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My Review of Windows Vista so far


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I belive I have the latest version of Vista, but I may not have, I'm using Pre-RC1 build 5552.

The first thing that struck me as od (besighds the usual Areo effects and "Are you sure?" messages) was when I opened security center and it said "There is no password on the Administrator acount, you should set one, click here to set one". This is becasue in past version of windows you where asked to set a administrator password when installing, with this one you where not. Admitidly the Administrator acount was disabled by default (as it should be), but I bet like XP it will renable it if you boot into safe mode (The boot menu is no longer F8, and I havn't found out which button it is yet).

Things that I like about Vista

While I'm sure parental controls will make many kids upset, they actualy work. I played around with them and managed to limit what web sites I could visit, the time I could logon, and which programs I could run. While the web site restrictions and logon times are easily defeated by a Live Linux distro, the program limitations are not so easy to by pass. I tried moving the program and renaming the file, but to no avail. I bet windows creats a hash of the program each time you run it and checks it agenst a list. At some point I will get a hex editor and change a byte or two in the program to see if it still blocks it.

It nativly support IPv6... nuf said.

Microsoft copied the Linux memory managment. Huray! Windows now uses all the RAM befor using the virtual memory, thus making every thing much faster. This is likly the primary reason the minimum RAM requierment is 512MB. I don't see why they can't have met in the middle and offered both methods of memory managment.

If you change the default web browser to, you know, a good web browser (namyly Firefox), if you type a URL in explorer, it will no longer open in IE but in the default browser, this is a very good feature from both a usability and a security stand point.

New to task manager: Got to service. With the old windows 2000 and XP task manager, you could see what processes are running, but couldn't tell if it was a service just with tas kmamanger. Now with Vista you can, and you can stop and start services with task manager, this is good becasue you no longer have to open services.msc to stop and start service. You can also right click a process and selecte "Go to Service" and if the process is a server, the service will be highlighted in the services tab.

Things I don't like

Prety much every thing has changed in some way, this is a pain becasue it means I have to relearn all the menus. While I have no trouble doing this (becasue of how my head works), it's just a pain. Except for people who needed training for using 95/98/2000/XP, becasue they will need retraining.

The setting up of windows ile sharing is now more complex then ever... and alot of people had problems with this even when it's "Click here to enable file sharing" simple.

The new start menu is horrific, it took my mum (who knows how to use windows) 3 minuets to navigate the new start menu and run paint. At least you have the option to use the old start menu.

Areo, it's pointless and resorce whroing.

All the "Are you sure?" questions.

It tries to hide the fact that it has a hard drive from the user.

OpenGL performs about 35% worse on Vista then XP and nearly 50% worse then Linux (even using the buggy fglrx drivers)!

The pointless out bound firewall. When using a software firewall that offers out bount control, you expect to be alerted every time a new program tries to access the Internet and then get to decide weather or not it can access the local network or the Internet. What the built in out bound firewall on Vista actualy dose when a programe tries to access the Internet is nothing... It just lets the connection go stright through and only if you go through about 5 menus to speificly block a programs connection to the Internet dose it actualy do any thing. If I where to use Vista as my primary desktop, I would get Kerio or (heaven forbid) Zonealarm as soon as they support it. The out bound firewall on vista is quite pointless and a big inconveniance to use.

My conclusion

I stand by what I have said in the past. Vista will fail badly. While it has some new features (the most noticable parental control), most people won't want them or alredy have them in some shape or form. The only reason I would ever get Vista (if I didn't need to support it) is for DirectX 10 and I had to have a specific DirectX 10 game (which will not be Halo 2). People have said that the success of vista will either make or brake Microsoft, it wil fail.

Other Points of Interest

You can make it look like Windows 95 if you so wish.

Currently no VNC software (appart from Microsofts RDP) works with it yet.

Currently free antivirus solutions are buggy (and in some cases don't work at all).

It now has an outbound firewall, I can't give an opinion on this yet as I havn't tested it. At a glance I would say it's too complicated for any one who isn't a IT profesional to use, the interface made me want to close it becasue of all the buttons and menus it has :/ (I now have an opinion, see my comments in the "Dislikes" section)

You can't run Vista in VWmare (it constantly restarts the virtual macheine).

Any thoughts?

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Considering that a bulk of Microsoft sales are to OEM’s and all major manufactures will be shipping it installed on there new computers, I see it extremely unlikely that that it will fail.

Sure Vista has it’s issues but I believe it will be better then XP (only time will tell). As for Areo, well most corporate sales will have it disabled as default on all new systems and you will have the option to disable it at any time on all the versions of Vista.

I’m not a Microsoft fan boy but it is a step forward, sure it has it’s problems but the same can be said about every operating system.

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I ment to make that point, if you have no good reason to get Vista, don't get it. If you do have a reason, at least wait a minimum of six months so the majority of the problems have times to be fixed. If you ablsaluty have to get it for a reason (e.g. you work for a company that will eventualy have computers running Vista and so you need to know it so you can support it) to get it immediatly, at least don't let it on the Internet for six months

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I only run Windows on my CAD and gaming boxes. I will upgrade my gaming box as soon as the Ultimate edition comes out, but my CAD box is a production machine so I will give it a year before I upgrade.

I also have a couple of servers running Windows server 2003 which I won’t bother upgrading.

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"Are you sure?"

"Are you sure?"

"Are you sure?"


Windows Vista is going to be used because people are going to buy it with it preinstalled on new machines. To be used as an upgrade, it's going to fail. Most people havent even installed the security upgrades, witch are free, let alone buy a $200+ OS.

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Following up on my thought that changing a byte or two will alow you to run a program:

This will not work, becasue it uses a whitelist methodology. For this to have any chance of working you would have to find a way to make vista think the program you are wanting to run is actualy another program you are allowed to run. I would imagin this is a very difficult thing to do.

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I found another thing I like with Vista:

Microsoft copied the Linux memory managment. Huray! Windows now uses all the RAM befor using the virtual memory, thus making every thing much faster. This is likly the primary reason the minimum RAM requierment is 512MB. I don't see why they can't have met in the middle and offered both methods of memory managment.

Another thing I don't like about Vista:

OpenGL performs about 35% worse on Vista then XP and nearly 50% worse then OpenGL on Linux!

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Noticable good security improvments that I have found and like:

The default file permmissons are much better then XP and definitly 2000.

Windows actualy checks if the program thats trying to run as a service is actualy a service (rather then just asuming it is like 2000, XP and 2003), this compleatly defeats my run as system thing.

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Considering that a bulk of Microsoft sales are to OEM’s and all major manufactures will be shipping it installed on there new computers, I see it extremely unlikely that that it will fail.

That doesnt mean that it wont fail. The bottom line is still the consumer will have the option of buying a computer pre-installed with vista. I bet if you walked into a computer shop and all the comps had vista pre-installed and you told them you wont buy it with out XP that they will soon remove vista for you and install XP on that machine. The bottom line is it comes down to the consumer and once the consumers notice how shit vista really is they wont want it, they will just keep XP.

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Another thing I like (and I think every one will):

If you change the default web browser to, you know, a good web browser (namyly Firefox), if you type a URL in explorer, it will no longer open in IE but in the default browser, this is a very good feature from both a usability and a security stand point.

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Considering that a bulk of Microsoft sales are to OEM’s and all major manufactures will be shipping it installed on there new computers, I see it extremely unlikely that that it will fail.

That doesnt mean that it wont fail. The bottom line is still the consumer will have the option of buying a computer pre-installed with vista. I bet if you walked into a computer shop and all the comps had vista pre-installed and you told them you wont buy it with out XP that they will soon remove vista for you and install XP on that machine. The bottom line is it comes down to the consumer and once the consumers notice how shit vista really is they wont want it, they will just keep XP.

most poeple who only use there comp for p0rn, myspace, facebook, and AIM dont even know what an OS is, let alone what verson is installed.

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most poeple who only use there comp for p0rn, myspace, facebook, and AIM dont even know what an OS is, let alone what verson is installed.

Which sucks balls if you're trying to help them fix something remotely...

"Ok, so which version of Windows is that?"

"Err... Dunno?"

<cue 10 minutes of trying to get them to describe things to help you establish which version of Windows they're running>

<cue 30 minutes of explaining how to do a 20 second job>

<cue heavy drinking>

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most poeple who only use there comp for p0rn, myspace, facebook, and AIM dont even know what an OS is, let alone what verson is installed.

Which sucks balls if you're trying to help them fix something remotely...

"Ok, so which version of Windows is that?"

"Err... Dunno?"

<cue 10 minutes of trying to get them to describe things to help you establish which version of Windows they're running>

<cue 30 minutes of explaining how to do a 20 second job>

<cue heavy drinking>

stop bringing up bad memories! :-)

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