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BF2 drivers?


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I just finished building my new Gaming computer and was trying to play Bf2 but every time i clicked the "play BF2 now", the image came , a black screen came but then comes back to my desktop.

my friend told me i could find drivers for that game but i can't seem to find any.

Here is my rigs:

-Coolermaster sniper case

-Corsair TX 850W PSU

-ASUS P5Q-E motherboard

-OCZ 4 GB dual channel RAM


-Intel Core 2 Duo Q9550 @ 2.83 (default)

-MSI Radeon 4890

-ZALMAN CNPS9900 CPU cooler

Please i need help!!!

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can't find any drivers? you prob have most up to date drivers from ur manufacturers website? best place to start.

you could try search for some older drivers that are sure to work with bf2 check on some bf2 fourms

You on vista , xp or 7? try a compatibility mode?

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Just get each of the latest drivers from the manufacturer sites. There are no drivers specific to certain games (if you're doing this right - of course there ARE cheating drivers but you would really have to look hard for those).

It could be that the OS is messed up (I was going to say "broken" but I think I'd be misunderstood) and you might need to consider "refreshing" your system. If it's windows and you haven't been keeping things up and installed / uninstalled a lot, a clean install can make things nice again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
I just finished building my new Gaming computer and was trying to play Bf2 but every time i clicked the "play BF2 now", the image came , a black screen came but then comes back to my desktop.

my friend told me i could find drivers for that game but i can't seem to find any.

check the refresh rate on the lcd. if it's locked at 59 BF2 WILL NOT run no matter what you do. I had the issue in Win7 on my laptop. in XP the refresh rate gave me the choice of 59 or 60. i picked 60 and it worked fine.

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you updated to latest 1.5 patch too, right?

also, don't use those play online NOW shorcuts the game makes. there's a bug, at least in the Play Online Now, shortcut that causes game to freeze/crash when opening. dunno if they addressed that in 1.5 patch or not. i just noticed it was out the other day

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What OS are you running? Do you have any programs running in the background, such as Folding@home, sidebar gadgets, or other distributed computing tasks? if you do, kill those apps before playing. then make sure you have the latest BF2 patch: v1.5 & highway Tampa. Also do the usual suspects like: update your motherboard bios & chipset drivers, latest video & sound card drivers. then poke around punkbuster's web site and update your punkbuster software, if none of that works, try a full reinstall of the game, and repatch?

good luck

I just finished building my new Gaming computer and was trying to play Bf2 but every time i clicked the "play BF2 now", the image came , a black screen came but then comes back to my desktop.

my friend told me i could find drivers for that game but i can't seem to find any.

Here is my rigs:

-Coolermaster sniper case

-Corsair TX 850W PSU

-ASUS P5Q-E motherboard

-OCZ 4 GB dual channel RAM


-Intel Core 2 Duo Q9550 @ 2.83 (default)

-MSI Radeon 4890

-ZALMAN CNPS9900 CPU cooler

Please i need help!!!

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