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Your being lied to...


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Well I don't know if you mean we as in the British or American's or whatever, it doesn't matter.

But, the media has been used as a weapon for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. One of the main reason's why only the wealthy knew how to read and write hundreds of years ago was because they knew that if the serfs and poor were to become educated and figure out what's going on, they could revolt against the wealthy. Fastforwarding, WWII is another example, looking back at propangda tapes, the nazis used the media to rally support for their beliefs and recruit soldiers.

The US used it heavily to gain support for the cold war against the Russians saying that communism was bad and evil, all the while the majority of americans didn't know what communism even was or what it stood for.

The media is a powerful weapon. In all honesty, I'm not suprised this is occuring in the middle-east. They're fighting over what? Religious differences? Land? Frivilous things in my eyes. But I must remember, I was raised in a society that didn't place a heavy weight on religion or pride for one's valuables. Therefore its hard for me to understand why they would hate each other over differences so small.

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Its more the way its been staged, and manged to make the western civillians become outraged. I'm not denying its been done before, but this is a whole new level of it. The photo ops, the digital manipluation, the use of crowds. It really does highlight the way the media works, and isn't delivering what it says it is, namely the truth.

Its slick for want of a better word.

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I'm just laughing because we keep getting told that The Terrorists, are stupid, uneducated and primiative people who simply don't get this modern world we live in.

Haha, quite true. And I wonder if there really is a reason they continue to attack us. Is it because we live in a multi-cultural society? Or maybe because we house many different religions within our residing country's borders? Or could it be because we have 'grown-up' and allowed women the right to vote, drive and have every right that a man has while in the middle-east many women cannot drive, vote or even sit in the same room with men?

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Ironically Iraq gave women a fairly broad range of rights before the invasion. Only county in that local where women could walk about at night alone. Now its heading toward shari law since we introduce "democracy".

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Ironically Iraq gave women a fairly broad range of rights before the invasion. Only county in that local where women could walk about at night alone. Now its heading toward shari law since we introduce "democracy".

I never saw a woman alone while i was over there.

The only thing iraq seems to be headed for is a civil war...

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The really bad part is that when someone gets caught doing it people assume that everything else is also faked. Also, people seem to think that this kind of thing is rare when in actuality everybody does it.

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Indeed. The only thing you can really 'blame' Hezbollah for in that bit is milking the press. It's not like nobody died there and they dragged some bodies in to make it look good.

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I dunno, whats the world coming to when you can't spend your evenings firing rockets over the boarders without your neighbours kicking your ass? We're well beyond wrong and right here, so people should probally stop this crap about "evil Isreal" and "poor lebenon". You shouldn't store weapons in a civilain area and then cry when someone flatterns your house.

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You cant fake dead bodies... and the article itself was a bunch of ifs maybes and accusation by innuendo. I don't trust it. I trust my eyes though. I saw dead civilians.

I saw the video...and to be honest I couldn't watch all of it. It was a pile poop. I got up to the bit where they were questioning whether a guy was 'really' shot. It was quite funny, they zoomed in at one point to infer (my bad, ask) if there were any bullets...and u actually see the ricochet of bullet next to the guy!

Then he says why did they drag the guy to the ambulance like that???? hello bullets? your not really gonna be gentle under fire like that. You couldn't tell 'where' the bullets were coming from...but there were bullets.... i dunno...seems a bit like a fox news special to me.

I might even make a little repost to the article on my own journel...meh too lazy

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I really must point out at this stage that this was posted not as a denial of deaths, just as a counter to story we're told. Its always better to see both sides of a story (and both potential lies) before making your mind up about the subject. Its not obvious either way what actually happend in both of the sources i posted, but they do raise questions.

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mmmm nah, I disagree.

Lets analyse a portion of this video.

For example lets the guy they were saying wasn't shot was found a day later with no bullet holes and walking about on film. That would be a fact. A reasonable question to that fact would be.. "who set this up? why was it shown so readily by <insert news organisation here>?, is there an anti Israeli media bias?".

You see this would be reasonable comment.

but what we have is:

a video guy who fell down like he was shot (we cant see the bullet that hit him)

we see the ricochet of bullets around him and when they zoom in.

Now from this the narrator on this video asks why was he dragged so roughly?, why didn't the ambulance drive closer to the victim?

Now he didn't *say* that he wasn't shot. He inferred it. I don't believe this was reasonable comment in any stretch of the imagination.

So for me this is a hatchet job. It's sad that stuff like this is shown on t.v. meh, maybe I'll suffer through the rest of the vid and break it down point by point. Not that anyone should care but i find it really interesting how this stuff works. How u can get people to think what u want them to thing by using the most innocuous phrases, subtle music etc.... I would explain more but i don't want to hi-jack the tread. But if anyone's interested u should look it up. Shit that worked in 1800-1900's works now! anyways.. :)

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