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Pineapple Bar Unavailable


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Hello, I'm trying to download sslstrip to the pineapple but there is a issue with the Pineapple bar. The app starts alright except the tab of apps to download.

"Loading, please wait. This can take a while, depending on your connection."

"Error connecting. Please check your internet connection!"

The internet is working fine otherwise, other apps aren't having issues.

Does anyone know what's going on?

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When it says check your internet connection, it means internet connection settings or however your pineapple is getting internet.

SSH to your pineapple and try to ping

This is correct. How are you giving your WiFi Pineapple MKV internet?

Make sure you give it internet before trying to check the Pineapple Bar!

Best Regards,


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The problem almost was solved. The computer was connected to another wifi card which didn't have sharing enabled. After configuring it to share with the pineapple (in windows network and sharing center) it still will not connect.

Instead of relying on windows I tried to set up the Pineapple using a Kali VM but got a "SIOCADDRT: No such device" error at the end of the install.

This is the error when connecting with Putty in Windows: "network error: connection refused".

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Through WiFi. I went through the steps in the Windows Internet Connection video at uni.wifipineapple.com. After which nothing had changed ("Internet IP" --"Error Connecting")

Maybe the config is wrong, this is correct?

ipv4 for Pineapple:;;

ipv4 for Wi-Fi: obtain ip address automatically; obtain DNS server address automatically; Sharing- Allow other network users to connect through this computers internet connection - Home networking connection: Pineapple. Allow other network users to control or disable the shared internet connection. (all boxes have checks)

Edited by haknakpdywak
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The only thing I can suggest right now would be to boot off a linux usb/DVD (Non VMs), connect to your wireless to get the wp5.sh and try that. At least that way we can rule out hardware issues. You may need to also disable the automatic config so the network manager doesn't try and take over. Just remember that script needs to run as root or sudo.


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On a Kali CD the pineapple kicks off the Alfa wireless connection for every website except To set up I've gotten around it by disconnecting the pineapple before entering "wget wifipineapple.com/wp4.sh" and then reconnecting it for the rest of the commands.

First attempt: uFTKf3s.png

Again but with different settings: O7ZhCdC.png

It's still unable to connect to the pineapple bar.

I tried this again using wp5.sh (v.2.2) instead of the wp4.sh (v2.1) from the video with the same results.

Edited by haknakpdywak
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It is finaly working! The Pineapple University video was a little different from the other one in that the [eth0] and [wlan0] were left blank; doing that worked. The pineapple still kicks off the wifi connection for the browser but the 172 connection works and it is now and the pineapple bar is working. Hopefully it won't change after connecting it back to Windows.

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Apparently I spoke too soon. It disconnected and is again unable to acess the pineapple bar. Ifconfig is showing that the connection facing the pineapple is eht0 and the internet facing one is wlan0. Leaving them blank is no longer working, it returns the same error as any other configuration--> "SIOCDELRT: No such process; SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable"

For a few hours the red light was cycling between solid, blinking, and off; now it's just solid. :blink:

Edited by haknakpdywak
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Just to make this clear - This is not the WiFi Pineapple MKV's fault.

You need to make sure you are configuring the ICS correctly. If it worked once but stopped, it is likely that your network manager tried to take over and interrupted the connection.

Getting it to work on Windows is usually very simple, provided you have the correct adapter configuration (ie WLAN AP <---> Windows <---> Ethernet <---> Pineapple).

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I still don't understand why you are using the script or trying to do ICS this way... It's much simpler to use the Client Mode connection with your wlan1 antenna and not use an eth0 connection or the script. At least it is to begin with so that you can get updates and infusions from the Pineapple Bar. Once you've done that (and know the new method of Connecting your Laptop/Tablet to wlan0 and going to the Pineapple Management Page to setup in the Client Mode tab your wlan1 to provide internet to the Pineapple and wlan0 connected devices) you can then attempt to play around with the hard wired ICS/script method. Crawl, Walk, Run approach to learning the Mark 5... Just my 2 cents.

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Just to make this clear - This is not the WiFi Pineapple MKV's fault.

You need to make sure you are configuring the ICS correctly. If it worked once but stopped, it is likely that your network manager tried to take over and interrupted the connection.

Getting it to work on Windows is usually very simple, provided you have the correct adapter configuration (ie WLAN AP <---> Windows <---> Ethernet <---> Pineapple).

(WLAN AP <---> Windows <---> Ethernet <---> Pineapple) it is configured this way.

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