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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Even though what you are saying is true, there are always way of verifying the authenticity of the company.
  2. One of the benifits of having a wireless network, is not having to run wires in the house, however you have to bear in mind that wireless is not as fast as ethernet, furthermore encryption will also have some minor impact on the wireless throughput and in addition the more devices connected to the wireless the more overhead it will experience. In terms of realibility, wireless will suffer from interference caused by other cord-less devices, so it is very important to establish whether there will be other wireless devices operating in your house or network ensuring that they are not operating on the same channels. However if you want a wireless network operating 24/7 without any downtime you could look into wireless load balancing, which distributes the load across multiple wireless access points, increasing reability and reducing overhead on the network. Hope this helps. Regards, Infiltrator
  3. Nevermind dude, I know the frustration of trying to get something to work for days and it doesn't work. Could you tell me what exactly you are trying to do? Does the two sound cards work at all. I know your onboard sound works but what about the SB Audigy. Is there any error message you are getting? I am just trying to get a clear picture of what you are trying to accomplish. Regards, Infiltrator.
  4. I always have my skepticism about systems like that. There is always a way to get around a system like that, its only a matter of time until someone discovers how to. Thanks for posting that up Joeypesci. Regards, Infiltrator
  5. Netgear WNDR3700 Linksys WRT160N
  6. Didn't say you did not try, I was simply suggesting something to help you out.
  7. Have you checked their website for more troubleshooting details. http://www.stepmaniadl.com/
  8. Has he tried contacting the company?
  9. Are you using a filter line between the phone and the modem, if not try buying one as it could be what is affecting your internet speed performance. Another thing, how long is the phone line between the phone socket and the modem? If its very long, try a shorter one.
  10. If everything else fails, buy a mini-ATX or ATX motherboard. They are pretty cheap nowadays.
  11. What's the default number of client's it support without having to buy licenses?
  12. Unfortunately that's how they work. Unless you build a second cheap computer for password cracking only.
  13. So you never got inspected, or told off for using an expired or modified ticket?
  14. So many firewalls, so many features, but in the end you have to stick to the one that works best for you. I don't mind going that extra mile to learn something different, it can quite fun and rewarding in the end. But for me I will just stick to these pfsense and smoothwall.
  15. What I was saying is that, if he has a local admin account on that laptop and can't remember what the password is, all he could try is resetting the password with ntpasswd, if worse comes to worse.
  16. If you are looking for a way to modify application layer packets, the easiest way to achieve that would be redirecting client application traffic to tcp/ip proxy and modify packets at proxy level. There is a tool that will help you do that very easily available at www.tcpcatcher.org It is able to intercept packet manually and assist you in modifying it on the fly or let you provide your own java class to perform a programmatic transformation on the fly.
  17. How about using http://home.eunet.no/pnordahl/ntpasswd/, to change the administrator password.
  18. You could use the bridging functionality in Windows, or buy a x5 ports network switch and some cables to connect the devices together.
  19. Hey guys, I don't know if anyone of your has read this article but it may be possible to sniff a satellite traffic with the right gear. http://www.darknet.org.uk/2009/02/satellit...a-isnt-private/
  20. Have you tried http://www.pfsense.com/
  21. So you have purchased a new modem and changed your public ip address and this fucker still on your ass.
  22. Change your router and your ip address if you can.
  23. 1. Have you tried changing your router ip address or buying a new router (public ip address not your lan ip address). 2. Make sure you have a firewall installed on your computer. 3. You mentioned you have a wireless router, trying turn on WPA security on it and make sure you have a very complex WPA key, making it hard to crack with rainbow tables. 4. Whenever you are not using the wireless make sure its turned off and properly secured. 5. I have also found a PDF documentation, that explains what ARP poisiong attack is how to detect and prevent it. http://www.cs.sjsu.edu/faculty/stamp/stude...ilky_report.pdf Try these suggestions and let me know how you go. Regards, Infiltrator
  24. Oh probably they knew the risks and did not want to take any precautions. As usual the it department always think they are on top of everything. Good work dude!
  25. Are you from Brazil>

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