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Hacking a Wedding in a Good Way


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Hey all - just thought I'd share a great time I had with the NANO this weekend. My dear friends got married this weekend and I thought I'd have some fun, but not in the usual pineapple-y way. I wanted to wish them the best and congratulate them in my way - the hacker way. I loaded up the NANO with the Occupineapple module and created a list comprised of:

Congrats Drew and Pete!

Woohoo Pete and Drew!

P&D 2016!

Pete and Drew Tie the Knot!

Pete and Drew Forever!

etc, etc, etc

I used a small usb battery, and fit it into my tux. People started arriving, and of course after the obligatory greetings and whatnot many of them pulled out there phones and were taking photos of themselves all dressed up. When they went to post to Facebook and Instagram, many of them noticed the new BSSIDs! Remarks such as "Whoa, whats this? Wow, cool!" and "Holy shit, Pete and Drew had a whole bunch of wifi things setup!" were overheard by my wife and I.

Best of all, on the shuttle over to the reception, I cornered the couple and said "Hey guys, I think theres some wifi on the shuttle, that's pretty sweet". They both pulled out their phones and tried to connect, and upon seeing all the celebratory BSSIDs...ear to ear smiles. They both turned their heads to me, knowing I was somehow responsible, and we shared a great memorable moment.

All because of the Pineapple. So big thanks to the hak5 crew and to Whistlemaster for the excellent module that added a bit more magic to the evening. You guys are the best



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3 hours ago, nik321 said:

Hey Darren, for this to work, do they need to connect to the AP your pineapple is sending out? 


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