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How would i send an echo through MSN?

Several things i want to mention to make youre future posts...better you can say

1. need help doesnt catch peoples attention change it to GUESS WHAT I NEED HELP AND I THINK IM BETTER THAN YOU

2. consider going to a site named www.google.com

3. get the answer from google

4. do not make another thread stating how you used google

5. consider getting into wow

6. change youre name Troulz to UltRa!

7. do not go outside anymore

8. consider not reposting stating how this post of mines is stupid

Please commence flamming :twisted:

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This may sound really lame, but if you want to appreciate the delay length, organise with the other person that you're going to send a message, get them to prepare something so that they press enter as they see your message. The time this takes to go back and forth is your ping time

lame i know, but afaik that's the best that msn offers you.

you can't actually ping the other person's ip because msn uses their msn servers as go betweens so the ping times you would get wouldn't accurately reflect the ping time for your msn conversation

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This may sound really lame, but if you want to appreciate the delay length, organise with the other person that you're going to send a message, get them to prepare something so that they press enter as they see your message. The time this takes to go back and forth is your ping time

lame i know, but afaik that's the best that msn offers you.

you can't actually ping the other person's ip because msn uses their msn servers as go betweens so the ping times you would get wouldn't accurately reflect the ping time for your msn conversation

Couldnt you then get the other person to ping the msn server, and you ping the msn server, then calculate the ping time from both results, plus them together? (But this would only work if both people are on the same msn server)

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i mean so i can send a ping through msn to someone i'm talking to, and to get it to come back

With some very true responses already been given, let me ask a question that's ominously missing from all this:


What's the point in pinging the other guy? Don't think the connection is working? Well, that would mean your connection with the MSN _server_ is down, so pinging the other guy won't help you.

If you're looking for response time, you should once again look at the server more than the other individual.

The only somewhat sane reason I can think of to ping someone is because you want to know the other person's IP. The best way to do that is to send the individual an URL to a location that you have access to, hope he clicks the link and check the server logs for his connection.

You'd need control of a webserver, but that's trivial.

Next time you post, add a little context. It makes for better, more helpful responses.

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You don't even need to bother with netstat

file transfers don't use MSN's servers, they happen directly (i think this may not be the case if you are firewalled such that it's not possible, it's a long time since i was reading documentation on MSN's chat protocol) so your client knows the other person's IP.

I don't know if msn messenger shows it somewhere, but i know gaim gives it to you in the file transfer box. Just send someone a file and you've got their ip.

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