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Alfa R36 Wifi Pineapple

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Hey guys,

Anyone here made their own Wifi Pineapple with a stock Alfa R36 device?

I have hooked it up via Serial, and firstly the menu is different to that in the instructions. Option one is no the command prompt, it is option 4. Anyway, I get to the prompt, and follow the rest of the instructions (http://cloud.wifipin...ex.php?flashing - Clean Flash (Serial)) and I get a few errors, as shown below:

With the erase command, I get the following:


erase - erase FLASH memory

It doesn't seem to erase the memory.

Also, when issuing the bootm command, I get the following:

## Booting image at 9f650000 ...

Bad Magic Number,00000000

Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be? I have a feeling it's a slightly different board. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advanced.

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Blown mind is blown. Long time Hak5 fan and I just received my Alfa r36 in the mail today and was going to ask this very question. I will begin to try with intructions above and am sure any questions I'll have will be answered will be already explained before I ask :D Love the show can't wait to hak up my R36.

Edited by E34driver
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  • 2 months later...

Hi guys, I'm new to the forums, so I'll preface this with a quick hello, although I've been following Darrin & the crew for a few years with much enthusiasm.

I recently found myself in the possession of an Alfa R36, with the intention of turning it into a wifi pinapple. The case looked pretty much the same, but I made an assumption and didn't read the fine print. Serves me right for being impatient.

Anyway, the chipset is a Ralink RT3050F. The pineapple is built on top of the OpenWrt os. It just so happens that OpenWrt's newest beta supports the RT305x chipset.


I'm going to give it a try and see how it goes. It it works, it's a step closer.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi guys, I'm new to the forums, so I'll preface this with a quick hello, although I've been following Darrin & the crew for a few years with much enthusiasm.

I recently found myself in the possession of an Alfa R36, with the intention of turning it into a wifi pinapple. The case looked pretty much the same, but I made an assumption and didn't read the fine print. Serves me right for being impatient.

Anyway, the chipset is a Ralink RT3050F. The pineapple is built on top of the OpenWrt os. It just so happens that OpenWrt's newest beta supports the RT305x chipset.


I'm going to give it a try and see how it goes. It it works, it's a step closer.

Pineapple Mark IV now works on Alfa R36 (Ralink RT3050F)?

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  • 2 months later...

Hi gents,

New to the forums as well. Greets to all!

Need to know if the newer R36's will rock a jasager firmware? I've dropped a line to ALFA support to get the current chipset, but I am very interested in modding this. I'll post a walk-through if I am successful - but any effort already made would be quite useful.

Cheers and greetings from Canada! :)

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Hi gents,

New to the forums as well. Greets to all!

Need to know if the newer R36's will rock a jasager firmware? I've dropped a line to ALFA support to get the current chipset, but I am very interested in modding this. I'll post a walk-through if I am successful - but any effort already made would be quite useful.

Cheers and greetings from Canada! :)

Nope. Sorry - just not enough space, the firmware doesn't run on it.

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This should probably be moved to the http://forums.hak5.org/index.php?/forum/64-wifi-pineapple-jasager/ section, just for informational purposes of people who need WiFi Pineapple / Jasager info specifically. I know its a question, but now that we have a section devoted to Jasager, kind of makes sense to maybe pin it on one of those boards.

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  • 4 months later...

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