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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. If you are on the latest firmware, simply navigate to the root directory "/" and you will see a "www" folder.
  2. That should have worked in version 2.0.1 There will be a way to automate that in the future. For now, I can point you to the startkarma.sh script. There is a bit of an issue though because of how karma now works. If you can wait a bit, that is on my list of TODOs. Can you elaborate on this? I am unsure what exactly you mean. I will look into that. Thanks! Best, Sebkinne
  3. Version 2.1 live. Changes: -Client Blacklisting -NFS support -Wget installed -Bug fixes and updates As usual, you can find the link in the first post. If you think that there are any features missing, please suggest them in this thread. The same goes for bugs. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  4. I would not say shortly. There will be news after Shmoocon I am sure, but for now that is all. We are still on the MK3 and there is still development going on for it, don't worry.
  5. It will be 2.1 actually. It will have nfs support, client blacklisting, properly working ssid changer and a few other changes.. Stay tuned.
  6. I am releasing a new version today - It will support NFS and should support Swap. Sorry for the delay! Best, Sebkinne
  7. Yes, exactly. You would need to modify the default route in the advanced config to match the router. Otherwise it works just like it would using a laptop.
  8. Bongk, What board is that based on? I should be able to whip you up a working karma, but I can't promise anything. Best, Sebkinne
  9. Dear HT-France, I see you are connected to the "NETGEAR####" AP with security. That would be the real one. The other "NETGEAR####" with the shield (means no security) is the one karma would broadcast. Connect to that network and I am sure you will see things in the logs. Best, Sebkinne
  10. First off, sorry for my short post, I won't be able to write much as I am in a hurry but I thought I owe you one. About Karma: As far as I know, it works. It worked on my devices and it worked on many others. So in that sense, if your interface says "karma enabled" then it really is. The command checking if it is enabled or not shouldn't ever be wrong. Now, about deauth, well, that is working correctly. It kicks off your client, so that feature is working. Changing the SSID. Okay, this seems to be a hard one. Basically the command issued changes the SSID which is being broadcast by hostapd. It is possible that devices which have seen the pineapple AP have difficulties seeing this change. I verified if it worked like this: Start pineapple, change SSID to "testSSIDchange". Then turned on an android phone which had never seen the pineapple. That phone showed the SSID "testSSIDchange". This is frustrating if you are trying to test out if it works or not, but when you are actually in the field it will work. It was more of an addon feature. This is a hard thing to debug though, as I have many people telling me it works flawlessly (karma). Then there are a few which are having issues with it. The same goes for the SSID change. I am sorry that it isn't working as you expect at the moment, when I get back I will take a look and go over it again, maybe there is a bug somewhere. I just haven't been able to identify or replicate it. Best, Sebkinne
  11. Moved into the Trade section of this forum. Thanks!
  12. I love this mod. After hearing the temperatures, I am impressed. The only thing I would add is some sort of grid on the outside, if you put it into a bag or similar for stealth it may get caught on something if you don't take care. I know this won't happen to Mr. Protocol but for others.. Best, Sebkinne
  13. Honestly, there is much better hardware out there for the pineapple. Just wait for MK4 ;) But no, this looks interesting. Keep in mind: there are greater things coming.
  14. Darkside, I will compile you one, I am just not in at the moment. Should get it by tonight. Best, Sebkinne
  15. The issue you are having is this: Your client machines which you use to check if the SSID changed still remembers the old one and is hesitant to change. What I recommend you doing is that you take a client which hasn't even seen the original SSID. Change the SSID and then check enable wifi on that client. You will see, the ssid changed. Best, Sebkinne
  16. I have not included the modules in the kernel. It is something I should look into. Best, Sebkinne
  17. Ha, I think 3.0 is still far along ;) Could you do me a favor and test this: 1. SSH into the pineapple when karma is turned on 2. Execute this command: "hostapd_cli -p /var/run/hostapd-phy0 karma_disable" 3. Does the pineapple still run? 4. If yes, check the interface again. Refresh may be needed. It should say karma disabled. If that is the case, let me know, I have a feeling I know what is doing that. Best, Sebkinne
  18. Well, that sounds like an improvement. I am pretty sure we can get this to work. Give it a bit of time :) Best, Sebkinne
  19. Script to enable wifi? Could you elaborate what you mean? Wifi is enabled on boot afaik. Best, Sebkinne
  20. Association log can take around 15s to first show connected clients. I am glad that deauth works properly, but you had to manually change the channel? If so, I will have to automate that. Best, Sebkinne
  21. Update: Log has been fixed, updated the first post. Todo: -Fix karma autostart to turn on wifiled -Fix karma autostart karma log not working properly. You may need to About the deauth, I will be adding the "-e" option, I simply forgot. The channel thing here seemed to make no difference, I tried different channels and got deauthed. That shouldn't work. I will look into the issue. Best, Sebkinne
  22. Please try disabling all other NICs on your computer.
  23. Alright, let us start: Changing the SSID: If you use the change SSID function, the SSID DOES change. There seems to be a problem with clients who have already seen the previous SSID. Those will show the SSID "Pineapple" and whatever you decided to change it to. Right, I should have mentioned, the SSID will always be "Pineapple" unless changed in the GUI. It can be changed using the karma SSID changer or by changing the wifi config and rebooting. I know that seems like a bit of an annoyance but for now that is what we have. If, let's say you want the SSID to be internet, simply change it in the wifi config, reboot and that is what the karma'd and unkarma'd SSID will be like. Technically the SSID changer in the "config.php" page should work though, I just tested it again and it works. Although my phone does see two networks: "Pineapple" & "internet". On a different device I just started I only see "internet" though. Maybe someone can confirm that. Karma: I am just going ahead to say that Karma is running. This is a new version of karma which is accessible by using hostapd_cli. To connect to the interface manually please use this: "hostapd_cli -p /var/run/hostapd-phy0" Then type ? to get a list of commands. Karma works for me, it is just a bit more secretive I guess. The LOG does not show right now, but the functionality is there. Associations Log: I will see what the issue is with that. Fix will come asap. Hope that clears some things up!
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