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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I've tried all that and still didn't work. I'm also running the latest verison of Virtualbox and after sometime of playing around with it, I decided to create another Backtrack VM. But this time, I am using Vmware as I always do. The virtualbox thing was only experiemental, as I never used it before. Anyway, thanks for your help I really appreciate.
  2. I will give it a try and I will let you know afterwards. Thanks for the suggestion.
  3. Hey guys, Not sure if anyone has experienced this problem with the latest version of Backtrack. But when I tried to upgrade Backtrack to the latest "Distribution Upgrade Available" and after restarting the system, this is what I am getting, when typing the Startx command at the console. By the way, I am using Virtualbox and the version of Backtrack is R3 KDE x64 bit. I've spend a lot of hours, researching on this issue and still can't find a solution. I've read a few how-tos from the Backtrack website, including the forums, but had no luck. Any comment or suggestion will be very much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  4. @Mr-Protocol, lol that shit was so hilarious. Do you have anymore of those videos?
  5. One of the reasons why I don't use Apple products very much, they are full of it. With PC you have the flexibility to do, what you want. Apple just like to control what it's users should be doing or not with it's product.
  6. That's if the router has WPS enabled, my router supports it, but it's disabled. I know a lot users out there, will opt to have this option enabled, as it will save a lot of their time with configuration. But it's worth a shot, if the router has it enabled.
  7. Have you tried, running those tools individually and at different times. Rather than running both at the same time?
  8. If you search in Google, you can find a plenthora of passwords, that's how I compiled mine. You can also use CeWl, a tool written by DigiNinja to make your own password list, based on a given website.
  9. Yes, you need a layer 3 switch or a network switch that has port mirroring capabilities. Usually a smart or managed switch will have this feature.
  10. Another reason for the company to write up a phone usage policy.
  11. Good day Bro, I've found something that might be able to help you out http://blogs.msdn.com/b/mcsuksoldev/archive/2010/07/12/building-and-deploying-an-outlook-2010-add-in-part-1-of-2.aspx
  12. For the time being, one could just switch over to Vmware.
  13. You could look into buying a private VPS (virtual private server)! And then use a VPN service to connect to it from home, so that you don't expose your real IP address.
  14. Internal wireless cards, don't work well with VirtualBox, you need to use an external USB wireless card, or install Ubuntu straight to a physical machine.
  15. Perhaps try upgrading your computer to more RAM. I have 8GB of RAM in my computer at home, with Vmware workstation 7, running x2 virtual machines concurrently, without any issues. Also how many cores does your CPU have? If it has more than 2 cores, try allocating some of them to your VMs well, that will help boost their performance too.
  16. There are always people in this forum, but they expect you to do a little bit of research before posting stuff. In response to your question, there is an option in Vmware, that you can select to disconnect an USB device from the host and have it connected to the virtual machine isntead!
  17. Though I've never been on a situation like yours, I can certainly understand your frustration Digip.
  18. Hi Digip, Thank you very much for your response and as always very welcomed and educational. I don't have a WordPress site yet, but looking to get one soon, so that I can host my website. I will definitely look into securing my website with your plug ins once it's up and running. I will also try to keep you posted if anything comes up.
  19. I can't remember the name of this guy, but he's got a really hardcore setup, with water cooling system and several computer cases with 5 to 6 Nvidia graphics cards in them. He is also using the HashCat project.
  20. Checking out the "TOR Block" plug in. Apart from that, you've done an amazing job.
  21. Found this thread, it might shed some light into your problem. http://forums.hak5.o...-pineapple-mk4/
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