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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Just adding to what he said, you could even go with a dedicated USB card controller, that is if the motherboard, has any PCE-x slots available to begin with.
  2. I still don't quite understand, why you want to use an ancient operating system. Try using Windows XP or Windows 7 instead of Windows 98. Even though, they won't be connected to the internet, they will prove to be more stable than Windows 98. Just my thought.
  3. Vmware workstation is quite good, it runs stable. And with your current specs, you should be able to run them just fine. Just make sure you constantly monitor the performance of your overall system. If you notice any sluggish performance, you will need to invest into a fast storage system, as well as a decent network card adapter. Because as the number of VMs grow, the number of ops (operations per second) drops and this significantly affect the performance of your overall virtual machines. A DAS (direct attached storage) is what you will need, its a lot faster than a NAS, as it doesn't rely on the network to send/receive data, thus eliminating any congestion or protocol overhead. In the future, I would recommend using ESXI instead of Workstation, to get more performance gain, as it doesn't rely on any host OS, plus you don't have to share any system resources between the host and guest OS. Just something to think about.
  4. That would be an interesting project, plus I don't think the current DNS-Spoofing utility does what you are after.
  5. Its quite annoying sometimes, specially when you are trying to view or reply to a member's post. You have to wait sometime, before the forums get backup and running again. I haven't thought about doing that, etc/hosts thing, thanks for the suggestion guys.
  6. Just wondering if you tried using the postfix wiki from the Ubuntu community?
  7. A high dbi antenna will give you better results and performance, even without pumping more power into it.
  8. Exploits and brute forcing are one way to get to the router's password, another possible way would be via MITM attack. But this option, could be a bit less effective, because you will have to wait, for the exact time the person logs into the router, in order to get the router's login credentials.
  9. I don't know if you've read this or not, but its good guide to get your head around it. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo
  10. That isn't a bad idea, but kids are a lot smarter and they learn things a lot quicker than us. Even though, a VPN is good for securing the channel between the client and the server side, it would be a bit slow, additionally, she could just not choose to use the VPN at all and just use the normal internet connection (eg school, or public). Thus bypassing any restriction you have put in place.
  11. Do you receive any error messages, when associating or authenticating to the access point?
  12. Group policy is certainly a good solution for locking things down, while the workstation/laptop is attached to the domain. Once the laptop is off the domain, and if the person somehow finds out the local administrator account password, the group police will no longer have effect on the machine itself. To ensure, your child can't install software, you will need to create an user account with limited access, also just limiting the privileges on the account itself, its not enough, anyone with a live CD can reset the local administrator account password on that computer, you will also need to disable the option that allows CD or USB booting in the BIOS. Restricting access to certain websites, is not difficult, you could setup a proxy server in your DC with Squid, or change your router's DNS settings to the OpenDNS one. You will need to sign up with OpenDNS, so that you specify what websites to block.
  13. Wow, this is unbelievable! Where are all the forums moderators gone?
  14. Hey bro, Try this downloading the drivers, from this link http://www.alfa.com.tw/in/front/bin/ptlist.phtml?Category=105397
  15. Vmware workstation is a great virtualization platform to use and to learn, but it has limitations too, it requires the host system to have an OS pre-installed. Whereas, ESXi is designed to run on a bare-bone hardware, no OS requirements, just a supported hardware. In addition, the ESXI offers better performance than the Workstation, because, the VMs have direct access to the hardware, whereas on the Workstation, the VMs have to share the resources with the host OS. I don't know, if you've read this manual or not. But it talks about setting up Vlans and stuff. http://www.cisco.com...10_UG_B-WEB.pdf You should definitely go with those certs, they will help you on the longer run and at some stage, you should also do the CCNA. I have a quick look at the Vmware's hardware compatibility list, it doesn't look as if your server is supported, but you can double check that yourself too. http://www.vmware.co...ahz2fqtWZZLQOAw
  16. I don't know why, but I always hated programming. And now I recognize the importance of knowing a language. But now its too late.
  17. I don't know if you've checked this Ubuntu wiki, but I think it has something that you are after Anonymous FTP Configuration By default vsftpd is configured to only allow anonymous download. During installation a ftp user is created with a home directory of /home/ftp. This is the default FTP directory. If you wish to change this location, to /srv/ftp for example, simply create a directory in another location and change the ftpuser's home directory: sudo mkdir /srv/ftp sudo usermod -d /srv/ftp ftp After making the change restart vsftpd: sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart Finally, copy any files and directories you would like to make available through anonymous FTP to /srv/ftp. https://help.ubuntu....ftp-server.html
  18. When setting up your pen-test lab, make sure you completely isolate your LAB from your main network or any production machine your have. Very important you do that, during the process of setting it all up, because if you don't, you could run the risk of exploiting or damaging other machines during your pen-testing. To isolate your LAB machines from your main LAN, you can use a layer 3 switch that has Vlan capabilities, and place all your Lab machines into its own corresponding Vlan group, or if you have a second switch, you could just use that instead to create a second physical network. In my pen-test lab, I have a laptop setup as the attacker machine running Backtrack and a single physical machine with Vmware Workstation that I use to run and create virtual machines on it, that way I don't have to have several physical machines, in my lab occupying space. I also have a wireless router, that I use as another entry point when attacking the system. So to make things more interesting and challenging. When setting up the virtual machines, you could setup each virtual machine with a different role, for instance, on your 1st VM your could set it up as a webserver (Apache) and have some web application, like a login form, tied to a bandend system (Mysql) running on another VM. This is just an idea of how you could setup your virtual machines and overall lab, remember we are just trying to create an environment in which we can practice and learn, when pen-testing in the real world, the environment will be a lot more complex, different and challenging. There will be firewalls blocking your attacks, IDS logging and detecting your attempts into breaking the system and etc.
  19. Under no circumstance you should be running your computer without an AV. Its asking for trouble. If you think you can be safe, be my guest, but I don't trust the internet for anything. You should always be prepared for what comes at you, but sometimes that can't be helped.
  20. Its a good question, and one that I think I can answer. Why to pay for something, when you can have it for free? Financially speaking, its not good for the person who is trying to make a living out of it, but what if someone can't afford buying in the first place. In that sense, making it available for free of charge, helps those who can't afford to buy it. Run it inside a VM, if something bad happens than you know its not safe. You could also use an updated antvirus to determine that for you. But sometimes, even the most up to date AV will not be much of a help.
  21. They are nice guitars, I own an acoustic guitar and initially, I thought in buying the original Les Paul Gibson guitar, the one that Slash from Guns N' Roses plays, but too expensive. I've now decided to buy an ESP Horizon instead. What kind of songs do you play?
  22. You can always encrypt the VM's virtual hard drive, or use a Live CD of TAILS as you suggested, forensically speaking.
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