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Everything posted by rFayjW98ciLoNQLDZmFRKD

  1. looks cool, a black interior will make it look even cooler!
  2. were you looking at some... explicit content? Some hum, videos and pictures young children arn't suposed to see?
  3. firefox xmms steam hammer 3ds max Bittorrent skype gcc gimp mplayer
  4. Wow, I thought I would never meet a real girl! You can rename the ID3 tags in wmp I think.
  5. Boot and Nuke and the install disk is your best friend!
  6. Thats sad when a nub calls somebody else a nub! :-)
  7. Is that a picture of you posting comments on the Hak.5 forums?
  8. Democracy doesn't actuly exist, as long as people vote for people that they dont even know, democracy cant work. The politicians who are voted in by people who do their research, only care about the issues people pay them to care about.
  9. I dont believe in completely removing copyrights, just let me do what I what for what I payed for. And IP addresses arn't proof of piracy.
  10. STFU! Windows firewall, all you need to break it is a rock, just watch out for flying glass.
  11. now go to the local 7-11 to return the cans for their 5c deposit! :-)
  12. microsoft desent even respond to pings anymore, this is all I get: and it just stays there.
  13. What, hak.5 forum member doesn't count as a job? No wonder why I dont get a paycheck! :-)
  14. Wha? My thoughts exactly. we may have a new certified noob?
  15. Their cool except two probloms: 1) $405 for four gigs 2) What can you fit on four gigs? You could get 3-5 of these and run them in raid, but i dont know anybody that rich.
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