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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. Tried it out on my Mototrola SLVR, works nicely, very clean unlike some conversion of music to ringtones on phones. Only thing is that I can notice the "glitch" when it starts again, you've done a pretty good job on trying to line it up but I might have to fade it out for me to use it, it'll annoy me otherwise.
  2. I use ProFTP and have been very happy with it.
  3. Its like running certain processes as limited accounts, you only permit traffic from say Apache and Postifx and nothing else out on to the WAN, you could then have a seperate table to lan connections which was more lax.
  4. The simple reason for running a firewall on your computer or server as well as a hardware firewall is that the hardware firewall is very good at stopping incoming connections or preventing connections on certain ports or from certain machines. However what a software firewall on the computer will do is be able to stop individual programs from accessing the network. For example you could have a hardware firewall only and you computer could be infected with a trojan and the hardware firewall wouldn't stop the connections, however most software firewalls would be able to detect it and stop it.
  5. If anyone is interested on the BBC website there is an interview with him. After watching it you realise that he is a bit of an idiot (sorry no way else to put it) but you do realise that probably the US has also been as big an idiot with him.
  6. People care about other people touching their networks simply because when they break it they have to fix it. Also schools generally have to work a lot towards getting good ICT facilities which means they are rightly-so overprotective of what they have.
  7. Good little article. They do all make a big improvement as well, and if you have some time, a spare box running 247 then it can all be done for free as well. What more could you ask for?
  8. You can always block connections through the tunnel for IP requests to the DHCP servers. But I don't think it will cause too much of a problem. If memory servers because you have a router creating the tunnel the computer doesn't know the other network really excists until it is on the network. Because it doesn't know the location of the router/gateway. For this type of set up you have to have different IP ranges to prevent muddling up which computers are where. So the router nows if it gets a packet for 192.168.1.x then it has to send it to the VPN gateway because it is on the 192.168.0.x range.
  9. Each blue dot on that map is a mirror for the website. So you can pick the one clostest to you and get the best connection. Also it means if one goes down then you will hopefully be able to access another.
  10. You want a site to site tunnel with IPsec probably. The router basically bridges the two networks over the WAN interface, with encryption of course.
  11. as if e-mail bombing his e-mail address is going to do anything useful. next time you and your friend should be more careful with your accounts with services.
  12. Watch the Show, that will give you a good basis where to start of and then use the links and Google to take your knowledge in the direction that you get interested in.
  13. I like Modx (http://www.modxcms.com/). It does have a blogging tool (which I use for news not blogs) but it is easy to delete, hide, unpublish, whatever you want to do with it.
  14. You should be able to do that with XML, setting your own tag for the head etc. and then selecting that tag for the content inside it.
  15. I dislike Maxtor now that I have had 2 duff 200GB drives from them. Next time i think I will go for Seagate and get a nice 5 year warrenty. In the meantime I recommend Spinrite, its a bit on the pricey side but it is an excellent program.
  16. I love that image hack for the windows logon box. It makes networks look really professional if you put the corperate logo there. Whenever I do it for a customer that is the thing they always notice of all the things that I have done.
  17. You can also instal OSX x86 edition now with a few hacks, there is also the visualisation images floating around so that would be another idea.
  18. Thats basically what I was saying, I suppose you could do it on one machine if that machine had a hardware encoder, you would put the SVideo and Line-out into the capture card. That would work.
  19. Sometimes I think it would be nice to live in America rather than Rip off Britain, but they I realise there are good things here like the drinking age is 18 :D . You can't have everything.
  20. S-video doesn't do sound, but the sound is easy enough to capture using the outputs from the computer playing the game going into the line-in on the computer doing the recording.
  21. Running Fraps with a dual-core CPU is fine, one core encodes the video and the other runs the game. It also depends on how high you want to settings and the capture, UT2003/04 can be capture very well on Fraps with a single core CPU but something like UT GOYTE can't. Its because original UT is basically all done by the CPU and not the GFX unlike the newer version. This makes capturing CPU intensive games more difficult.
  22. I'm seeding the torrents when I have my client running, i noticed that when I downloaded them there were only a few seeds so I thought I might as well keep them there probably indefinitely.
  23. Windows movie maker is fine if you want the quality of you video to be dreadful.
  24. never had a problem with normal nero. works well and is quite light compared to a lot of programs.
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