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Everything posted by rFayjW98ciLoNQLDZmFRKD

  1. It came with fedora core 4, It's called GLMatrix
  2. you can do too things: 1) get a free-to-air satalite box and a dish and ai it at a statalite streming g4 canada 2) go up in canada, sign up for a satalite servace 3) get about a thousand miles of cable, sneek up to cone guys house accross the border, split his cable, and run the cable to your house!
  3. Quake (1-4) and Doom (1-3) have full linux suport!
  4. Are they an alean race on star trek?
  5. Ever play Halo, Doom, Quake, Marathon, Star Wars, Duke Nukum, Golden Eve, Outlaws, Half Life, Thief, Unreal Tournament, Battlefeild 1942, Metroid Prime, Halo 2, Painkiller, Far Cry, Doom 3, Half Life 2, 13, Fear, Spliner Cell, Wolfenstein, Soldier of Fortune, Counter Strike, Deus Ex, Americas's Army, Kill Zone, Medal of Honor, Area 51, Black, Fate, Brothers In Arms: Road to Hill 30, Call of Duty, Delta Force, MechWarrior, Painkiller , Hitman, Perfect dark, Postal, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, Red Faction, Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Serious Sam, Project Snowblind, Armed and Dangerous, etc...
  6. I think it's already made, isn't it called administator?
  7. If you know what your doing, you can make it harder for a person to get onto your network, but for the average household, window$ "hacks" right on to the network for you.
  8. I am shure we all have a form of hyperfocus. Us geeks look at the world defrently.
  9. This should help: http://www.psp411.com/show/guide/2/0/Flash...ies_on_PSP.html
  10. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooo! :o
  11. Have you tried installing the 32 bit verson of the browser (if your using a 64 bit cpu w/ FC5x86_64)
  12. It looks like your using the 64 bit verson, I had the same problom, and the solution is simple. 1) Uninstall firefox 64 bit 2) install FIrefox, 32 bit 3) Install flash
  13. What is it you people do that has windows crashing every 5 seconds? I've got a win2003 box that hasn't been rebooted in 2 months. As for my XP box, never had a problem with it, no viruses, no crashes, no BSOD's. So, how come Billy G gifted me with the only working copy of XP? The day Linux gets a virus (don't say its impossible, because it isn't) I will probally have a heart attack from laughing so much. [/off topic] Have you ever booted your windows box? :)
  14. Boot Fedora Core and they will froget what the word virus means! I have been using linux for six months, I had one unrecovable crash. Windows in the past month crashed several times! If they must stick with Windows, I use AVG.
  15. I prefer Fedora Core 4 Because it doesnt hide the "hard Core" aspects of linux. FC5 hides the terminal deep within the menus.
  16. Watch every episode of Hak.5, twice, no, three times!!
  17. you need a lot of behind the scenes materal, A 30 minut specal on what a "normal" month of production is like would be cool!
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