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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. This Google link should give a general idea of what a commend center looks like or more or less. Edit: Sorry forgot about the link: http://www.google.com.au/images?hl=en&expIds=17259,17315,23628,25041,26761,26849,26869,27213,27520,27585,27744&xhr=t&q=command+centre&cp=10&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&biw=1024&bih=461
  2. Not a bad a idea, I will probably have a whole room dedicated for all the equipments. I don't want to mess around with wires across the house.
  3. I like it already, its a like sitting in front of a TV playing video game, you get to see what is happening in real time or sort of.
  4. Just got MCP Certified today!

  5. This plan that I am switching over to, its a brand new plan, that was just introduced by my ISP recently. Furthermore in order to upgrade to this plan, your modem must support Annex m, which I was pretty lucky to have on my modem, didn't really feel like buying another one.
  6. Money will definitely be the issue for some. That even remind me of when I was building my computer, it took me more than 2 or 2.5 months to build it, since I had to buy bits by bits and then have to wait for them to arrive. I could've put together within a week or so, but I am too cheap and wasn't really willing to blow $6000.00 dollars at once.
  7. I always wanted to have a command center, maybe similar to the one from Die Hard 4. But the problem is I don't have enough room in my house, to build such a thing. At the moment, all I have is a single 23 inches screen attached to a 3 year old, $6000 dollars computer, with an external hard drive almost full. My internet plan I have upgraded to a SOHO60GB, that should give me a slightly increase in upload speed to 250KB/s.
  8. To be honest, I am member of another forum and they have the same template as this one. I guess it's better than no having a forum.
  9. Hi, Looks like the old forum, was giving too much headaches. I kind like this new look, but the old one was much cooler.
  10. Say your system has been infected with a stealth virus or worm, and your AV is up to dated but its unable to detect it. Since its a stealth virus, it has the ability to masquerade itself as any other operating system file. So in this circumstance how would you go about differentiating it from the real operating system file and the infected file.
  11. I did consider that for a second, but the website seemed to be functional, it was only the backend that seemed to have gone offline for whatever reason.
  12. Nice one, but may I suggest that you were perhaps dealing with a crappy virus/worm as you have mentioned. What if it was a stealth virus, that uses rootkit to make its presence unknown to the user. Wouldn't that have taken you more than just 5 minutes to figure that out. Just throwing something ideas to consider.
  13. There's a lot of things you can do with an old computer: 1. Build a nas server 2. Run virtual machines 3. Turn it into a media server 4. Use it for penetration testing purposes. 5. Build a firewall box.
  14. I don't think its a domain account you have to login as, you will have to create an user account within Adito, if you want to be able to log into it. I am pretty sure that's how Darren set up the user accounts.
  15. Found something interesting: http://michael.toren.net/code/tcptraceroute/
  16. That was sarcasm, disregard what I said about the Feds. I was kinda worried, it was like more than 3 days or so the forum was down, so I was wondering what was happening.
  17. A simple method to determine if your ISP, is in deed blocking ports is: 1. I would not recommend this option, but its simply for testing purposes. Place one of your computers in a DMZ. 2. Install services like, webserver, mail server, SSH server and other services. 3. When you are at your school, try accessing these services and if you are able to establish a connect to any of them, then your ISP is not blocking, however if can't then most likely your IPS is blocking. 4. First off try to determine what ports are not blocked, and any port that is unblocked, set up a SSH service and tunnel all your traffic through it.
  18. Dude was about time, my first impression was that the Feds were shutting down the site. But anyway, good to have the forum back up and running again.
  19. I only bought from Dell because the owners were Indians and Indians a very cheap people. All their workstation computers were from Dell, not a single HP computer, I tried getting them to buy from HP but they were very stubborn. I personally don't like Dell computers, I find them very problematic to have. I've always bought computer gear from Asus, Gigabyte and HP and never had any bad experience or issues.
  20. I am too cheap, will wait until it hits the torrent sites.
  21. What ideas are you guys sharing?
  22. You will experience that warning whenever using SSLStrip, there are certainly ways to overcome that, one of them would be getting hold of the original certificate.
  23. I was watching last night, some Youtube videos on how to set up Pelican HPC. Man it sure does look very easy and simple to set up. But was wondering how does one get an app to operate on this environment, like Cain for instance, do I just ran the application on the master node, and from there it will split the work load to the slave nodes. Or there's more tweaking to do, than just running the app? Thanks.
  24. Very interesting situation and I am glad you were able to resolve it. I think I should bookmark this thread for future reference.
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