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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. I'm afraid my pentium 4 won't be able to keep up with it.....
  2. Pretty sure smoothwall, monowall, pfsense, all support pci wireless cards. I'm also pretty sure dd-wrt has an x86 version. I'd skip using windows completely and use an os designed to be a router.
  3. You know smoothwall and ipcop are pretty much the same thing right?
  4. So. I used to work for a K-12 school district. 23 locations and over 9000 computers, all networked back to the central office. Either 5Ghz microwave links, gigabit fiber optic or our own leased line dsl. We had a couple localized outbreaks on old servers that couldn't be updated(NT4 server FTW), but it never spread from their sub-domain. I guess having a 90% Apple network helps as well.
  5. barry99705

    IP Changer

    Or just, you know, not change your computer name.... :D
  6. People should arm themselves then. Or other people in the area should step up and stop the moron.
  7. The certs you have will at least get you an interview. That's about all they're worth anymore, I know mcse's that can barely turn on a computer. Personally I think you'll be okay with what you have and previous work experience Especially if you can get a good letter of recommendation from your current employer. The only certs I hold are my Mac technician certs. That and over 10 years working on computers is what got me my current job, they were looking for a Mac person. I work more on Windows machines than Macs though....
  8. Smoothwall with a few addons. Here's the firewall graph for the last week.
  9. I get crap like that all the time. I just have my firewall drop everything from those ip addresses after 3 bad snort hits.
  10. Yes, a switch will be tons better.
  11. Check out dmcrypt luks. I've set up Ubuntu and the latest BackTrack with it. The only thing not eccrypted is the boot folder which is it's own partition. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4...ht=dmcrypt+luks
  12. Yea, I had to wait until Friday to get my badge. They ran out of the real ones Thursday by 11am.
  13. Your school's sysadmin should have been fired then. Short of a zero day exploit, no managed system should get a virus.
  14. Most third world countries have better cell systems than the US.....
  15. Confounded didn't make the lists, he just put them on rapidshare. You can create your own hash from the table that's posted to the COWF's site. I think I posted a direct link in the other thread on the subject here on this forum. As for using this word list in Italy, do most people use English words for their passwords over there?
  16. Your average pc repair guy isn't going to have to mess with 480. 220 at the most for some network racks. The only tool I carry in my pocket is a pocket knife. There's just no single tool that I can carry to fix everything I'd need to work on.
  17. Some of the unofficial events start Thursday, then it's Friday, Sat and Sunday. Different stuff every day.
  18. I think they were $120 this year.
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