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Laptop water cooler


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Yeah the project isn't very practicle. Maybe a mod for a PC because that ugly ass thing on a laptop is very pointless. Laptop is portable and that doesn't seem very portable. as moonlit said though the cell phone motor thign was pretty interesting. :)

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If you wanted to make it more practical, maybe you could setup a watercooling dock for your laptop? So all you would need to do is put you laptop in it, and it activates water cooling. When its running on battery, mine tends to stay quite cool.

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I've got a Pentium M Ultra Low Voltage in my dell, seems to actually do what the same suggests.Its a tiny laptop but the battery only has about 1hr in it on windows, and 45mins on suse. Its a shame but the size and heat of this thing makes it all worth while.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a great idea. My lappy is always way too hot. I am sure there is a way you could make the water cooling more user friendly. To keep it practical you would need to be able to have a heatskin that is connected to the stock cooling system exposed. This way you can hook up your water-cooling on the fly.

What if you made a massive heatsink that mounts on the back of your LCD. if you had the right copper tubing hooked up to the CPU heatsink you might be able to passively cool the laptop Kinda like those Zalman cases that go for a grand.

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is a great idea. My lappy is always way too hot. I am sure there is a way you could make the water cooling more user friendly. To keep it practical you would need to be able to have a heatskin that is connected to the stock cooling system exposed. This way you can hook up your water-cooling on the fly.

What if you made a massive heatsink that mounts on the back of your LCD. if you had the right copper tubing hooked up to the CPU heatsink you might be able to passively cool the laptop Kinda like those Zalman cases that go for a grand.

you could just get a laptop cooling pad that would help the burning balls problem they're cheap and usb powered i just glued 4 velcro squares to the bottom of my lappy and it holds nice and tight. if by too hot you mean the processor is running too hot then you may have a bigger problem. but if its running a pentium m or a core 2 due these ae desinged to run cooler and with less power. so if its running hot you need to check it out.

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