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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. That's good to hear, I am very happy for her.
  2. You could turn them into a pineapple device, for spying on wireless network and then sell them.
  3. What are they used for, to keeping the beer cans cooled off.
  4. I don't see much differences between Stunnel and Web-based SSL either. They both use the same methods to encrypt the traffic. It uses the same libraries as the web-based SSL uses to implement the underlying TLS or SSL protocol. But it uses a different approach to encrypt the traffic, it wraps itself around the unencrypted traffic, in order to create a secure link. This wiki can explain it a bit better, than I can. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stunnel
  5. Media is a mind manipulating business, they fuck with peoples minds, make them believe that everything you see on the tv is true. For instance, if you see a middle east person, with their face covered the first impression that comes to our mind is "He is a fucking Terrorist" see this is wrong. Again its the media. You are correct, not everything seen on the news is true, they may be some element of truth to it, but again they fuck with our minds, they brainwash us. Yeah, fuck the media who gives a shit.
  6. I've spent the whole afternoon yesterday reading articles from that website. After I finished reading, I felt like doing a Computer Forensics course. As a matter of fact, I am considering in taking the course, who knows I might one day work for the police as forensics investigator.
  7. Hollywood they use too much effects to make things look realistic, but most of the time they aren't.
  8. The only portion of the hard drive that does not get encrypted in the MBR, or the master boot record. The rest of the hard drive gets encrypted, so technically the hibernation file also gets encrypted. There are still ways to obtain the TrueCrypt encryption keys. But that involves physical access to the computer.
  9. Ohh OK, clear explanation is always good. And how the fuck they get their residence if they don't even speak English, and don't even have a decent qualification. Here in Australia we face the same situation. The new PM is trying to stop all these migrants coming from Asia, no offence to you. But they barely speak any English, barely have any qualification and manage to stay resident. That really drive me off the cliff.
  10. The company that I worked for, all their XP machines used to have their firewall disabled, a huge security risk. But all the security aspects used be controlled by domain policies. In that sense, it all depends on how secure the workstations are. Even if the firewall was disabled, messenger service would probably be disabled and you would have to know the administrator password to enable it. So +1 to you.
  11. That's because the messaging service by default is disabled, if you enable it it will work. I tested it on my XP machine and worked like a charm.
  12. Hi, Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever used this software? If you have, what are you thoughts about the software? I've just been reading the Anti-forensics website and they have recommenced as tool to must have. http://www.sophos.com/products/free-tools/...ti-rootkit.html Regards, Infiltrator
  13. Yes you are very much correct, and it would take a very long time to generate it, as well as you will a lot of storage space to accommodate the table.
  14. Take a look at these articles, they explain how to create an autorun script that can be saved to an USB. It should give you some ideas on how to write a batch file and then use it to run any file you want. http://dailycupoftech.com/usb-drive-autoruninf-tweaking/ http://www.irongeek.com/i.php?page=videos/...and-batch-files http://www.howtogeek.com/forum/topic/autor...-usb-thumbdrive
  15. I've heard of Network Miner name before, but never knew much about it. Will give it try and experiment with it. Thanks Antonymous
  16. Its a good thing I never hibernate my computer, I still place my computer on stand-by. But after reading this article I realized the important of encrypting my hard drive. Not that I have committed any crimes, to hide my evidences but its common security practice for anyone that has confidential information, saved on their computers. Image your computer falling on the hands of a wrong person, who has malicious intend to destroy your life. I would definitely recommend this article to anyone who is interested in security or planning on hiding evidences from a forensics investigator.
  17. I am talking about that Chemical Acid that destroys/melt everything that comes in contact with it.
  18. I know this from experience, but no matter if Indians have a black or white color skins, and no matter if they do or don't speak English, they are very smart people no offence. They are highly skilful from an engineering perspective and they know their shit. They can come from a third world country but they know how to make business. The may speak funny when they talk, but I have my respects for them. And I myself used to offer onsite IT support for a private owned Indian company.
  19. Hi All, Found this article really interesting and from a forensic investigator point of view, if you hibernate your computer and its not encrypted its game over for you, that is if you committed a crime. http://www.anti-forensics.com/the-risks-of...nd-web-browsing
  20. Or if you really that paranoid, you could drop it in Larva or Acid bucket. Evidence destroyed, no traces left behind.
  21. If you know the victims IP address or Hostname, you could use the net send command in dos, to send a message. I know that would work on XP. But I don't know how effective that's gonna work on Win7 though.
  22. In a pen-testing scenario I would always have two Alfa's one for packet injection and the other for packet monitoring.
  23. I was just making point, but you are correct. I could even be fired or worse jailed for disclosing information.
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