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Gos Pc's Good Or Bad?


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The Gos pc is a very cheap computer running on a copy of linux, 99% of its "applications" are just windows that load Google apps such as Gmail, calender etc. What do you think about this?

From what I can tell it is the first open source or free linux based os to be used commercially.

Here is the site


Some things to think about.

1. Is this good for linux/open source?

2. Is the os even worth having since it runs mostly web based apps?

3. Will a non-computer savvy consumer enjoy such a pc when they are probably used to windows?

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The idea of linux is free, if I want to pay money I will get a hell of a lot better OS from windows.
that's very ignorant, free as in free speech not free beer

the idea of linux is to be able to modify it and change it to your needs NOT for it to cost nothing

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Do the apps work when your offline? Aside from Gmail, anyway. Never used any of the google apps other than the map api, and that does require you to be online(for obvious reasons).

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The idea of linux is free, if I want to pay money I will get a hell of a lot better OS from windows.

that's very ignorant, free as in free speech not free beer

the idea of linux is to be able to modify it and change it to your needs NOT for it to cost nothing

Correct, everybody having access so as a collective mind they can improve upon and share the results for the betterment of all. The means by which its exposed can vary ;) Also, if he'd have taken the time to LOOK he'd so the OS is in fact free its the hardware that costs the money.

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Devices like the eeepc and smartphones will take over for PC's for most people. If you could hook your nokia up to a TV and a wireless keyboard why by a PC?

Because I can't play ut on it lol

I'd say most people don't play games other than solitaire and mineswipper on their PC. Games have grown in popularity over the years but the games consoles are what most people play on. Games consoles are turning into PVR and media delivery systems so they will grow in number, but computers as VaKo said will not be needed by most people.

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Devices like the eeepc and smartphones will take over for PC's for most people. If you could hook your nokia up to a TV and a wireless keyboard why by a PC?

Because I can't play ut on it lol

I'd say most people don't play games other than solitaire and mineswipper on their PC. Games have grown in popularity over the years but the games consoles are what most people play on. Games consoles are turning into PVR and media delivery systems so they will grow in number, but computers as VaKo said will not be needed by most people.

I cant do Steam on a eePC or Team Deathmatch 2 admittedly I dont "hardcore game" but according to the tell taile Steam whatsit I play on average 50 hours every 2 weeks on the thing.

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Devices like the eeepc and smartphones will take over for PC's for most people. If you could hook your nokia up to a TV and a wireless keyboard why by a PC?

Because I can't play ut on it lol

I'd say most people don't play games other than solitaire and mineswipper on their PC. Games have grown in popularity over the years but the games consoles are what most people play on. Games consoles are turning into PVR and media delivery systems so they will grow in number, but computers as VaKo said will not be needed by most people.

I cant do Steam on a eePC or Team Deathmatch 2 admittedly I dont "hardcore game" but according to the tell taile Steam whatsit I play on average 50 hours every 2 weeks on the thing.

Actually, the eeepc can play UT and I'm pretty sure it'll play HL2 as well.

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Devices like the eeepc and smartphones will take over for PC's for most people. If you could hook your nokia up to a TV and a wireless keyboard why by a PC?

Because I can't play ut on it lol

I'd say most people don't play games other than solitaire and mineswipper on their PC. Games have grown in popularity over the years but the games consoles are what most people play on. Games consoles are turning into PVR and media delivery systems so they will grow in number, but computers as VaKo said will not be needed by most people.

I cant do Steam on a eePC or Team Deathmatch 2 admittedly I dont "hardcore game" but according to the tell taile Steam whatsit I play on average 50 hours every 2 weeks on the thing.

There will always be a small market for gaming PC's but the market is declining (from a high). The thing is most people don't play games, it's a simple fact and most people that do play games, do so on consoles and the fact that consoles are starting to do media out of the box the people that don't play games will buy them  for media content, like a cable box or DVD player and if they feel like playing games they already have something that can do it, so why on earth would they waste money on a PC that they have no need for.

The people on here are not most people. The average person couldn't give a fuck about how something works  all they care about is that they can do what they want, which as things are going makes PC for most people a redundant device.

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Add to that the fact that a "gaming" graphics card can cost as much, if not more than a console + a few games and you can see why its a limited market with a declining popularity. (That being despite the fact that you do not need a top end card to play PC games at an enjoyable setting)

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