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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. It would certainly help you track down a missing laptop, but it may not be as effective as tracking device though. I mean what if the laptop gets formatted by the thief. But on the other hand, if it goes missing why not it could become very useful to tracking it down. I've also found this article that describes how to retrieve a missing laptop, using other techiniques and a freeware software called Adeona http://www.ehow.com/how_4500828_privately-...p-computer.html
  2. Damn you are hot! how much do you want to sell the sexforum domain for.
  3. Try downloading an older version of Firefox to see if that works, if it does then there is a change that Mozilla patched the security hole in Firefox or the tool you are using is not compatible with the latest version of Firefox.
  4. What is the purpose of your website?
  5. Even though people have left the show, they are still welcome to come back. I know it must be hard for Darren and the rest of the crew members to lose one of its own, but its a fact they should accept and not let screw with the show.
  6. $50 bucks that's cheap but the only issue is that I don't live in USA. And where I live the ISP does not offer this kind of service.
  7. Block everything if you can from China and teach them a lesson, no offense but don't like them.
  8. "Comodo Internet Security Complete" seems to offer a very good balance of protection. And I like the idea of implementing IDS into the application as well. All-in-One Protection Features * Comodo Antivirus Cleans Malware * Comodo Firewall Protection * Defense+ Host Intrusion Protection * Auto Sandbox Technologyâ„¢ * TrustConnectâ„¢ Wi-Fi Data Encryption * Online Backup Stores Critical Files * Remote Security & System Support * Virus-Free Guarantee * ID Theft Protection Up To $15,000
  9. I wish I could get those speeds (40mb up/down). Who is your ISP.
  10. Man I downloaded Sneakers like night and I reckon it was a hell of a movie. Does any one know any other movie like Sneakers or a similar movie.
  11. Anyway I have found a very good source of books on the internet on "cluster computing" http://www.fishpond.com.au/Books/advanced_...uster+computing Regards, Infiltrator
  12. Do you have any plans to build a CLI of this version. If not thanks for sharing that.
  13. Haven't watch it yet, so I am the process of downloading at the moment.
  14. How efficient is Comodo AV in detecting malware infections? I have used the freeware version of their firewall but not the AV.
  15. You could configure the application to listen on port 443 (HTTPS) and then make sure you have the port 443 opened on the firewall. And to access it remotely all you have to do is type the URL of your VPN server. For example: https://myvpnserver.com/ without the port number. That should work, and you won't need to type the port number at the end of the domain.
  16. It looks pretty simple to implement and use I reckon.
  17. If you want to impress the interviewers you should come prepared to the interview, I think you should do a little bit of research/reading on what's involved in the job. That way if they ask you what is involved in a database development you know what to say.
  18. Great to see a woman hacker, its not everyday that we get to see something so fascinating like this.
  19. I guess I was bit carried away when I watched that video about wireshark and geoIP. I guess getting the actual physical location of the wireless access point, can only be as good as with a GPS installed to your computer.
  20. Why don't you try using OpenVPN which is a lot easier to set up and to manage as well.
  21. But I think the wireshark version gives you a more definitive location of the ip address. For instance if you are war driving that could potentially give the physical address where the wireless signal is coming from.
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