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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Microsoft Windows is not that bad at all, but it really can piss me off at times, like when you get a blue screen. Or a bad drives cause Windows to stop responding and even crashing. Wish the government could do something to dramatically improve the internet speeds where I live I hate taxation offices, I hate the government when they make laws to try to take more money from its people I wish things weren't so expensive, like food, water, electricity or the fucking petrol. I really hate speed cameras, I wish I could blow the fucker out of them, every time I get fined I have to pay a fortune. The weather where i live is hell, is so fucking hot it really annoys me. I think that's about it.
  2. Yeah I was thinking of the same idea, but have a powerful enough server perhaps on a cluster mode that can help distribute the load evenly. In addition have a load balancer and multiple internet links. That's one way to minimize the effects of DDOS attacks and maintain the site online. However I am not sure if this possible but the servers could be configured in such a way that, it could partly stop receiving connections if it senses that its receiving too many inbound connections from the same host.
  3. Sorry I misread your post. Disregard what I said.
  4. Looks like they've done some real thinking before implementing this points system. Obviously they don't want people walk in and out of the store and getting things for free. I am mean, it would be a loss for them if someone managed to write points to the card.
  5. So far what AVs have you managed to disable? Just wondering cause some AVs have protection that prevents them from being disabled in the first place.
  6. $10.000 dollars price for building a computer not bad at all. Man I should defeat that Asian dude on the next competition.
  7. I am already a power user, if I had enough space in my room, I would've already built a full virtualized server room. And with that kind of power, I would try to make money by selling some of my services online.
  8. Claims Stuxnet cleared from Bushehr nuclear reactor premature - new report THE control systems of Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant penetrated by a computer worm unleashed last year could appear to be functioning normally while the reactor is melting down. A new foreign intelligence report yesterday warned it was premature to assume the danger posed by the Stuxnet virus - which Iran admitted hit the laptops of technicians working at Bushehr - had passed. The report, drawn up by a nation closely monitoring Iran's nuclear program and obtained by The Associated Press, warned of a possible Chernobyl-like disaster once the site becomes fully operational. The report said conclusions drawn up by other watchdogs which claimed the danger had passed were premature and based on the "casual assessment" by Russian and Iranian scientists at Bushehr. With control systems disabled by the virus, the reactor would have the force of a "small nuclear bomb", it said. "The minimum possible damage would be a meltdown of the reactor," it said. "However, external damage and massive environmental destruction could also occur ... similar to the Chernobyl disaster." The virus, known as Stuxnet, has the ability to send centrifuges spinning out of control and temporarily crippled Iran's uranium enrichment program. Some computer experts believe Stuxnet was work of Israel or the United States, two nations convinced that Iran wants to turn nuclear fuel into weapons-grade uranium. While it admitted technicians had battled with the malware, Iran has denied that the plant was affected or that Stuxnet was responsible for delays in the startup of the Russian-built reactor. Only after outside revelations that its enrichment program was temporarily disrupted late last year by the mysterious virus did Iranian officials acknowledge the incident. Ali Asghar Soltanieh, Iran's chief representative to the IAEA, cut short attempts by AP to seek comment on possible damage by Stuxnet at Bushehr. But Russia's envoy to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, described how engineers at Bushehr "saw on their screens that the systems were functioning normally, when in fact they were running out of control," conjuring up a frightening dimension to the potential fallout from the virus. "The virus which is very toxic, very dangerous, could have had very serious implications," Mr Rogozin told reporters. Experts are split on how powerful the Stuxnet virus might prove. German cybersecurity researcher Ralph Langner said that, while the virus had infested the reactor's computers, "Stuxnet cannot technically mess with the systems in Bushehr". "Bottom line: A thermonuclear explosion cannot be triggered by something like Stuxnet," Mr Langner, who has led research into Stuxnet's effects on the Siemens equipment running Iran's nuclear programs, said. The IAEA - the UN monitor of Iran's nuclear activities - declined comment on damage at Bushehr. But officials, who asked for anonymity because they were not authorised to discuss the issue, have said the agency is unhappy with safety and operating standards at the reactor. Chernobyl's reactor No. 4 exploded in 1986, spewing radiation over a large stretch of northern Europe. Hundreds of thousands of people were resettled from areas contaminated with radiation fallout in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. Related health problems still persist. Mr Langner told AP it could take about a year to clear the worm out of Bushehr's systems. Western intelligence officials believe the site could be operational in coming months. Source: http://www.news.com.au/technology/claims-stuxnet-cleared-from-bushehr-nuclear-reactor-premature-new-report/story-e6frfro0-1225998621986
  9. Or you can take a look at InSSider, it does the same as Kismet but it displays all the information on a graph. And if you are planning on delivering a report, than that's gonna look professional on your side. http://www.metageek.net/products/inssider/
  10. The VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi), will do just fine since it does not rely on an operating system to run, so there should be no performance issues whatsoever. And as Commodo was stating the VMs get direct access to the hardware, just like a normal OS running on a standard box.
  11. Just out of curiosity does Crunch works on multiple CPUs or does it even work with Nvidia Cuda at all?
  12. That's ridiculous, how can they do that? The government has to do something about this, its not fair. Hope this issue gets sorted for you.
  13. I don't think you will be getting a good game performance after all. You may be able to play, but like I said the performance in general, its not going to be very effective, as it would on a normal hardware PC. There would certainly be some lags for sure.
  14. Bought a 2TB external hard drive and going to buy a new ADSL modem with built in WIFI.
  15. It could be that the share you are trying to change is still in use, or there is already an active connection made to it. Try disabling the share if you can, and then running Chroot again to see if that allows you to do so.
  16. I think you should give this one a try, I've spent the last 30 minutes reading up all the information on the website. There are a lot of features, that you will find useful. I'm even thinking in setting up my own hotspot and above all it looks very easy to set up too http://www.publicip.net/features.php
  17. This server case that I am getting is quite expensive, as it is now, it only comes with the board, power supply and case. The rest, CPU, Memory and Hard drive is going to cost a little over $2000, to get it up and running. I will find out for you what type of motherboard, this server has and will post it up for you. Besides, you can always go with ProxMox since it's compatible with most motherboards to date. And it won't cost you a lot either.
  18. Correct if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure Darren had an Asus motherboard, plus he did not use VMware but ProxMox, as the virtualization platform.
  19. The only reason why you can't crack the hash is either because your password file is not complex enough or the WPA key is very complex. With a mixture of lower, upper case and all the special characters. I am not cracking that hash for you, but if you need help, this software can help you. Just read through it and make sure you understand. http://www.elcomsoft.com/edpr.html
  20. Sure it will come down once it hits land, but then people will need to cop with the gusts and heavy rain and the clean up afterwards.
  21. Edit: Found a list of compatible motherboards for ESXI. http://www.vm-help.com/esx40i/esx40_whitebox_HCL.php
  22. Imagine the kind of job one could get, if they discover that he/she has a talent in the security.
  23. Competition Aims to Make Cybergeeks Cool A new cybersecurity competition for high school students aims to make cybergeeks as cool as sports stars, in addition to identifying a new generation of security experts, said one of the people involved in the effort. The new Cyber Foundations program is the first cybersecurity competition in the U.S. aimed at individual high school students, said Alan Paller, director of research at the SANS Institute, a cybersecurity training center and sponsor of the competition. Student and high school registration is open until Feb. 18 for the competition, whose prizes include four full-ride college scholarships sponsored by the U.S. Navy, gift certificates, and letters of recognition from governors and members of the U.S. Congress. During pilot programs in three states, high school students found the letters from governors or members of Congress particularly valuable as additions to their college application files, Paller said during a press conference Tuesday. "Our goal here is to make cyber-skilled people as cool as sports-skilled people by getting them visibility with members of Congress and the press and by making it just cool to be good at this particular thing," he said. "We think, from the pilots, it looks like it might work." Other cybersecuity competitions exist, but this is the first aimed at identifying individual high school students who might be interested in becoming cybersecurity professionals, Paller said. The competition is needed because the U.S. faces a huge shortage in cybersecurity professionals, said Representative Jim Langevin, a Rhode Island Democrat who has pushed for more cybersecurity training programs. The U.S. has about 1,000 "world class" cybersecurity professionals, and some estimates have suggested the country needs more than 20,000, he said. "It's a daunting task to stay one step ahead of the bad guys," Langevin said. "One thing that's become increasingly clear is we don't have a sufficient, robust cybersecurity workforce at the ready." Langevin helped launch the competition in Rhode Island on Tuesday, and several other members of Congress have voiced support for the program. Representative Mac Thornberry, a Texas Republican, and Karen Evans, the former CIO at the U.S. White House Office of Management and Budget, participated in a YouTube video encouraging students to join the competition. The competition includes tests in computer networking, operating systems and systems administration, three areas that Paller called the foundations of a good cybersecurity professional. The competition is "not teaching students how to hack" networks and computers, he said. U.S. Cyber Challenge, the parent organization of the new competition, has test questions available on its website, linked above. U.S. Cyber Challenge is a division of the Center for Internet Security, a nonprofit group focused on training cybersecurity workers. Six states, including California, Texas and Maryland, have signed on to participate in the competition. Students in other states can sign up to compete as well. Grant Gross covers technology and telecom policy in the U.S. government for The IDG News Service. Follow Grant on Twitter at GrantGross. Grant's e-mail address is grant_gross@idg.com. Source: http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/218402/competition_aims_to_make_cybergeeks_cool.html
  24. I have acquired the thing you most love in your life, in exchange for your account login credentials. You have 24 hours to comply or else, you will never see the thing you love again.
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