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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. To be honest you with, I am still in the process of buying it, I am not 100% sure how good or durable it is, but according to the reviews I read, it is a damn good laptop.
  2. Correct if I am wrong, but I believe the USA defense force supercomputers are able to break the AES encryption?
  3. You are indeed hilarious...
  4. I think the list of the favorite Hacking movies, have been covered before. But anyway, why not bring it up again. Sneakers, Hackers and Die Hard 4.
  5. ASUS G51JX-FHD-SZ152X Notebook Core i7 720QM(1.6GHz, 2.8GHz Turbo), 15.6"HD LED, 8GB-RAM, 500GB-HDD, Blu-Ray Combo, WiFi-n, BT, 2.0MP-CAM, Windows 7 Pro 6 Cell Battery
  6. I have so many people in mind that I would do that for. Thanks for giving me that idea.
  7. SSH or VPN seems to be a good choice, nowadays to browser safely and unrestricted.
  8. Can they really help, I mean it was just an email account that was hacked. I know how it important it may be to the OP, to find who did this. But what are the chances of a CyberCop really digging into it.
  9. Just out of curiosity, how did the problem get resolved? Did the OP switch over dns servers, or was he using a proxy server to the hak5 website?
  10. Try using Nmap to scan the ports of your target machine, from your attacker machine. Make sure the windows firewall is also turned off, during the nmap scanning. Nmap should be able to display all the port opened. By default, Microsoft-DS should be running.
  11. Infiltrator

    2 Questions

    Yeah I did realize that, after finishing reading the comments. I've been a bit stressed out lately and not happy with work, I guess I overlooked Vako's response to the OP.
  12. From reading articles in virtualization, they always mentioned that a full virtual machine could be more insecure than the actual hosting operating system. I guess that statement could be wrong, it all depends on how well and secured the VM really is. Edit: By the way, thanks for correcting me there.
  13. Hi Copex, I have found these Article, that may be of a help you http://support.microsoft.com/kb/814595 http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-22_11-6028421.html Let me know if it doesn't
  14. Facebook and myspace are dead for me, its a waste of time and rather chat/talk at Hak5.org its more fun and interesting.
  15. Now its time to put Social Engineering to the test!
  16. I definitely don't want to own a car with a flawed ECU, image someone disabling your brakes while you driving at high speeds, not a very good ending.
  17. I have also found other instructions on how to recover mysql passwords as well http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/recover-mysq...t-password.html http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/res...ermissions.html
  18. Infiltrator

    2 Questions

    Maybe I am getting a bit paranoid!
  19. I don't know if you have heard but Dell has released a virtualized version of Firefox. A bit more secure than running firefox in a VM.
  20. I am not using Backtrack, I am using Metasploit framework 3.4.2. I haven't had a chance to play with backtrack yet. At one stage before I was able to almost exploit my target but the VM's AV blocked it. I tried running the exploit again, without any protection on the VM but it failed. It said something about no session could be created. I then tried using encoders with the AV turned off but didn't work. I have a feeling that my VM is fully patched and that could be why no exploits are working. I am gonna be on trying until, I can get a full penetration.
  21. Infiltrator

    2 Questions

    No offense to you, but why is everyone picking on me lately?
  22. Hi X942, The reason I asked, was because I've just got into Metasploits and haven't been having much luck with exploiting my target VMs lately. I think it may not be possible for me to exploit my targets, since they all seem to have the latest patches. Now going back to your first question, do you have the LHOST and RHOST set right. Lhost should be set your attacker ip and the RHOST to the target IP. What errors are you receiving if any, are you able to get a reverse shell of the exploited machine.
  23. @eovnu87435ds, very well done, this should provide a trader with some guidelines to delivering the goods in a professional manner.
  24. Infiltrator

    2 Questions

    1. Keep your system current with the latest updates 2. Besides CCleaner, you should give Comodo System-Cleaner a try, its also very good. 3. If you have time and patience to install these, you could try PFsense or Untangle, they are Linux based firewalls. 4. For more on spyware detection programs, http://anti-spyware-review.toptenreviews.com/
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