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what?, first off what os are you using, are you sure you wrote the parition table? what FS did you format the partition with if any? what do you mean the partition is not there? did you use a tool to resize an existing partition to create another, or did you partition currently available freespace on you drive. what tools are you using to try and see the partition,?

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have you formated the partition?, if you shrunk an existing partition did it automatically create a second one or is it unassigned space.

You know you really shouldn't be messing with low level disk tools if you not sure what your doing.

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have you formated the partition?, if you shrunk an existing partition did it automatically create a second one or is it unassigned space.

You know you really shouldn't be messing with low level disk tools if you not sure what your doing.

how else does he learn what he's doing... it's his data he can do what ever he wants to it

Get a ubuntu 6.06 live desktop cd

boot it up

click on the system menu at the top left (3rd menu)

I the administration sub pannel (i think) theres a tool called Gparted or Partition 'something' start that up

resize the borked partition a TINY bit larger and apply changes

it should give you an img of the partition with no free(white) space following make it a bit larger the white space following the partition should appear .... rinse and repeat as required

all your data might be gone if you need some more help let me know

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Ok, please help us understand so we can help you ^^

Answer the following questions in as much detail as you can:

What was your set up like before you attempted to change the partition layout (drive size and partition sizes would be nice)?

What was the desired effect of the editing of the partition layout?

What exactly did you do in partition magic?

What was the actual effect of the changing of the partition layout (according to gparted, specifying partition and drive sizes)?

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What was your set up like before you attempted to change the partition

layout (drive size and partition sizes would be nice)?

well this is the second time ive tried to create a partition using partion magic

but i orginally had a 160 gig harddrive with on backup partition

What was the desired effect of the editing of the partition layout?

i wanted to dual boot linux and windows

What exactly did you do in partition magic?

i clicked on the disk one icon and i pressed create partition.

then when it said what partion size and format (junk like that) i pressed 7000mb and ntfs format.

What was the actual effect of the changing of the partition layout (according to gparted, specifying partition and drive sizes)?

nothing showed up in gparted accept the regualr harddisk and the recovery harddisk

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Two things before I give my response:

1. Most Linux installations are bigger then 700MB.

2. NTFS is still pretty hostel to Linux, should have selected FAT, plus that would distinguish it form the other partitions more easily.

If all the free space of the disk is used (I assume windows wouldn't let you use 8MB of the free space because the windows installer is retarded), then just telling partition magic to create one should have given you an error or a popup asking which partition to resize. If neither occurred I would say that when you thought you created a partition, what actually happened was nothing.

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