to be a very new laptop seeming Bioses have only just been supporting booting off a USB device. I think that you don't know much about computers and can't tell that it is a slim IDE interface. Those are some images to show you. If there is any room in your laptop, it would suspect if of being for air flow and would recommend against putting stuff in it.
  5. You are! You want software for free which you have to pay for.
  6. Is anyone else getting sick of people asking for us to basically supply then with warez?
  7. I have a totally unencrypted wireless network that is totally secure. You connect to it, and you will get an subnet of which basically means that you will only be able to talk to the access point and yourself (not much security in this but it makes things simpler). Then before you can get onto my network you have to pass through a massive firewall which only allows VPN connections through, and so you connect to my VPN server on my network from then you are effectively on my network. I've had people trying to hack it before, its quite funny to watch what they try and do before they move off. I think they just assume that there isn't any internet or network here.
  8. Very very very few laptops have upgradable graphics, because both ATi and nVidia have there own solutions which have never really been implemented in laptops. 99.9% of laptops have graphcis, sound and networking built into the motherboard and there is no way of upgrading them. As for you ideas about using internal USB, no laptop that I have come across has had internal USB headers, mainly because it would cost the manufacturer more and they would never be used. Also most of the parts arn't USB as they use PCI connection on the same board to transfer data. Also I think you mean 1Gbps ethernet adaptor not 1GHz. Also I would like to see you try and fit anything extra inside a laptop without removing something, because there certainly isn't any room inside for anything that is designed to be external. Also thats what its supposed to be external!
  9. Duelus, we know about that image already, there is aleady half a dozen threads with it in. Anyway, don't you think its a little large for a signiture?
  10. I need support for Windows 3.11, if not then I'm going to have to go and find an open-source alternative.
  11. Now all we need is someone to animate it to have something worth watching.
  12. stingwray


    Your Topic is about the WRT54GL but then you mention the WRT54G in your post. They are different Wireless routers to my memory, the GL version is the second edition of the G but has a lot of the "features" taken out of it, the original G had a mini-PCI slot with the wireless card in it that you could upgrade but the GL doesn't. So you might want to check which you have. Also why would you want to add more memory, are you going to use it as anything other than a router. I know can put linux on them and do some cool stuff but they don't make much of a machine.
  13. "Any colour, as long as its Black." Got to love that quote.
  14. We need more information, like how you are connecting to the network and doing the scanning. It is know that at least Cain and Able has some problems with some Wifi cards so that might be causing you some headaches. Also what are you trying to accomplish, are you trying out the ARP Cache poisioning attack or just scanning your computers for open ports?
  15. Ok, i'll give you that in point of what Duelus has been making topics about.
  16. Perhaps if you looked at this forum closely you would see there have been a number of topics already about this. Most of which have a number of sites already linked in them. However you will most likley find those sites are also blocked. But you will find an answer on how to get around this in those same topics.
  17. Well your not the first to do something like this.
  18. My suggestion was for a web proxy because they are a lot easier to setup and most likely you won't be able to change the proxy at your school in IE if they are using Active Directory, that would mean that you would have to use something like portaFirefox which may not be possible either. The easiest way to encypt the data would be with using a https connection with SSL which is very easy to set up and is the defactor way of encypting http internet traffic. However this method is flawed and I have heard of companies installing SSL certificates on all of there computers and on the proxy and only allowing those to be used within the coporate network, then the proxy uses the SSL cert that you provide from your server. It is unlikely that they would have this in place though, but you have to consider, if you are having to encrypt the traffic that you are generating should you be doing whatever you are doing from a public computer?
  19. Interesting to know but very pointless. Perhaps we should have a thread for people that want to post images of when the forums has interesting numbers of thread/users etc.
  20. If you keep your computers clean then your not going to be convicted of doing anything. The law has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that you committed the crime. Its like if you owned a shotgun, that you mislayed and then was used to kill someone, they are not going to convict you of the murder. In this case you might get a punishment for not looking after the weapon, but as far as I know your not going to be punished for having an Internet Connection and a Wireless Network. The most they will be able to say is that the said crime originated from this Internet connection and that you were in the house at the same time. That wouldn't be enough to convict you in a fair trial. Plus with wireless encyption be almost trival to break these days any person comitting the crime on the internet would most likely to be able to break the encyption on the wireless network in the first place.
  21. Which program? there are so many of them, they can't all have too many floors.
  22. Yes, but you would hopefully come back less of a noob than when you went, so eventually you would become 1337.
  23. I was owning people yesterday but I can't find where I can change my tag so I'm not getting any credit for it at the moment :( Any help with changing my tag in Doom2? Plus it is great fun, especailly when I got my controls set up correctly.
  24. Setup a VPN server at your home, so if you have any sensative stuff that you would like to do you can connect to it and then all your traffic will be encypted and sent to your houses server where it will be forwarded on to the Internet to do whatever you wanted it to do. Might not be practial for you to do that though, in which you could look at things like TOR, for safe browsing. Getting yourself a good firewall is also a must, but blocking the IP range completely is likely to be impractical because firstly as this is a college they are likely to be using a larger range than a Class C network, and you will likely block all the servers that you will need access to, to gain access to the internet or your work etc. If your not using your wireless then turn it off, thats a good method of just making sure that nothing is going on while your not paying attention. If your desktop is going to be in your room all the time and using a wired connection to the college lan then you might want to consider getting yourself a cheap router which has an ethernet WAN port as this will over you excellent protection from incoming connection. Can't think of anything else at the moment but thats bit of a list.
  25. Personally I just think its that us Brits have so much superior knowledge than the rest of the world that we feel that we should share it with some of you. Other than that, it is are plan to turn Hak.5 into a colony of the British Empire of course.
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