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A few noob questions/need advice.


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Im currently at the ass end of a Verification process to legitimize my windows xp. Problem is, Its not legal. And i cant afford to buy a new OS. Heres the thing, Im not looking to find a way around all of this But instead im looking for a free alternative OS that I could start using. I play a bunch of MMORPGs, thats basically all i do with my computer. Is there a Linux Version that would allow me to play games like WOW and D&DOL. And if so, how would i go about installing Said Operating system to my hard drive/overwrite Windowsxp?

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Any linux distro will allow you to the same things as long as you have the right program. you can play wow with cedega but youre supposed to pay for that there is a cvs version of cedega that is free or you could try just plain wine. if youve never installed linux before or have any experience then you might want to have someone do it for you. you might be able to go with something like ubuntu, ive never used it but its supposed to be easy to install and install new programs.

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I say crack it. OS's are way over priced and don't deserver the money that they get.

Thats certinly true for all previuse versions of windows. £95 for the most insecure, least stable and all round pain in the neck of an oprating system that exsists is just too much. Not sure about Vista yet. Indeed there is no way any body can be sure if it's going to be worth the money untill it's released and PC 'manurfacturers' start pedling it. The most likly result is that it will be a huge feasco just like all previuse versions. In my opinion, Microsoft are going to have to start making good software (insted of making crap software for poeple who are tied in to there propriatary formats).

This comment is of course not true for most Linux and BSD distrobutions. Most of these are free and will usualy cost you one CD-R to install. How can you say that is over priced?

(Seriuse question: Is this an arrogent post?)

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Not at all, though it was fairly anti-Windows ;)

You know it's easy to bash on windows :P

A bigger concern of mine is that if/when Microsoft starts loosing money to Linux (although I'm not sure how that would work since most Linux foundations/coder groups are non-profit). Will it continue to be so grate? Ever since Windows 95, Linux/BSD has been slowly picking up speed on the desktop market. It's certinly not for the money, and propbably not the fame either (honistly, I know know the name Linus Torvelds and TomB, I used to beable to remember what BSD stood for, but my memory and words...). So, it only leaves two options, simply for the love of it (be that coding or making free software for the masses) or simpley to say "Screw you" to Microsoft (I know at least one person who does). So what happens when Microsoft can no longer keep afloat becasue there are cheaper better alternatives? Will Linux/BSD die becasue the people who hated Microsoft finaly won? I dought it, the number of coders that do it for the love and fun of doing it probably out number the coders that do it to try and screw Microsoft. Wow that was quite a rant.

(I don't want to ask it becasue now I'm getting paranoid about sounding arrogent by asking if it was arrogent, but if it was, just tell me.)

There are cracks for windows... I would like to say that I have using one on this computer. This of course does not mean I pireted the software. I am well with in my rights under the EULA of windows to do this. I also live in England, so it's perfectly legal for me to do this (I belive the DMCA in america makes this illegal).

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I found this crack (For windows xp pro SP2) on http://thepiratebay.org/ (where else?). While the search functionality is borked right now, I'm sure you can find one to work with your version of windows. Just be sure to read the user comments, and do not go for one that hasn't been tested by a number of people. Thats the rule I followed and it worked. Realy you should test it on a virtual machein first, just to be sure. Also, after installing it, don't go installing WGA, thats a very not clever thing to do.

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You could check out Wine's AppDB to see if your beloved MMO's run through them, and if so how well.

As for legitimacy, note that if you fail the legit check, that thing in windows that will automatically download and install security fixes still works. You simply won't be able to go to Windows Update and be specific about what patches you want.

Or at least, that's how I thought it works...

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Why does one automatically assume that since i play WOW that i have no life? I personally suggest that you not critique the way i spend my free time..

mml, probably because (i think i speak for most people here) you really dont see people who play WOW with a life... i know none of my friends had one during that dark time in there lives.

now to the point.

Im having a similar problem with the WGA cracks. I have found and installed a sleu of them and most have worked but i was wondering if anyone had found one more cosmetic. All of the ones i have installed have gotton rid of the actual WGA but the logon screen crap will not go away, the stupid WGA logo and then the waiting 5 seconds just doesnt cut it. Has anyone found one or know of another way to get rid of that cosmetic junk?

thankx guys.

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Well, I did that thing with the LegitCheck.dll replacing but apparently that lasts about a month and then you need to redo the thing again.

But let me reiterate that unless you need updates and feature releases and what not (basically anything that ISN'T a security patch) you can just flick on auto-update and just forget about WGA altogether.

Do you NEED the latest version of IE?

Do you NEED the latest version of Media Player?

There are alternatives to these products, and they don't get in your face about your copy of an alternate product by the same manufacturer being legit or not.

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