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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I would prefer to have my own honeypot network, rather than having a botnet causing disruption and damages, where on the hand I could well use a honeypot to research on different techniques and attacks used by hackers to infiltrate into a system. Now I am putting something for good use.
  2. You are absolutely correct, Transcoding is the direct digital-to-digital conversion of one encoding to another. This is often done in cases where a target device does not support the format or has limited storage capacity that mandates reduced file size, or to convert incompatible or obsolete data to a more supported or modern format. Transcoding is commonly a lossy process, introducing generation loss; however, transcoding can be lossless if the input is losslessly compressed and the output is losslessly compressed or uncompressed. The process of lossy to lossy conversion introduces varying degrees of generation loss. In other cases, the transcoding of lossy to lossless or uncompressed is technically a lossless conversion because no information is lost, however the process is irreversible and is more suitably known as destructive. The key drawback of transcoding in lossy formats is decreased quality. Compression artifacts are cumulative, so transcoding causes a progressive loss of quality with each successive generation, known as digital generation loss. For this reason, transcoding is generally discouraged unless unavoidable. It is better to retain a copy in a lossless format (such as TTA, FLAC or WavPack for sound), and then encode directly from the lossless source file to the lossy formats required. For image editing, one is advised to capture or save images in a raw or uncompressed format, and edit (a copy of) that version, only converting to lossy formats for distribution. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcoding
  3. Does it work the same way as Kismet or is it only able to search for wireless that is currently broadcasting its SSID?
  4. OMG you are going China, make sure those bastards are not blocking you access to your files too. Anyway, I found something that may be interesting for you http://www.amazon.co.uk/b?ie=UTF8&node=430553031
  5. Edited: http://www.basic-digital-photography.com/h...ght-photos.html http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-tak...THOUT-a-tripod/ Tip 1: Use Long Exposures The key to successful night photography lies in a long exposure. We’re talking about exposures measured in seconds. When a long exposure is used, more light is allowed into the camera, allowing the details in your night photo to be captured. The problem with using long exposures is that you may shake the camera, resulting in poor pictures. The way around this is to use a tripod. I prefer to install a tripod with a shutter-release cable to ensure that I don’t jolt the camera at all. Tip 2: Take Control Shots One problem with digital cameras is that there are always some pixels on the image sensor which are bad. When taking day photos, these defects are not discernible. However, they are pretty obvious in night photos. How do we correct these? Here’s a simple way – take a control shot, then use image editing to subtract out those bad pixels. This is how it works. The next time you’re out to take night photos, go ahead and snap a picture of Scene A, as you normally would. Then, when it’s convenient, take a photo of the exact same Scene A again, but with the lens cap on. Now you will have two images, one night shot and one control shot (with the hot pixels). Load them up in say, Paint Shop Pro. Switch to the control shot and select Edit and Copy from the menu. Next, switch to the night shot and paste the copied image as a new layer. Then, select the new layer and change the Blend Mode to Difference and click OK. You’ll get the correct night shot with the hot spots subtracted out. Tip 3: Try to Capture Motion With a long exposure, you have many creative options when it comes to photography. This includes capturing motion. For example, have you ever wondered how those professional photographers shoot pictures of trails of car lights as they zoom down the highway at night? It’s all due to long exposures. Try to keep this in mind the next time you’re taking a night photo – you don’t have to restrict yourself to still images. Tip 4: Play with the Aperture In addition to shutter speed (which determines exposure time), you can play around with the aperture size of your digital camera. There are two scenarios here. If you set a long exposure, try to use a small aperture to avoid overexposing any stationary lights. in the picture. On the other hand, if you set a short exposure, try using a larger aperture to avoid any motion in your shot. Tip 5: How to Use the Flash As a general rule, I turn the flash off when taking night photos. There are some exceptions though – one specific example I can think of is trying to shoot a subject in the foreground, with motion trails of car lights in the background. In this case, bring along an external flash unit and shine it on your subject manually. Set a long exposure, then have your subject wait until the picture is taken. Tip 6: When to Take Night Photos When’s the best time to take night photos? I usually like to take them during dusk when colors and details are easier to capture. I’d recommend that you do some research on the evening before the photo shoot. Decide on the location, then come back the next day to take the photo at dusk.
  6. Since you have done the forensic course, are you able to say whether Ophcrack will leave any traces behind. Edit: By the way, what was your forensic course titled, I am thinking in taking up one.
  7. I wouldn't mind having too much security in my home network. Security is something that I am always concerned about so, I see it as a must to have.
  8. It would be so cool, if there was another Hackers The movie. This time with more hacking and more action.
  9. Oh man did you see the look on her face, when he said the pool had a leak.
  10. Yes I meant inbound, Thank you Sparda!
  11. Holy mother of God, its look more like a spaceship. Its a very unique design, never seen anything like this before. But nice one!
  12. I've only used VMware workstation and ESXI in the past. Will give Parallels Vs Vmware Fusion a shot. Thanks.
  13. I used KonBoot in the past, but did not have much luck with it. Not as effective as Ophcrack is. Bear in mind that Ophcrack has limitations. So if you want to have a good rate of success when cracking passwords, you better off generating your own rainbow tables or you can buy the tables. http://www.freerainbowtables.com/ http://project-rainbowcrack.com/
  14. I haven't bought any of these tech stuff yet but will soon Here is my tech list http://www.uniden.com.au/australia/p_ubc93xlt_index.asp http://www.itsdirect.com.au/com_products.p...Wireless_Router http://www.techbuy.com.au/p/138466/NOTEBOO...-FHD-SZ152X.asp http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Alfa-Network-AWUS03...#ht_3203wt_1137
  15. My favorite quotes Kate Libby: Why'd he come to you? Dade Murphy: I got a record! I was 'Zero Cool'! Paul Cook: Zero Cool? Crashed fifteen hundred and seven computers in one day? Biggest crash in history, front page New York Times August 10th, 1988. I thought you was black man. YO THIS IS ZERO COOL! Dade Murphy: Mess with the best, die like the rest.
  16. I have to cases in mind http://www.techbuy.com.au/p/83669/CASINGS_...e/VH6000BWS.asp or http://www.techbuy.com.au/p/51721/CASINGS_...61345-91560.asp
  17. If you do a lot of travelling by air or road, a laptop will definitely serve you well. If not, build a desktop computer its a lot more fun and a lot more powerful than a laptop. You should invest your money, into something that gives you a better return.
  18. Good material and videos. Like it. It just gave me more ideas.
  19. http://chris.pirillo.com/macbook-pro-paral...-vmware-fusion/
  20. What you need to do, is define an outbound access policy Or open port 22 to allow SSH outbound traffic.
  21. Bad luck for who tries to steal your database, sure it will take them a very long time to crack the security. So keeping you personal information locked down and centralized is not a bad idea.
  22. Blocked everything, what about changing the VPN default port to port 80. Since its the only port not blocked.
  23. No problems, just play cool and you will be fine.
  24. I am pretty sure of us have been in this situation, where you are trying to access some information else and it gets blocked by the firewall. Its really annoying and that's why rules sometimes I meant to be broken. I know it may not be the best outcome afterwards. But what can you do?
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