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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I think a proxy server in this scenarion would work a lot better. The moment the proxy server, intercepts a connection going out to the internet, it coud use some form of redirection mechanism to reroute the client to a HTTPS server that contains the captitive portal sign on page. As soon as the client enters the login details it would send the client out to the internet. By the way, you could use squid to set up a proxy server, and for the authentication side of it, you could use Windows Active Directory.
  2. I think burning would be a lot safer than keeping an electronic copy on your computer.
  3. Sorry my bad, I just realized that after I finished reading your post. Don't know what I was thinking, must had my mind set somewhere else.
  4. What kind of driver issues? Does it consume a lot of ram, does the system become unstable or what exactly?
  5. This is really a cool board, x3 nics and normally you only get x1 nic on a MiniATX. http://www.netgate.com/product_info.php?products_id=450
  6. @DaBeach, could you post all of your system specs in here?
  7. A bit tricky though, but it's possible. It could carry a hash dump utility, which extracts the windows password hash, and then saves it to a file. The only problem is that any antivirus software will potentially detect it as trojan, which could impede it from running and potentially retrieving the hash. You will need to find a way to detect what antivirus the system is running, so it can be disabled beforehand, or you will have to think of other means to bypass any local security. I know it does not sound like brute forcing but its way to break into the system.
  8. Good to hear you got that issue sorted.
  9. I don't know if it is my internet connection that is slow, but I did notice a drop in speed when switching from my current dns servers to opendns.
  10. If that small little sucker contained a SSD built into it, the high price would defenitely make sense.
  11. If you are trying to recond VM sessions, you can use VMware WorkStation to do that for you, but the only problem is that VMware products are not freeware.
  12. I know that kind of sucks, youtube used to allow its users to upload more than 10 mins back in the old days
  13. I am definetely buying a Nokia phone.
  14. Hi DaBeach, I have some interesting info for you to read, its about the additional hard drives I mentioned on my previous post. http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?PHPSESS...pic,5111.0.html
  15. I haven't actually imported this file into any MS database, so I am not 100% sure whether it is tab delimited or not.
  16. Sorry I think you are probably getting sick of me by now. But going back to your question, ASUS P5G41T-M-LX Motherboard would be a decent board to have on your set up. It comes with its own graphics card, so you don't have to buy or install one. It already comes with an onboard nic card, as well as with two PCI and One PCI express slot that can be used for installing a wireless or wired card. It support up to x8 gigs of ram, which is plenty for the kind of system you are building. And above of all, it does not cost very much. IT also comes with x4 sata ports, which you could use to install more HDDs and turn it into a Firewall/NAS device. For the CPU side of it, it only supports 775 socket.
  17. That's why Google should be used more often.
  18. There several freeware tools for analyzing squid logs. http://www.squid-cache.org/Scripts/ I personally use a very simple batch script that I created to search for accessed URLs based on ip address or username, though it may not represent the information in a nice layout, it works well for my needs. Here is my batch script. access.bat Find /I "" access.log > accessed_URL.txt As you can see I can replace the ip address within the quotes for the username that I want to generate a report for and then run the batch file, it may take sometime for the accessed_url text file to be generated, depending on how large the log file is, but in the end you have the info you need.
  19. There are 3 basic directories that squid uses for storing information. The first is called \var\squid\cache (here the cached websites are stored) and the second \var\squid\logs (here squid logs, all transactions like, cache, store and access) And the most important one \var\squid\etc\ (in this directory squid.config main configuration file is stored) Now another important thing to consider is that, squid only caches static web pages, meaning that dynamic web sites will be very difficult to cache.
  20. Apart from Shit support, does it offer a good performance when it comes to using a wireless card. Or the performance would be equal, if you were using an AP
  21. That's exactly right, you could also set up a honeypot for doing exactly what you said above, to monitor the traffic but most importantly it has the ability to log every transaction of what the attacker is doing, how he is doing it and with this information you gain more knowledge about the attacks and methods used by the hacker/attack and having said that you can deploy security measures for mitigating these attacks. Another reason to deploy a DMZ is There are times that you may want remote users to have access to items on your network. Some examples are: * Web site * Online business * FTP download and upload area ­In cases like this, you may want to create a DMZ (Demilitarized Zone). Although this sounds pretty serious, it really is just an area that is outside the firewall. Think of DMZ as the front yard of your house. It belongs to you and you may put some things there, but you would put anything valuable inside the house where it can be properly secured. Setting up a DMZ is very easy. If you have multiple computers, you can choose to simply place one of the computers between the Internet connection and the firewall. Most of the software firewalls available will allow you to designate a directory on the gateway computer as a DMZ.
  22. Though it looks like an Alpha Wireless Adapter, security is clear a concern there for me.
  23. The only install that I did and needed de-fragmenting was my $6000.00 PC set up. That's due to the heavy gaming and of course some of the video encoding I do. Besides, its not like game and video encoding will be used on the SW OR PFS boxes. All file systems become fragmented, but linux uses good allocation algorithms that minimize fragmentation so it generally doesn't become a problem, as apposed to Windows. So you won't need to worry much about fragmentation issues. It all comes down to your needs, but in a basic set up like the one you have 2 nics should be enough. Unless you want to have wireless clients connecting to your firewall box via a wireless card, or some kind of virtual server that needs to be sitting outside your firewall perimeter, then you will need another NICs to be the DMZ.
  24. I got your point, I am out of here. Nothing to do with me.
  25. I totally agree with you HHDs does generate heat whereas SSDs not as much. The only reason I mentioned about raptor drive over SSDs is that SSDs do degrade in performance over time and if you defrag a SSD that will eventually destroy the drive. Where on the other hand HDDs does not have this problem, you can defrag them and you will regain the lost performance again. Now if you want to know how much power your system is consuming, you could buy a power meter. http://www.latestbuy.com.au/digital-power-meter.html
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