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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. But would buying more licenses increase the number of concurrent RDP connections or not really possible. Or a different alternative like Citrix has to be considered.
  2. I have spent $6000 dollars just to build my computer and it still has got plenty of power, I at times only manage to consume between 20% to 40% of the entire system resources. But I have also used "The World Fastest MD5 cracker BarsWF" to run up my CPU from 40% to 100% of usage.
  3. I think you are right, I feel the same way about Hak5. The show used to be better when everyone was still together doing the show. Now that Darren sold the hak5 house things are sort of falling apart. I hope I am wrong but, it doesn't feel like the show is still the show if you know I mean. Please don't take me the wrong way but I really do love the show and as a Hak5 HUGE fan I don't see the show as exciting as it used to be before.
  4. Even though your motherboard has a SSI CEB form factor, it will still fit in an ATX form factor case. This wiki should clear things a bit for you, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_form_factor Are you able to provide a link to your server rack case?
  5. That's what I was going to suggest, buy a motherboard that has support for two CPUs. But that would probably cost a little bit more.
  6. I guess if he asks nicely they might consider increasing his allowable computer time to more than 2 hours.
  7. Most of the time when someone tries to blow the whistle the person on the receiving end tries to ignore the message, so again my friend its very important for those bastards to understand what security is all about. And that's why there is always someone hacking or trying to break into a system to prove their point until someone realizes that they should be doing what is right improving security. anyway I was just trying to make a point in here, but you are right.
  8. I think you should use a bit of social engineering to get her to reveal the password.
  9. It would be cool if they put those jackets on sales. I would always wear one everywhere I went just to show off.
  10. I like how you think, I have the same approach as you, I have given up downloading rainbow tables ages ago now I just generate my own tables. One of the advantages of using raibow tables over brute force password crakers is that rainbow tables are much faster and efficient, it uses memory trade off techniques to reduce the amount of time it takes to crack a passwords, as opposed to a brute force tool that only uses the CPU power.
  11. Ohh that's awesome, i used to own a similar one when I was a kid. But what would be really cood, is turning this racing car into a remote controlled car.
  12. That's one of the issues that frustrates the shit out of me, when using Torrent Files is that it can take time to download depending where you are downloading it from. I usually search around, for instance just do a search in google for "rainbow table torrents " or something similar you will be able to find torrent websites that offer a torrent download of over 20 to 100+ seeds.
  13. http://support.dell.com/support/downloads/...;l=en&s=gen
  14. It should be able to read .rt files, but I am not 100% sure on that one. However you can download the tables from this link and use them for cracking the wep keys. http://www.offensive-security.com/wpa-tables/ In addition, wep keys are so easy to crack nowadays that wireless networks should be secured with WPA instead.
  15. Infiltrator


    Cool thanks for sharing the links, will check them out a bit later.
  16. Building a really good server especially for games can be quite costly. But I will try to provide you with some parts. I need to do some research first of all. Will get back to u on this one.
  17. You could generate your own rainbow tables using wintgr.exe, for instance if the password is vermelho with capitals or special characters, the rainbow table should be able to crack the password, just like a brute force password cracker that tries every possible combination. You could also do a google search for the most used passwords in Portuguese and compile your own list or try downloading a Portuguese dictionary that contains all the Portuguese Language spoken words. And that's what I basically did before I searched through websites that contained the most common used password and created my own password file which its over 400mb long. I have also found this link that provides information about JTR (john the ripper) http://r00tsecurity.org/forums/topic/5643-...ipper-tutorial/ Let me know how you go.
  18. I know this is not the correct thing to do, but one way or the other something has to be done in order to create some security awareness. These kind of people need to realize the importance of security. What would you suggest instead?
  19. She must know, she is obviously doing something wrong, and I am pretty sure she is smart too to realize that someone is watching her. Even though the damage has been done, the only thing to do right now is keep a close eye on her and record everything she does.
  20. Infiltrator


    So what areas in network are you interested?
  21. Break into someones computer/system and steal all their banking details and then make a large money transfer to somewhere overseas. That should definitely wake those fuckers up. Ohh where is all my money gone, or what should I do to make my self safe from getting attacked again. Or even better wipe off a system completely with viruses making them lose money so they will realize that security is vitally important and that it should never be disregarded no matter what. These kind of people need to be punished somehow so they can learn the hard way the importance of computer security.
  22. I read somewhere that you can use NetCat to forwarding/redirect jobs to a printer.
  23. I ran into that web site before, the reason why I did not post it in here was because the op wanted something that harnessed the power of all his 5 desktop computers CPUs.
  24. I am interested too, just out of curiosity what type of internet connection are you are getting or planning in using to offer these services.
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