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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. Well, normally the victims do not know about the pineapple ui. But you are right of course. I could restrict access to ceartain IPs / mac addresses. I will give it some though. Sebkinne
  2. I am a little busy at the moment, sorry for not releasing anything new for a few days. I have a few fixes lined up so stay tuned ;) Best, Sebkinne
  3. I suggest a re-flash with the 1.9 firmware. Best, Sebkinne
  4. Yes, it would be. You can edit the karma config and set the wireless mode to g. Best, Sebkinne
  5. The best idea would be to re-flash with my latest firmware. You can find it on wifipineapple.com Best, Sebkinne
  6. Please flash my firmware (1.9) You can find it on wifipineapple.com It has the newest updates and fixes. That way you do not have to patch karma, update packages and apply all those many fixes I did. I will be releasing updates for it regularly. Best, Sebkinne
  7. Booting can take up to 10 minutes. But you would notice that it is done flashing. Best, Sebkinne
  8. Upgrade to v1.9 The interface will come back up now. Best, Sebkinne
  9. Indeed. I built that in a few versions back. Best, Sebkinne
  10. Actually, I am currently building this into my new firmware. Best, Sebkinne
  11. That error is intentional. You could modify the redirect.php page and actually set it up to your liking. Best, Sebkinne
  12. That sounds too long. Just abort the flash and repeat. Best, Seb
  13. Actually, there are some great premade cables on amazon and ebay. Just search for "usb to barrel" Best, Sebkinne
  14. Try aborting the flash and re-flashing. Should help. Best, Sebkinne
  15. Interesting, I will take a closer look. Thanks for letting me know! Has anyone else noticed any issues? Best, Sebkinne
  16. I was about to say, you should NEVER move that file. Ever. Changing that upper part of the script will do just fine..
  17. You can flash them straight out of the box Regards, Sebkinne
  18. Of course! This needs to be in the /etc/config/wireless file: hidden 1 that is it ;) Best, Seb
  19. Mother, do not check any boxes. Just flash. There are guides here on hak5 that tell you exactly how to use it if you are unsure. Sebkinne
  20. Great to hear that you like it! I had several sleepless nights to get this out of the way ;) What logs are retained through the clearing of the cache? Arp and DHCP will be retained, but the others should be cleared? @Mother, How about you try booting the router? The first boot can take about 5 minutes. Just run a "ping -t" (in windows) and wait for it to reply. Then after around 5 minutes you should be able to ssh into the pineapple. Make sure though that your NICs IP is on the same subnet (and if it is used for ics, it needs the ip Best, Sebkinne
  21. Flashing the pineapple is actually very simple. Just follow the guide I posted. Bricking your router is actually quite hard to do, but it CAN happen. Flashing it without being able to connect to it is simple: When your router boots up, you have about 1-2 seconds to get into the bootloader. That has a different "fixed" IP. After that, the router boots up into the operating system, which in your case seems broken. Flashing shouldn't be as scary as it is made out to be, just know that if something does go wrong, we aren't responsible. I re-flashed my pineapple about 20 times today, sometimes with a totally corrupted image (loss of sleep made me mess the image up). I have bricked one router so far. That was because I flashed a different bootloader. Flashing the OS and Kernel is not nearly as dangerous. Best, Sebkinne
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