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Hacking Documentaries & Con Videos :)

Michael Deats

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Hi all,

I wonder if anyone knows any good (new) hacking documentaries out there? I enjoy watching them every now and then but all the ones I have are out of date :(

Btw, once upon a time, there was a link floating around with direct downloads of all the security conferences videos, does anyone still have this? I've tried googling, but I think I might just be using the wrong keywords because I'm struggling :(


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Blackhat and defcon always keep archives of their talks on video. IronGeek also does a lot of archiving of conferences and usually has up to date material on his site. I recently watched Dave Kennedy's talk on using power shell to dump sam hashes as well as creating persistent bind ports to listen on for commands all through the use of powershell. They also demonstrated something similar to Darren's Rubber Ducky, something IronGeek and Darren had been working on at the same time.


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kevin mitnick is an awesome speaker. you should watch all his interviews on youtube.

He is indeed and can't agree more with that.

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