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Everything posted by shonen

  1. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    Nah I never thought Vako was attacking in his post, I found it amusing for the most part and the rest was confusion on weather I should or should not post. The initial post was some what cocked up on my part (sorry guys). Even I was not sure what I was trying to say with it. It was initially a hey I found this silly flaw due to poor implementation but the IT department were like piss off you shit you are creating more work for us and it turned into a hey I would like to share because this is seriously stupid and I was hoping someone could roughly explain what you could do to stop it from a administrator prospective. Anyways due to my low level in I.T and the I.T department not telling us much on how things are setup and right fully so. Some of the below is based on my own assumptions. Obviously there are groups for teachers/students and when a student log's in we get the server software loaded on login to the domain and the teachers get the viewer. Both groups have restrictions on not being able to install software or accessing the desktop to remove it. The teachers lan school viewer has a set channel number that loads for that class room and can not be changed unless it is re-installed hence teachers can not view other class rooms other than the one there desktop resides in. Now a class mate and I tried a whole bunch of different things to try and kill/remove it, in the end we worked out that we could remove the LAN school server that loaded on login if you got your hands on the installation file (mind you it was not easy finding the software and crack god bless rapid share). Yes it was that simple I couldn't believe it. The next objective was to install the LAN school viewer the teachers were using to see if it would work, we couldn't do this in the host operating system so we thought hey we get to use VMware so why not try booting XP while bridging the network adapter and install it seeing as we have administrator rights in the guest O.S. (it worked a charm). We both also concluded that even if the school didn't provide us with the VMware application we could always just bring along our own laptop and theoretically it should work pretty much the same way. The most amusing thing is each class room is linked via a channel number (1 to 250 if my memory is correct) this channel can only be set in the initial install process. So seeing as we have Administrator privileges within a virtual environment we could uninstall and reset the channel number to another class room on the next install (which is more than what the teachers can do). Prior to installing the LAN school view software I was expecting some sort of password for teachers to access clients over the network, but nope nothing. From memory I didn't see anywhere within the programs install process/or the program itself that allows you to set a password. Now I could be wrong about this seeing as I did only have a fiddle for a short time (85% sure though) but I will take a good look tomorrow and confirm it. It seems rather odd that the only security is your limited desktop access and the fact that only teachers get the LAN school viewer at login. As I mentioned in the above I am simply gob smacked at how easy it all was and if I was a malicious user god help all the students at my crappy tafe. My humble apologizes that this isn't slightly more technical and more than likely not well written, I am trying to work on both of those aspects. XD
  2. Well things can only go up from here on in, maybe next time nude photo's of summer? Things would most certainly start looking up. XD
  3. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    To be honest I had no intention of posting to be a "l33t little shite" if I took that mentality why would I make reference and mention I am no hacker and have limited computer knowledge? Seriously give me some credit I at least had the decency to not give out information and inquire/do my own research about the policy in here prior to posting. I am well aware of the fact that system administrators congregate on this forum and as for posting technical detail on what I have done, like I mentioned in the above it was really simple, so simple in fact that it really isn't that technical (any idiot could do it, which could explain how we managed to fluke it). Well seeing as I am a fledgling 1st year Network student, I guess that rules me out on displaying it at a Systems Admin level. =P lol Now why would I go to the trouble of flaming your email? Do you have that affect on people? FYI I am an aussie we don't get upset to easily, the day I take offense to something said in a forum and feel the need to flame an email account is the day I go out the back yard and play a quick game of hide and go neck myself. The only exception would be when you English Folk take the ashes back off us shortly (god damn we are playing shit). By the way thanks for posting the policy and saving me the searching, it is much appreciated.
  4. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    I started back at school this week after having a week off and our I.T department did a massive overhaul of our computers, network among other things. One of my funny as Teachers went on a bit of a power trip and was showing off his new found powers via this newly installed piece of software called Lanschool. Which I will admit was impressive and annoying from a student prospective. Lanschool v7.2. In a nut shell equivocates to VNC on steroids. It allows a teacher to view ever desktop in a class room from his Teacher Viewer client whilst permitting them to carry out some of the following features (some of these features can affect an entire class room and all of its students). Link: http://www.lanschool.com/lanschool/feature...ick-easy-access - Logging of Keystrokes. - Remote control of desktop. - Disabling the internet connection. - Shutting down the PC - Redirecting websites. - Locking the screen. - Displaying the teachers desktop on all students class room desktops. - Hosting a chat session - The list goes on and on..................... Anyways me and a fellow class mate spent most of our project management class trying find a way to disable it so the teacher couldn't do any of the above (we enjoy our free mass downloading). I will admit it was a sod and I do MEAN SOD to try and remove with your limited student access, mandatory profile and our some what limited computer knowledge. In the end we worked out how to remove it, but obviously it comes back when you log off due to the mandatory profile (still its better than nothing). We also had a bit of a fiddle and tried to obtain the same powers our teacher was demonstrating, sure enough we managed to find a work around and that work around allowed us more than a single class room (it was so simple it was not funny, which is slightly worrying seeing as the two of us are no hackers). For the record after an hour of some cheap harmless laughs at the expense of fellow class mates we ended up reporting the issue to the school's IT department and demonstrated how we could virtually spy/shut down any class room. Oddly enough they didn't seem to interested and if there track record is anything to go by this issue wont be resolved until they get around to the next upgrade (but meh we tried to do the right thing). I know this piece of software is some what popular among Tafe's and high school institutions(not sure about Universities) within Australia and I was curious if any of the folk in here have ever come across this software during there studies? Also if any one is interested I don't mind posting a tutorial for the above but before I do I wanna read the policy on here on what can be posted. I know the mod's have a anti How to hax0r yours skoolzorz policy which is fair enough and the last thing I wanna do is piss some of the people off in here.
  5. LoL Finally something us Aussie can be proud about for being behind the 8 ball on tech. YAY an extra year of analog =P The only people that will be confused and refuse to upgrade would be the senior citizen population. I guess its hard to find money for a set top box when those flashing lights on pokie machines are soooo attractive. Like mosquitoes to a bug zapper or something along those lines.
  6. Summer is epic win unlike this topic. I love it how b00bs can make a shit subject more interesting.
  7. Ah I never knew it could be turned on with vista (then again I am not an avid Vista fan and try to avoid it). Just out of curiosity does net send work with all XP service pack's? I was wondering cuz I have SP3 and it never seemed to work *shrugs shoulders* I originally thought it might be a firewall but even with it disabled I got zip. Smart move I never thought of doing a batch file for screen saver's, that would save a lot of time. XD
  8. Swathe when are they planning on discontinuing the analog signal in OZ? Last thing I recall was some time in 2009 (or maybe I am getting confused).
  9. lol at the above suggestions. I was always a fan of getting into command prompt and typing net send * You are a twat or you could just make a batch file and have it on a loop. XD I think the above only works on windows os's from XP and prior versions, but don't hold me to it. Your other option would be to read the wikki on here and make a usb switch blade and rape all the saved passwords he has and see what pron sites he has visited for future embarrassment.
  10. Damn! When you say full featured you sure as hell ain't mucking around. The list of features you posted are pretty cool, almost like backtrack with gui but for wifi. I ended up downloading the trial version of comview for wifi 6.something during class today and had a quick read through the documentation. I was considering purchasing a copy (shock horror I don't usually pay for software unless its AWESOME) but yeah looked at the price for licensing and I was like =0 ...... ok maybe not. By the way I may just take you up on that offer if I hit a brick wall on something and pop by your IRC channel. It maybe a while until I get around to it, temp's are still in the high 30's and I have a project to do on Hierarchical internetworking. I know I have said this a few times in here but seriously thank you for taking time out of your day and lending a n00b a hand.
  11. I was planning on having a crack at the above in my lab today but with temperatures at around 35 degrees I think not (lab is a small shed with a tin roof and no air con) sucks to be me. Anyways I just wanted to clarify something before I took a stab at it. I have pre-configured my wireless access point and disabled DHCP. I have my computer at some random Ip address (obviously not the correct one), associate with the access point and run comview or wireshark to monitor the packets out of the air. I am guessing from here on in I need to have a mock victim setup who has the correct ip addressing and gateway information. I then have my mock victim associate with the access point. Now all that is left for me to do is inspect the traffic captured via the sniffer and look at the ARP packets source or destination to obtain the correct IP address and gateway information to have my attacker join the network. Please correct me if I am wrong. =)
  12. Firefox extension? lol wtf? Yes dingle please do, I would be most interested. XD
  13. I agree 85mbps is slower than your cat5 standard but slightly better than wireless and its 54mbps. I hear a fair few people are making the switch from wireless to EOP due to the 200 meter distance and the lack of signal drop outs, I guess its also cheaper and less hassle to implement EOP over cable installs as well. lol it is nice not having to pay for things, I think that link I posted had them valued at $200 my mate scored the same thing for $130, which is pretty good. Yeah I read claims of 200mbps speeds from netgear but then I came across this posting on a forum 200Mbps from Netgear: And they have already been sued and the engineering people said:- quote the max speed we got in the lab was 85Mb/s the 200 was a number dreamed up by the marketing department. end quote
  14. One of the guys from class lashed out and purchased the Netcomm NP285 Ethernet over power turbo twin pack out of curiosity. Seeing as he is flat out with work (installing surveillance equipment) he was kind enough to chuck it my way for a road test for a couple of weeks. To be perfectly honest I know sweet stuff all about the technology other than what is advertised on the box and like most things what is advertised is sometimes not entirely correct. Hence I figured I would chuck it up here and see what the hak5 tech guru's think. If any of you have encountered using or read anything interesting on Ethernet over power I am all ears. On a side note are there any security concerns? from what little I have read the only thing protecting you is being on a different power phase (but meh I am no electrician). I was planning on having a read of the documentation and having a fiddle when I awake from my slumber tomorrow afternoon. XD Specs for the NP 285 can be found at http://www.netcomm.com.au/products/ethernetoverpower/np285 Thanks in advance to all who posted and gave me some reading material.
  15. thanks for the Video tutorial Tape, I had a look at it was most interesting, Hydra for the WIN. XD
  16. Thanks for saving me the searching on google Vector, your a legend. XD ah yeah, now that you mention it I recall you suggesting commview for wifi in another thread on here. I had a quick look at the linkage you had posted back then and it looked pretty nifty, so thanks for the reminder (I have a shocking memory).
  17. Yeap your assumption was correct, whoops I should have maybe explained it a little better. I was thinking that sniffing the air would be the best approach but I was under the silly impression that I had to be associated with the access point and have the corresponding IP addressing for that network to be able to do so. Thanks for the speedy reply and the further insight with using a VPN stingwray. MM I may have to have a crack at testing your suggestion in my lab. I think my wifi card is compatible Netgear WPN311 PCI (I may have to google it after class). I am assuming you would use something like wireshark to sniff the air waves or does anyone in here have a better suggestion?
  18. Hey Hak5 community, My class mates and I were discussing the pro's and con's of adding additional security by obscurity measures to a wireless access point such as MAC Filtering, hiding the SSID broadcasting and disabling DHCP. I pointed out that both the hidden SSID and MAC filtering can easily be retrieved as soon as a client associated with the access point via airodump. Now the thing I am racking my mind over is, is it at all possible to locate the the correct network portion of a IP address so you can manually set your network and host portion to be apart of that wireless network? Any insight on the above would be greatly appreciated. P.S: Sorry if this has already been discussed, I did however have a quick look and came up empty.
  19. LMFAO 26 years, I am surprised his wife didn't leave him. You have to admire the guys dedication.
  20. The above is the smartest posting I have read in this entire thread. amusing, simple, direct and logical *I tip my hat to you*
  21. LOL, I bet guests hate using your bloody keyboard then. =P
  22. agreed cleaning and keeping it clean is a pain in the behind. The again compared to some of my mates the setups posted here are immaculate and spotless. Most people I know have panels and all sorts of crap missing from the case and don't get me started on work space! I suspect most people cleaned prior to posting images, come on no male can be clean unless they suffer from OCD. One thing that annoys me is as soon as I have my crap in a mint clean state I immediately trash it when repairing comp's or doing lab stuff for school.
  23. lol looks like a hard core DIY bomb kit =P
  24. The hardware hacks are pretty funky and you guys have done some outstanding work, I think it’s a little rich to request more especially seeing as the show has moved to a weekly scheduling. Obviously the gear required for some projects can get a little pricey, not to mention I am sure the research and assembly is time consuming. In my honesty opinion one hardware hack a month is reasonable. From a poor student viewer prospective, who can afford to do more than one hardware hack a month anyways? Well that would require quitting alcohol/smoking which isn’t going happen any time soon. As for the open source reviews on the show I don’t find them as annoying as others are making out. I rarely enquire into that sort of thing and some things do escape ones attention. It’s nice to be kept in the know. The HD format I personally don’t see as a massive issue, as far as I am concerned as long as I can read what is being entered in on screen I am happy camper. Besides the smaller the file size the quicker I can watch my downloaded episode. I will agree that since the move to Revision 3 the show is slightly more n00bier than usual, hell I remember when I first started watching during season 3 and was all like WTF? But I don’t exactly see the slight n00b factor as a bad thing. I like the fact you guys give a quick explanation on the concept prior to diving into the nitty gritty, sometimes a quick refresher is exactly what one needs After reading all of the posts on this topic and a lot of the concerns of the old School hak5 viewers about more complex Linux /Unix stuff. It seems sensible for the more seasoned Linux/Unix user to volunteer some time and show case there 1337ness as a special quest or lend a helping hand. The other common gripe on this thread was the lack of technical explanation on topics in the new season. This seems a little unfair seeing as you guys do X amount of segments per an episode so obviously you are under time constraints with how deep you can dive into the rabbit hole. Technically explanations and further reading is best left on the forum or in the form of show notes as per usual. At the end of the day it’s hard to please everyone but I for one am grateful that they even bothered to construct the show when they could have easily sat around the home playing games and drinking booze. You guys/gals have done a fantastic job and a lot of the stuff aired on the show I have implemented (FreeNAS, Smoothwall, USB Switchbalde etc). I will simply finish by saying, thank you very much, I greatly appreciate it. P.S: I have introduced a few of my fellow class mates to hak5 which we all watch huddled around a monitor during our lunch break. For a advertised Advanced Network Security diploma class it seriously is lacking the "Security" aspect, so yeah we have been relying on hak5 among other sites for info.
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