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(Pandora) Saver2


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Um, has the new optional client update been posted? I followed the link in your sig, but it still has code from the 18th.

And my apologies for not using the correct name of your great product.

Just checked the server, yeah, it was updated. Make sure your browser isn't caching it (or you don't have multiple copies of the same file).

Ah, to use the standalone client's web interface you'd have to install it via the installer then run SProxy.exe. There's various settings to hide SProxy display tray icon and start minimized, in sproxy settings, and then to launch the client when sproxy starts and close sproxy when the client is closed in the client's config.

Server file date is 11:56am (-8, pst), the files inside should be 1:55pm (-6, cst) on 1/19.

(just put a small update, also optional, hence changed dates - there was a bug causing proxy integration to be turned off when the client was closed and relaunched in the same SP session)

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Just checked the server, yeah, it was updated. Make sure your browser isn't caching it (or you don't have multiple copies of the same file).

Ah, to use the standalone client's web interface you'd have to install it via the installer then run SProxy.exe. There's various settings to hide SProxy display tray icon and start minimized, in sproxy settings, and then to launch the client when sproxy starts and close sproxy when the client is closed in the client's config.

Server file date is 11:56am (-8, pst), the files inside should be 1:55pm (-6, cst) on 1/19.

(just put a small update, also optional, hence changed dates - there was a bug causing proxy integration to be turned off when the client was closed and relaunched in the same SP session)

Thank you for your hard work on this program and thank you for exercising strong ethics in its development.

I implore everyone to make a donation. Expect one from me soon.

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Whole bunch of random stuff incoming....

System Requirements:


Disk: 9.33mb program files, 10-50mb working set

if using approval mode, this will increase correspondingly to the number of songs awaiting approval.

CPU: Something that can run a modern OS.

RAM: 512mb

OS: XP or greater

Browser: Anything flash capable. Firefox, IE, Opera, Chrome, etc.

Flash: version 9 or higher (10 works)

Java: Not needed.

.NET: 2.0 or higher. 3.5 will be installed by the installer if you do not have it (you will be notified if this is the case)

Standalone Client:

Disk: 6.2mb program files, no working set (does not use disk at all)

CPU: Something that can run a modern OS.

RAM: 256mb

OS: XP or greater

.NET: 2.0 or higher.

Basic overview of workings:

internet <-> SProxy <-> browser

SProxy is a simple proxy server, it gets requests, and either goes through another proxy or directly to the target server to fulfill the request. The interesting bits is that it can use plugins, which can modify the original request (change the response, change the request, or even abort the request and send back its own data). It's essentially a lighter version of fiddler (it was written to replace it for PS after all), without the web debugging bits and inspectors.

Saver2 is implemented as a plugin for SProxy; though it has no interest in web events by itself.

The magic bits come from plugins named Saver.*; currently there are Pandora, Slacker, and Grooveshark plugins. Using the Notify method specified in SProxy's plugin interface ("SPlugin" how imaginative i am), saver2 makes contact with these plugins and will then send events to them.

These saver plugins, which are also plugins for SProxy, take a look at data going through SProxy and if they pick out something of interest (say song metadata or song data) they save the song data and put the metadata into a class ("SongInfo") which is then sent to Saver2 - the saver plugins' involvement ends there.

From there it is up to Saver2 to decide what to do with the file (does it already exist, where does the file go, tag the file if it will be saved, etc, and/or wait for user approval to save it). Along the way various notifications are sent to the various plugins concerning the fate of the song - by default, a plugin will only be notified about songs belonging to it.

As a whole, I've been preferring to just call the lot Saver2. Easier. Everything listed below save the support executables was written by me... this is the culmination of about half a year of work now.

Breakdown of files:

SProxy.exe - SProxy main executable. This will be the program you will want to run.

Settings.exe - Configuration editor. Equivalent to Advanced Settings in SProxy

Pandora.exe - standalone pandora client, does not have any concept of saving songs.

Saver2.dll - Saver2 library.

Saver.Grooveshark.dll - plugin for timeshifting from grooveshark.

Saver.Slacker.dll - plugin for timeshifting from slacker.

Saver.Pandora.dll - plugin for timeshifting from pandora.

SongFader.dll - Song Fader plugin. As songs are sniffed by various plugins, their album art (if available) along with song title will be displayed in a small window (if you have launched it) which changes transparency.

SongManager.dll - Provides the song management dialog, for use in approval mode.

PandoraClient.dll - The pandora client, with some extras such as a web interface and being able to sniff shared stations.

DatLib.dll - Support dll, provides DatFile class for the usage of dat files.

*.dat - data files. May be compressed. See dev info for more. Don't remove these.

*.pdb - debug databases. you can save some space by deleting these, however, it will become MUCH harder for me to find problems if something breaks and you need help. Recommend you do not delete these.

*.manifest - required for vista faggotry. I'm not quite sure if these things work or not.

BrowserPAC.js - browser PAC file, used for only having a browser use proxy for pandora, slacker, etc.

CHANGELOG.txt - Update log.

LICENSE.txt - simple license thing?

README.txt - not very often updated

SPlog.txt - SProxy's log. all exceptions will be logged in here.

PandoraLog.txt - Pandora.exe's log - only.

install.log - installer log

SProxy.conf - SProxy's global config file. XML

Pandora.conf - Pandora.exe's config - only.

Stage2.exe - you should not have this, it is used for the installer and update preparation (for me - write build dates and some other stuff so they can be uploaded).

Do not remove any of these executables v

mp4tags.exe - used to tag aacplus files, such as those gotten from the pandora web client when not subscribed

mplayer.exe - used to dump wavs and also used for playback by my pandora client

lame.exe - used for encoding to mp3 (if encoding is enabled in settings).

Do not remove any of these executables ^

uninst.exe - uninstaller

Saved Music/ - the default save folder. Recommend you change this.

Temp/ - temporary folder. Will be moved to system temp folder at some point.

mplayer/ - mplayer dir, unnecessary but mplayer will recreate it on every run.

more dev stuff - http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/S2dev.zip this can be installed by the installer as well (to dev/)

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Bug: The new "View URLs" button in Rate Songs window doesn't follow the bottom of the window when the window is resized.

Thanks again for the URLs feature! Very handy when you missed rating a song, but want to check to make sure it's the song you think it is before rating.

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Bug: The new "View URLs" button in Rate Songs window doesn't follow the bottom of the window when the window is resized.

Thanks again for the URLs feature! Very handy when you missed rating a song, but want to check to make sure it's the song you think it is before rating.

Oops. Noted. Will be fixed in next update.

Also, in the last major update on 1-18 I added tray balloons, like so:


These can be enabled in Menu->Configuration->Show balloon when a song is played. I tried to add a menu to the tray icon, however it was being very buggy and as such it's not in on this one.

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How should we report issues with the Pandora Client? What files would you like?

The client has blown up for me about 3 times in the last week. Each time, I get a message like:

<Pandora Client 1.3 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. . .>

Send Error Report / Don't Send Error report (to Microsoft) - like what are they gonna do? :)

I checked the PandoraLog.txt file, but didn't see anything useful.

The last lines of the entry is:

1/21/2010 10:50:25 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/21/2010 10:50:25 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/21/2010 10:50:25 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

I'm guessing that it is some sort of uncaught exception?

I tried to capture the MS Error report, but they will SHOW it to you, but have disabled copy/paste - Uggggh!

It didn't look very useful though anyway - lots of hex offsets. Not sure how useful that truly is.

Thanks again.

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How should we report issues with the Pandora Client? What files would you like?

The client has blown up for me about 3 times in the last week. Each time, I get a message like:

<Pandora Client 1.3 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. . .>

Send Error Report / Don't Send Error report (to Microsoft) - like what are they gonna do? :)

I checked the PandoraLog.txt file, but didn't see anything useful.

The last lines of the entry is:

1/21/2010 10:50:25 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/21/2010 10:50:25 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/21/2010 10:50:25 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

I'm guessing that it is some sort of uncaught exception?

I tried to capture the MS Error report, but they will SHOW it to you, but have disabled copy/paste - Uggggh!

It didn't look very useful though anyway - lots of hex offsets. Not sure how useful that truly is.

Thanks again.

It sounds like it, but i haven't an idea what it might be... it should be in the log but evidently isn't. You can get at old error reports in the event log, but i'm not sure if there would be something of use or not. The fact that it's dieing to the point where the global exception handler is not triggered makes me think the runtime is dieing horribly or something. It's a bit odd that the song is downloaded before the pipe is connected, though... you aren't using the client along with turbo mode, are you? (you should really be launching the client from sproxy if that is the case). Then again, it shouldn't outright die like that even so.

How much RAM do you have?

Also, in the hex report, did you see a string that started with "system"?

What specifically is happening when it dies?

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It's a bit odd that the song is downloaded before the pipe is connected, though... you aren't using the client along with turbo mode, are you? (you should really be launching the client from sproxy if that is the case). Then again, it shouldn't outright die like that even so.

Not sure what the sequencing means, I have included a longer snippet.

1/21/2010 10:50:19 AM Client: Song finished

1/21/2010 10:50:20 AM Client: Fetching playlist...

1/21/2010 10:50:21 AM Client: Started playback of song Client.SongInfo

1/21/2010 10:50:22 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/6...3x1xIc%2BRcw%3D

1/21/2010 10:50:25 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/21/2010 10:50:25 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/21/2010 10:50:25 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/21/2010 10:50:25 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/21/2010 10:50:25 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

BTW, I'm using the stand-alone client with the old version (PSaver1) of sproxy.exe. I don't use turbo-mode (which was only experimental in this version. I don't really need it either.

How much RAM do you have?

My physical machine has 6 GB, but I am running all of my PSaver stuff in a virtual WinXP machine which has 768 MB allocated to it.

Also, in the hex report, did you see a string that started with "system"?

Don't have the exact message in front of me anymore. I will look next time. I did check the event viewer (nice tip) which did have interesting information but was DIFFERENT from the MS Report that it let me look at earlier.

Event Type: Error

Event Source: .NET Runtime 2.0 Error Reporting

Event Category: None

Event ID: 1000

Date: 1/15/2010

Time: 11:09:47 AM

User: N/A



Faulting application pandora.exe, version, stamp 4b454072, faulting module mscorwks.dll, version 2.0.50727.1873, stamp 4a7d131d, debug? 0, fault address 0x000bcbbc.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.

What specifically is happening when it dies?

When it dies, it is happening right after it queues up a new song. The song begins to play briefly (a few seconds) and then - boom.

Also, here is another interesting symptom that is UNRELATED to the three crashes - but maybe is connected somehow. Today, the player just stopped playing with a streaming error (just sat there).

1/21/2010 11:51:08 AM Client: Song finished

1/21/2010 11:51:09 AM Client: Started playback of song Client.SongInfo

1/21/2010 11:51:10 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/access/?...ohgQ%2BOVeLbTW1

1/21/2010 11:52:23 AM StreamPlayer: Exception while starting --> System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out.

at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

at Client.StreamPlayer.Play(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\StreamPlayer.cs:line 247

1/21/2010 11:52:23 AM Client: Failed to play song, trying again

1/21/2010 11:52:24 AM Client: Started playback of song Client.SongInfo

1/21/2010 11:52:24 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t1-1.pandora.com/access/?...AZJHyjJ%2F3aAod

1/21/2010 11:52:25 AM StreamPlayer: Exception while starting --> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.

at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

at Client.StreamPlayer.Play(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\StreamPlayer.cs:line 247

1/21/2010 11:52:25 AM Client: ERROR Playback Error: HTTP streaming failure

1/21/2010 11:54:35 AM Client: Window closed

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Not sure what the sequencing means, I have included a longer snippet.

1/21/2010 10:50:19 AM Client: Song finished

1/21/2010 10:50:20 AM Client: Fetching playlist...

1/21/2010 10:50:21 AM Client: Started playback of song Client.SongInfo

1/21/2010 10:50:22 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/6...3x1xIc%2BRcw%3D

1/21/2010 10:50:25 AM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/21/2010 10:50:25 AM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/21/2010 10:50:25 AM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/21/2010 10:50:25 AM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/21/2010 10:50:25 AM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

BTW, I'm using the stand-alone client with the old version (PSaver1) of sproxy.exe. I don't use turbo-mode (which was only experimental in this version. I don't really need it either.

My physical machine has 6 GB, but I am running all of my PSaver stuff in a virtual WinXP machine which has 768 MB allocated to it.

Don't have the exact message in front of me anymore. I will look next time. I did check the event viewer (nice tip) which did have interesting information but was DIFFERENT from the MS Report that it let me look at earlier.

Event Type: Error

Event Source: .NET Runtime 2.0 Error Reporting

Event Category: None

Event ID: 1000

Date: 1/15/2010

Time: 11:09:47 AM

User: N/A



Faulting application pandora.exe, version, stamp 4b454072, faulting module mscorwks.dll, version 2.0.50727.1873, stamp 4a7d131d, debug? 0, fault address 0x000bcbbc.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.

When it dies, it is happening right after it queues up a new song. The song begins to play briefly (a few seconds) and then - boom.

Also, here is another interesting symptom that is UNRELATED to the three crashes - but maybe is connected somehow. Today, the player just stopped playing with a streaming error (just sat there).

1/21/2010 11:51:08 AM Client: Song finished

1/21/2010 11:51:09 AM Client: Started playback of song Client.SongInfo

1/21/2010 11:51:10 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/access/?...ohgQ%2BOVeLbTW1

1/21/2010 11:52:23 AM StreamPlayer: Exception while starting --> System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: The operation has timed out.

at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

at Client.StreamPlayer.Play(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\StreamPlayer.cs:line 247

1/21/2010 11:52:23 AM Client: Failed to play song, trying again

1/21/2010 11:52:24 AM Client: Started playback of song Client.SongInfo

1/21/2010 11:52:24 AM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t1-1.pandora.com/access/?...AZJHyjJ%2F3aAod

1/21/2010 11:52:25 AM StreamPlayer: Exception while starting --> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.

at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

at Client.StreamPlayer.Play(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\StreamPlayer.cs:line 247

1/21/2010 11:52:25 AM Client: ERROR Playback Error: HTTP streaming failure

1/21/2010 11:54:35 AM Client: Window closed

Aha, that's part of the problem.

Using the older versions of sproxy, specifically, the ones that came with PandoraSaver [the first one] will cause timeout errors and instant downloads like that due to how they work - they download the song completely before beginning playback. This was causing problems with the web client, so it was changed. If you're hitting a timeout, that means you have been waiting for atleast 30 seconds for it to start playback :|

I strongly suggest you upgrade to the new versions because you're using a version of SP which is over half a year old... some odd bugs/iffy implementations such as what you are running into have been fixed - that being one of the biggest. I'm honestly at a bit of a loss at why you are using such an odd setup... Oh, and SP and the client work under wine now too.

It seems either SProxy or the remote server faulted on the last entry. Based on the sequence of events, i think PS faulted somewhere which has then blocked the request...? Dunno. It's been a long time since I've mucked about with the old ugly source.

For the first error, it does look like the framework ate shit and died - is it fully updated? On a quick google, i saw other similar errors related to interop.

Oops, looks like i nicked the ToString method of the mini class used for the standalone client. (the Client.SongInfo - it should have song title artist etc)

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first off, I want to say thanks to Zigzagjoe for keep up the support and releasing revisions to Saver2 program.

Next i wanted to vent my problem. I tried using the searchbar and didnt find my solution.

Pandora Client is not connecting to Pandora. States something like not being able to read some xmlrpc file or page.

not a programmer, but I would love to get some clarification on this.

1/22/2010 1:00:59 AM	PandoraC: Client worker started
1/22/2010 1:00:59 AM	PandoraC: Authenticating
1/22/2010 1:00:59 AM	PandoraC: Logging in to pandora...
1/22/2010 1:00:59 AM	PandoraC: Syncing
1/22/2010 1:00:59 AM	#115	POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?ri...amp;method=sync
1/22/2010 1:00:59 AM	#115 POST 208 bytes to www.pandora.com
1/22/2010 1:01:00 AM	PandoraC: ERROR Failed to auth: Failed to execute XMLRPC
1/22/2010 1:01:00 AM	PandoraC: Error
1/22/2010 1:01:00 AM	Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'sync': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?ri...amp;method=sync
1/22/2010 1:01:00 AM	PandoraC: Auth failure ---&gt; System.Exception: Failed to execute XMLRPC ---&gt; System.Exception: Response is not an XML document
   at Pandora.PandoraClientForm.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload, Boolean secure) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Pandora\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 709
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Pandora.PandoraClientForm.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload, Boolean secure) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Pandora\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 763
   at Pandora.PandoraClientForm.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Pandora\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 668
   at Pandora.PandoraClientForm.DoSync() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Pandora\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 567
   at Pandora.PandoraClientForm.Auth() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Pandora\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 546
1/22/2010 1:01:57 AM	PandoraC: Authenticating
1/22/2010 1:01:57 AM	PandoraC: Logging in to pandora...
1/22/2010 1:01:57 AM	PandoraC: Syncing
1/22/2010 1:01:57 AM	#116	POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?ri...amp;method=sync
1/22/2010 1:01:57 AM	#116 POST 208 bytes to www.pandora.com
1/22/2010 1:01:58 AM	PandoraC: ERROR Failed to auth: Failed to execute XMLRPC
1/22/2010 1:01:58 AM	PandoraC: Error
1/22/2010 1:01:58 AM	Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'sync': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?ri...amp;method=sync
1/22/2010 1:01:58 AM	PandoraC: Auth failure ---&gt; System.Exception: Failed to execute XMLRPC ---&gt; System.Exception: Response is not an XML document
   at Pandora.PandoraClientForm.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload, Boolean secure) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Pandora\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 709
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Pandora.PandoraClientForm.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload, Boolean secure) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Pandora\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 763
   at Pandora.PandoraClientForm.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Pandora\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 668
   at Pandora.PandoraClientForm.DoSync() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Pandora\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 567
   at Pandora.PandoraClientForm.Auth() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Pandora\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 546
1/22/2010 1:02:07 AM	PandoraC: Client stopping
1/22/2010 1:02:07 AM	PandoraC: Stopping
1/22/2010 1:02:08 AM	PandoraC: Client worker stopped

thanks in advance.

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Same issue. Client won't connect though Chrome plays Pandora fine. Log notes incompatible client. I'm using the latest download

22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	SProxy application started.
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Debug level of 0
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Searching for plugins in C:\Program Files (x86)\Saver2\
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Loaded plugin Client.Client from PandoraClient.dll
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Loaded plugin Grooveshark.Grooveshark from Saver.Grooveshark.dll
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Pandora and all related trademarks are property of Pandora Media, Inc.
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Loaded plugin Pandora.Pandora from Saver.Pandora.dll
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Loaded plugin Slacker.Slacker from Saver.Slacker.dll
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Loaded plugin Saver2.Saver from Saver2.dll
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Loaded plugin SongFader.SongFader from SongFader.dll
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Loaded plugin SongManager.SongManager from SongManager.dll
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2: Checking vital files...
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2: Verifying mplayer.exe
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2: Verifying mp4tags.exe
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2: Verifying lame.exe
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2: Verification completed successfully.
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2 Core 1.2.3 loaded; looking for suitable plugins...
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2: Pandora Client C1.3 found!
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2: Grooveshark 1.0 found!
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2: Pandora Saver S2.1 found!
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2: Slacker 1.0 found!
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2: Song Fader 1.008a found!
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2: Song Manager 1.001 found!
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2: Saver2 built on 19/01/2010 1:55:11 p.m. CST
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2: WARNING: This software is for educational use only. Do not use the software in a way that would contravene any music copyright laws.
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2: Any information provided by software is for educational purposes only. No function is implied or in any way guaranteed.
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2: SaveDir = C:\Users\Warwick\Downloads\Saver2\
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2: NrCores = 8
22/01/2010 10:09:04 p.m.	Saver2: Worker thread started!
22/01/2010 10:09:05 p.m.	SProxy starting
22/01/2010 10:09:05 p.m.	Listening for connections on port 8888
22/01/2010 10:09:05 p.m.	Saver2: Checking for updates....
22/01/2010 10:09:05 p.m.	Loaded documentation; 30 entries
22/01/2010 10:09:05 p.m.	#0	GET http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/updatechk.php
22/01/2010 10:09:06 p.m.	Saver2: Up to date: date matches or is newer than server.
22/01/2010 10:09:25 p.m.	Client: Client worker started
22/01/2010 10:09:50 p.m.	Client: Window closed
22/01/2010 10:09:50 p.m.	Client: Worker stopped
22/01/2010 10:09:53 p.m.	Client: Client worker started
22/01/2010 10:09:53 p.m.	Client: Logging in to Pandora
22/01/2010 10:09:53 p.m.	Client: Syncing
22/01/2010 10:09:53 p.m.	#1	POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?ri...amp;method=sync
22/01/2010 10:09:54 p.m.	#1 POST 208 bytes to www.pandora.com
22/01/2010 10:09:55 p.m.	Saver2: Bad XML contents: &lt;methodResponse&gt;&lt;fault&gt;&lt;value&gt;&lt;struct&gt;&lt;member&gt;&lt;name&gt;faultString&lt;/name&gt;&lt;value&gt;org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException:|0|INCOMPATIBLE_VERSION|Pandora does not support your client version.&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/member&gt;&lt;member&gt;&lt;name&gt;faultCode&lt;/name&gt;&lt;value&gt;&lt;int&gt;1&lt;/int&gt;&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/member&gt;&lt;/struct&gt;&lt;/value&gt;&lt;/fault&gt;&lt;/methodResponse&gt;

22/01/2010 10:09:55 p.m.	Client: ERROR Failed to auth: Failed to execute XMLRPC
22/01/2010 10:09:55 p.m.	Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'sync': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v25?ri...amp;method=sync
22/01/2010 10:09:55 p.m.	Client: Auth failure ---&gt; System.Exception: Failed to execute XMLRPC ---&gt; System.Exception: Response is not an XML document
   at Client.PClient.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload, Boolean secure) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 749
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Client.PClient.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload, Boolean secure) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 800
   at Client.PClient.PostXMLRPC(String path, String payload) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 700
   at Client.PClient.DoSync() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 599
   at Client.PClient.Auth() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\Client.XMLRPC.cs:line 578

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Guess this was the disturbance in the force I felt at 2:30 am or so.

Protocol version number has changed. (thanks for including logs!). Let's see (hope) they didn't make significant changes.

Doesn't seem like it. Updated; incremented the protocol version. There was some other small changes I've been working on but nothing major.

01/22/10: 1.2.3 build 170

[CRITICAL] Client: Protocol version number incremented. No evident RPC changes yet.

Client is now 1.3.1.

Client: Fixed a bug causing adding shared stations to not work when running standalone

Client: Increased height of song search dialog

Client: View URLs button on feedback dialog will now stay in position properly.

In the future, a messagebox will be shown when this specific error occurs. Not really a better way to do this, every so often pandora increments the version and I've got to take a look and make sure nothing has changed overtly which would render it unable to work. Last 2 version changes haven't had any public changes, though.

Client: 5615 lines of source (base, +821 for standalone or +282 for plugin version)

Pandora: 1144

Slacker: 196

Grooveshark: 208

Saver2: 3853

SongManager: 204 (most of this is the designer code)

SongFader: 296 (most of this is the designer code)

SProxy: 5563

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Tried getting the newest version to work under wine in ubuntu. It installs fine after you apply the winetricks scripts, but I get the following error when I try to log into the pandora client:

Failed to auth: Failed to execute XMLRPC

any ideas?

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Is there an advanced setting to get the single "save" button back in the Pandora Client as opposed to the Song Options menu? I scanned through there, but didn't see anything that jumped out.

Not right now, no. It would be possible, though (but you would loose all the sub options of that menu).

Tried getting the newest version to work under wine in ubuntu. It installs fine after you apply the winetricks scripts, but I get the following error when I try to log into the pandora client:

Failed to auth: Failed to execute XMLRPC

any ideas?

Make sure the wine hacks mode is on - try passing -wine to it. you should only have to do this once.

Check the log for the specific error.

Notes on the current development stuff:

Client: Song lengths are now read properly.

Pandora: Some unnessiary log messages removed.

Saver2: Amazon album art works 100% of the time now (except when there is no album art, ofc)

TODO: Allow songoptions to be used as save button, only.

TODO: Log all mplayer output

Fixed amazon's art. I've also made a tool to fetch bigger album arts for mp3s and tag them with it, if one has their save dir organized as /%artist%/%album%/. Can upload if someone wants. Would be possible to make it into a general tagger, except this would be much slower (because it has to read each file first).

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Is there a way to have all the error boxes be auto-accepted? I leave it on turbo mode overnight only to wake up the next day and see an "cannot rename file xxxx file xxxx already exists" happened 10 minutes after I fell asleep.

Here is a log

1/22/2010 3:53:28 PM #542 GET http://images-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/images/...2_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 3:53:34 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 3:53:34 PM Client: Started playback of song Switchfoot - "Meant To Live" on 'The Beautiful Letdown' (ID S135494)

1/22/2010 3:53:35 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t1-1.pandora.com/access/?...nOWvxX8xqzCQ%3D

1/22/2010 3:53:35 PM #543 GET http://audio-sjl-t1-1.pandora.com/access/?...nOWvxX8xqzCQ%3D

1/22/2010 3:53:35 PM Pandora: sniffed Switchfoot - "Meant To Live" on 'The Beautiful Letdown' (ID S135494)

1/22/2010 3:53:35 PM Saver2: Adding Meant To Live - Switchfoot.mp3 to Contemporary Christian.m3u

1/22/2010 3:53:35 PM S135494: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 3:53:35 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 3:53:35 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 3:53:35 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 3:53:36 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 3:53:36 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 3:53:36 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 3:53:36 PM #544 GET http://images-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/images/...0_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 3:53:42 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 3:53:42 PM Client: Started playback of song The Beatles - "Here Comes The Sun" on '1967-1970' (ID S9489)

1/22/2010 3:53:43 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t1-2.pandora.com/access/?...zxMj4EeEms5l0kN

1/22/2010 3:53:43 PM #545 GET http://audio-sjl-t1-2.pandora.com/access/?...zxMj4EeEms5l0kN

1/22/2010 3:53:43 PM Pandora: sniffed The Beatles - "Here Comes The Sun" on '1967-1970' (ID S9489)

1/22/2010 3:53:43 PM S9489: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 3:53:43 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 3:53:43 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 3:53:43 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 3:53:44 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 3:53:44 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 3:53:44 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 3:53:44 PM #546 GET http://images-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/images/...0_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 3:53:50 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 3:53:50 PM Client: Started playback of song ILS - "Saxtrax" on 'Wipeout Pure' (ID S384749)

1/22/2010 3:53:51 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/8...%2BS0PGGYKqA%3D

1/22/2010 3:53:51 PM #547 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/8...%2BS0PGGYKqA%3D

1/22/2010 3:53:51 PM Pandora: sniffed ILS - "Saxtrax" on 'Wipeout Pure' (ID S384749)

1/22/2010 3:53:51 PM S384749: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 3:53:51 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 3:53:52 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 3:53:52 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 3:53:52 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 3:53:52 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 3:53:52 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 3:53:52 PM #548 GET http://images-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/images/...9_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 3:53:58 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 3:53:59 PM Client: Fetching playlist...

1/22/2010 3:53:59 PM #549 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v26?ri...g6=0&arg7=0

1/22/2010 3:53:59 PM #549 POST 1200 bytes to www.pandora.com

1/22/2010 3:53:59 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getFragment': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v26?ri...g6=0&arg7=0

1/22/2010 3:53:59 PM Pandora: Data format: mp3

1/22/2010 3:53:59 PM Pandora: Got song S916664, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/3...WbJxt3p%2FRY%3D

1/22/2010 3:53:59 PM Pandora: Got song S268842, URL = http://audio-ash-t1-1.pandora.com/access/2...FMW8MOXPOjug%3D

1/22/2010 3:53:59 PM Pandora: Got song S881252, URL = http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/8...FB7ngN4NxnjtvGH

1/22/2010 3:53:59 PM Pandora: Got song S42108, URL = http://audio-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/access/?...GEA7QHBdfZnMVZO

1/22/2010 3:54:00 PM Client: Started playback of song Tactical Sekt - "Dark Sky" on 'Syncope' (ID S916664)

1/22/2010 3:54:00 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/3...WbJxt3p%2FRY%3D

1/22/2010 3:54:00 PM #550 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/3...WbJxt3p%2FRY%3D

1/22/2010 3:54:01 PM Pandora: sniffed Tactical Sekt - "Dark Sky" on 'Syncope' (ID S916664)

1/22/2010 3:54:01 PM S916664: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 3:54:01 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 3:54:01 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 3:54:01 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 3:54:02 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 3:54:02 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 3:54:02 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 3:54:02 PM #551 GET http://images-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/images/...2_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 3:54:07 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 3:54:08 PM Client: Started playback of song Coldplay - "Swallowed In The Sea" on 'X&Y' (ID S268842)

1/22/2010 3:54:10 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t1-1.pandora.com/access/2...FMW8MOXPOjug%3D

1/22/2010 3:54:10 PM #552 GET http://audio-ash-t1-1.pandora.com/access/2...FMW8MOXPOjug%3D

1/22/2010 3:54:10 PM Pandora: sniffed Coldplay - "Swallowed In The Sea" on 'X&Y' (ID S268842)

1/22/2010 3:54:10 PM S268842: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 3:54:11 PM StreamPlayer: Exception while starting --> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error.

at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

at Client.StreamPlayer.Play(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\StreamPlayer.cs:line 273

1/22/2010 3:54:11 PM Client: Failed to play song, trying again

1/22/2010 3:54:12 PM Client: Started playback of song Maroon 5 - "Makes Me Wonder" on 'It Won't Be Soon Before Long' (ID S881252)

1/22/2010 3:54:12 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/8...FB7ngN4NxnjtvGH

1/22/2010 3:54:12 PM #553 GET http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/8...FB7ngN4NxnjtvGH

1/22/2010 3:54:13 PM Pandora: sniffed Maroon 5 - "Makes Me Wonder" on 'It Won't Be Soon Before Long' (ID S881252)

1/22/2010 3:54:13 PM Saver2: Adding Makes Me Wonder - Maroon 5.mp3 to Adult Contemporary.m3u

1/22/2010 3:54:13 PM S881252: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 3:54:13 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 3:54:13 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 3:54:13 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 3:54:13 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 3:54:13 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 3:54:13 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 3:54:13 PM #554 GET http://images-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/images/...6_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 3:54:19 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 3:54:20 PM Client: Started playback of song Motley Crue - "Looks That Kill" on 'Greatest Hits' (ID S42108)

1/22/2010 3:54:20 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/access/?...GEA7QHBdfZnMVZO

1/22/2010 3:54:20 PM #555 GET http://audio-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/access/?...GEA7QHBdfZnMVZO

1/22/2010 3:54:21 PM Pandora: sniffed Motley Crue - "Looks That Kill" on 'Greatest Hits' (ID S42108)

1/22/2010 3:54:21 PM S42108: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 3:54:21 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 3:54:21 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 3:54:21 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 3:54:21 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 3:54:21 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 3:54:21 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 3:54:21 PM #556 GET http://images-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/images/...0_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 3:54:27 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 3:54:28 PM Client: Fetching playlist...

1/22/2010 3:54:28 PM #557 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v26?ri...g6=0&arg7=0

1/22/2010 3:54:28 PM #557 POST 1200 bytes to www.pandora.com

1/22/2010 3:54:29 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getFragment': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v26?ri...g6=0&arg7=0

1/22/2010 3:54:29 PM Pandora: Data format: mp3

1/22/2010 3:54:29 PM Pandora: Got song S697520, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/1...CywJ9NUF2k1s%3D

1/22/2010 3:54:29 PM Pandora: Got song S88994, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/1...vmu58PGnFfdA%3D

1/22/2010 3:54:29 PM Pandora: Got song S1080280, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/6...NEBtyqCZgjsU%3D

1/22/2010 3:54:29 PM Pandora: Got song S343937, URL = http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/1...zIFajTNCE0smI8A

1/22/2010 3:54:29 PM Client: Started playback of song The Cramps - "Can Your Pussy Do The Dog?" on 'New Rose Story' (ID S697520)

1/22/2010 3:54:30 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/1...CywJ9NUF2k1s%3D

1/22/2010 3:54:30 PM #558 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/1...CywJ9NUF2k1s%3D

1/22/2010 3:54:31 PM Pandora: sniffed The Cramps - "Can Your Pussy Do The Dog?" on 'New Rose Story' (ID S697520)

1/22/2010 3:54:31 PM S697520: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 3:54:31 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 3:54:31 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 3:54:31 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 3:54:31 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 3:54:31 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 3:54:31 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 3:54:31 PM #559 GET http://images-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/images/...8_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 3:54:37 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 3:54:37 PM Client: Started playback of song Hive - "Moves Within Time (1st Movement)" on 'Devious Methods' (ID S88994)

1/22/2010 3:54:38 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/1...vmu58PGnFfdA%3D

1/22/2010 3:54:38 PM #560 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/1...vmu58PGnFfdA%3D

1/22/2010 3:54:39 PM Pandora: sniffed Hive - "Moves Within Time (1st Movement)" on 'Devious Methods' (ID S88994)

1/22/2010 3:54:39 PM S88994: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 3:54:39 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 3:54:39 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 3:54:39 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 3:54:39 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 3:54:39 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 3:54:39 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 3:54:40 PM #561 GET http://images-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/images/...9_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 3:54:45 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 3:54:46 PM Client: Started playback of song Kid Sister - "Control" on 'Ultraviolet (Explicit)' (ID S1080280)

1/22/2010 3:54:46 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/6...NEBtyqCZgjsU%3D

1/22/2010 3:54:46 PM #562 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/6...NEBtyqCZgjsU%3D

1/22/2010 3:54:47 PM Pandora: sniffed Kid Sister - "Control" on 'Ultraviolet (Explicit)' (ID S1080280)

1/22/2010 3:54:47 PM S1080280: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 3:54:47 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 3:54:47 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 3:54:47 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 3:54:48 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 3:54:48 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 3:54:48 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 3:54:48 PM #563 GET http://images-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/images/...0_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 3:54:54 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 3:54:54 PM Client: Started playback of song Ratt - "Shame Shame Shame" on 'Ratt & Roll 81-91' (ID S343937)

1/22/2010 3:54:55 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/1...zIFajTNCE0smI8A

1/22/2010 3:54:55 PM #564 GET http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/1...zIFajTNCE0smI8A

1/22/2010 3:54:55 PM Pandora: sniffed Ratt - "Shame Shame Shame" on 'Ratt & Roll 81-91' (ID S343937)

1/22/2010 3:54:55 PM S343937: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 3:54:55 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 3:54:56 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 3:54:56 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 3:54:56 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 3:54:56 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 3:54:56 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 3:54:56 PM #565 GET http://images-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/images/...1_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 3:55:02 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 3:55:08 PM Client: Fetching playlist...

1/22/2010 3:55:09 PM #566 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v26?ri...g6=0&arg7=0

1/22/2010 3:55:09 PM #566 POST 1200 bytes to www.pandora.com

1/22/2010 3:55:09 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getFragment': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v26?ri...g6=0&arg7=0

1/22/2010 3:55:09 PM Pandora: Data format: mp3

1/22/2010 3:55:09 PM Pandora: Got song S377861, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/?...GevT2N2g%2BY%3D

1/22/2010 3:55:09 PM Pandora: Got song S140865, URL = http://audio-sjl-t1-1.pandora.com/access/1...Uyi19RUiqvPA%3D

1/22/2010 3:55:09 PM Pandora: Got song S196679, URL = http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/7...cwzdYsJuSk2A%3D

1/22/2010 3:55:09 PM Pandora: Got song S560605, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/?...V3r2XQYfwc2c%3D

1/22/2010 3:55:11 PM Client: Started playback of song The Pogues - "Sayonara (Live)" on 'Streams Of Whiskey (Live)' (ID S377861)

1/22/2010 3:55:12 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/?...GevT2N2g%2BY%3D

1/22/2010 3:55:12 PM #567 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/?...GevT2N2g%2BY%3D

1/22/2010 3:55:13 PM Pandora: sniffed The Pogues - "Sayonara (Live)" on 'Streams Of Whiskey (Live)' (ID S377861)

1/22/2010 3:55:13 PM Pandora: TURBO Predicting 5 secs for S377861 (5s est, speed 856.1KBs)

1/22/2010 3:55:13 PM S377861: Started downloading

1/22/2010 3:55:13 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 3:55:13 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 3:55:13 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 3:55:13 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 3:55:13 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 3:55:13 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 3:55:14 PM #568 GET http://images-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/images/...3_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 3:55:14 PM S377861: Got album art

1/22/2010 3:55:18 PM S377861: Finished downloading

1/22/2010 3:55:18 PM S377861: Song AART ready, submitting

1/22/2010 3:55:19 PM Saver2: Processing song The Pogues - "Sayonara (Live)" on 'Streams Of Whiskey (Live)' (ID S377861)

1/22/2010 3:55:19 PM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 4643107 bytes

1/22/2010 3:55:19 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 3:55:20 PM Client: Started playback of song John Mayer - "Clarity" on 'Heavier Things (Dual Disc Edition)' (ID S140865)

1/22/2010 3:55:20 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t1-1.pandora.com/access/1...Uyi19RUiqvPA%3D

1/22/2010 3:55:20 PM #569 GET http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=sr_adv...t=relevancerank

1/22/2010 3:55:20 PM #570 GET http://audio-sjl-t1-1.pandora.com/access/1...Uyi19RUiqvPA%3D

1/22/2010 3:55:21 PM Saver2: Did not find larger album art for song S377861

1/22/2010 3:55:22 PM S377861: Tagging aac/mp3 file.

1/22/2010 3:55:50 PM StreamPlayer: Exception while starting --> System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out

at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

at Client.StreamPlayer.Play(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\StreamPlayer.cs:line 273

1/22/2010 3:55:50 PM Client: Failed to play song, trying again

1/22/2010 3:55:51 PM Client: Started playback of song Carlos Barbosa-Lima - "Mambo No. 5" on 'Siboney' (ID S196679)

1/22/2010 3:55:51 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/7...cwzdYsJuSk2A%3D

1/22/2010 3:55:51 PM #571 GET http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/7...cwzdYsJuSk2A%3D

1/22/2010 3:56:22 PM StreamPlayer: Exception while starting --> System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out

at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

at Client.StreamPlayer.Play(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\StreamPlayer.cs:line 273

1/22/2010 3:56:22 PM Client: ERROR Playback Error: HTTP streaming failure

1/22/2010 4:03:38 PM #572 GET /log

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Is there a way to have all the error boxes be auto-accepted? I leave it on turbo mode overnight only to wake up the next day and see an "cannot rename file xxxx file xxxx already exists" happened 10 minutes after I fell asleep.

Here is a log

Not seeing an error relating to renaming in here? I see it timed out, but that's about it.

I've uploaded a webirc to my site @ http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/irc/

Alternatively, one can connect to irc.coldfront.net and join the #saver2 channel.

Can't guarantee i will be there all the time, but if i am here i will try to help.

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1/22/2010 3:55:50 PM Client: Failed to play song, trying again

1/22/2010 3:55:51 PM Client: Started playback of song Carlos Barbosa-Lima - "Mambo No. 5" on 'Siboney' (ID S196679)

1/22/2010 3:55:51 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/7...cwzdYsJuSk2A%3D

1/22/2010 3:55:51 PM #571 GET http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/7...cwzdYsJuSk2A%3D

1/22/2010 3:56:22 PM StreamPlayer: Exception while starting --> System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out

at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

at Client.StreamPlayer.Play(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\StreamPlayer.cs:line 273

1/22/2010 3:56:22 PM Client: ERROR Playback Error: HTTP streaming failure

1/22/2010 4:03:38 PM #572 GET /log

1/22/2010 4:03:38 PM #573 GET /proxyicon.gif

1/22/2010 4:12:01 PM Saver2: Adding Sayonara (Live) - The Pogues.mp3 to Celtic Rock.m3u

1/22/2010 4:12:01 PM Pandora: sniffed John Mayer - "Clarity" on 'Heavier Things (Dual Disc Edition)' (ID S140865)

1/22/2010 4:12:01 PM Pandora: sniffed Carlos Barbosa-Lima - "Mambo No. 5" on 'Siboney' (ID S196679)

1/22/2010 4:12:01 PM Saver2: Adding Mambo No 5 - Carlos Barbosa-Lima.mp3 to Easy Listening.m3u

1/22/2010 4:12:01 PM Saver2: Adding Clarity - John Mayer.mp3 to Pop Rock.m3u

1/22/2010 4:12:01 PM S196679: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 4:12:01 PM S140865: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 4:28:13 PM Client: Logging in to Pandora

1/22/2010 4:28:13 PM Client: Syncing

I took this after clicking away the error I'll take a screenshot too when it happens again (few minutes)

UPDATE Here is the error again Maybe I caught what I needed to this time

1/22/2010 4:34:17 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 4:34:17 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 4:34:17 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 4:34:17 PM #667 GET http://images-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/images/...8_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 4:34:17 PM S965418: Got album art

1/22/2010 4:34:22 PM S965418: Finished downloading

1/22/2010 4:34:22 PM S965418: Song AART ready, submitting

1/22/2010 4:34:22 PM Saver2: Processing song Stoneface & Terminal - "Venus (Marc Marberg Radiocut)" on 'Pure Electro' (ID S965418)

1/22/2010 4:34:22 PM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 4893883 bytes

1/22/2010 4:34:23 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 4:34:23 PM #668 GET http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=sr_adv...t=relevancerank

1/22/2010 4:34:24 PM Client: Fetching playlist...

1/22/2010 4:34:24 PM #669 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v26?ri...g6=0&arg7=0

1/22/2010 4:34:24 PM #669 POST 1200 bytes to www.pandora.com

1/22/2010 4:34:24 PM Saver2: Did not find larger album art for song S965418

1/22/2010 4:34:24 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getFragment': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v26?ri...g6=0&arg7=0

1/22/2010 4:34:24 PM Pandora: Data format: mp3

1/22/2010 4:34:25 PM S965418: Tagging aac/mp3 file.

1/22/2010 4:34:25 PM Client: Started playback of song The Blasters - "High School Confidential" on 'Testament - The Complete Slash Recordings' (ID S498840)

1/22/2010 4:34:25 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/4...QCo%2B6ZT3hY%3D

1/22/2010 4:34:26 PM #670 GET http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/4...QCo%2B6ZT3hY%3D

1/22/2010 4:34:28 PM Saver2: Adding Venus (Marc Marberg Radiocut) - Stoneface & Terminal.mp3 to Psy Trance.m3u

1/22/2010 4:34:28 PM Pandora: Got song S498840, URL = http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/4...QCo%2B6ZT3hY%3D

1/22/2010 4:34:28 PM Pandora: sniffed The Blasters - "High School Confidential" on 'Testament - The Complete Slash Recordings' (ID S498840)

1/22/2010 4:34:28 PM Pandora: Got song S218487, URL = http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/1...iKBOKE8O%2BM%3D

1/22/2010 4:34:28 PM Pandora: Got song S1464661, URL = http://audio-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/access/8...UcgAGfCbpN0E%3D

1/22/2010 4:34:28 PM Pandora: Got song S987335, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/5...Dlq%2B6LIZVA%3D

1/22/2010 4:34:28 PM S498840: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 4:34:28 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 4:34:28 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 4:34:28 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 4:34:28 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 4:34:28 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 4:34:28 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 4:34:28 PM #671 GET http://images-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/images/...4_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 4:34:34 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 4:34:34 PM Client: Started playback of song Black Eyed Peas - "Where Is The Love" on 'Elephunk' (ID S218487)

1/22/2010 4:34:35 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/1...iKBOKE8O%2BM%3D

1/22/2010 4:34:35 PM #672 GET http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/1...iKBOKE8O%2BM%3D

1/22/2010 4:34:35 PM Pandora: sniffed Black Eyed Peas - "Where Is The Love" on 'Elephunk' (ID S218487)

1/22/2010 4:34:35 PM S218487: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 4:34:35 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 4:34:35 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 4:34:35 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 4:34:36 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 4:34:36 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 4:34:36 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 4:34:36 PM #673 GET http://images-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/images/...9_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 4:34:42 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 4:34:42 PM Client: Started playback of song Dion & The Belmonts - "A Teenager In Love" on 'The Best Of Dion & The Belmonts' (ID S1464661)

1/22/2010 4:34:43 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/access/8...UcgAGfCbpN0E%3D

1/22/2010 4:34:43 PM #674 GET http://audio-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/access/8...UcgAGfCbpN0E%3D

1/22/2010 4:34:44 PM Pandora: sniffed Dion & The Belmonts - "A Teenager In Love" on 'The Best Of Dion & The Belmonts' (ID S1464661)

1/22/2010 4:34:44 PM S1464661: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 4:34:44 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 4:34:44 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 4:34:44 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 4:34:44 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 4:34:44 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 4:34:44 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 4:34:44 PM #675 GET http://images-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/images/...2_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 4:34:50 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 4:34:50 PM Client: Started playback of song Vicente Fernandez - "Adorado Tormento" on 'Vicente Fernandez Para Siempre' (ID S987335)

1/22/2010 4:34:51 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/5...Dlq%2B6LIZVA%3D

1/22/2010 4:34:51 PM #676 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/5...Dlq%2B6LIZVA%3D

1/22/2010 4:34:52 PM Pandora: sniffed Vicente Fernandez - "Adorado Tormento" on 'Vicente Fernandez Para Siempre' (ID S987335)

1/22/2010 4:34:52 PM Pandora: TURBO Predicting 5 secs for S987335 (2s est, speed 1.5MBs)

1/22/2010 4:34:52 PM S987335: Started downloading

1/22/2010 4:34:52 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 4:34:52 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 4:34:52 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 4:34:52 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 4:34:52 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 4:34:52 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 4:34:52 PM #677 GET http://images-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/images/...3_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 4:34:53 PM S987335: Got album art

1/22/2010 4:34:56 PM S987335: Finished downloading

1/22/2010 4:34:56 PM S987335: Song AART ready, submitting

1/22/2010 4:34:56 PM Saver2: Processing song Vicente Fernandez - "Adorado Tormento" on 'Vicente Fernandez Para Siempre' (ID S987335)

1/22/2010 4:34:56 PM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 3932159 bytes

1/22/2010 4:34:58 PM #678 GET http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=sr_adv...t=relevancerank

1/22/2010 4:34:58 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 4:34:58 PM Saver2: Did not find larger album art for song S987335

1/22/2010 4:34:59 PM S987335: Tagging aac/mp3 file.

1/22/2010 4:34:59 PM Client: Fetching playlist...

1/22/2010 4:34:59 PM #679 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v26?ri...g6=0&arg7=0

1/22/2010 4:34:59 PM #679 POST 1200 bytes to www.pandora.com

1/22/2010 4:35:00 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getFragment': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v26?ri...g6=0&arg7=0

1/22/2010 4:35:00 PM Pandora: Data format: mp3

1/22/2010 4:35:00 PM Saver2: Adding Adorado Tormento - Vicente Fernandez.mp3 to Mexican.m3u

1/22/2010 4:35:00 PM Pandora: Got song S1388938, URL = http://audio-sjl-t1-2.pandora.com/access/?...0HJ%2F1KJLG62Ri

1/22/2010 4:35:00 PM Pandora: Got song S940787, URL = http://audio-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/access/5...abv33tW3B0gMZMd

1/22/2010 4:35:00 PM Pandora: Got song S1164865, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/8...1ueem1L4YC3g%3D

1/22/2010 4:35:00 PM Pandora: Got song S538473, URL = http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/5...nt02BanMziZM%3D

1/22/2010 4:35:00 PM Client: Started playback of song Jay-Z - "Run This Town" on 'The Blueprint 3 (Explicit)' (ID S1388938)

1/22/2010 4:35:01 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t1-2.pandora.com/access/?...0HJ%2F1KJLG62Ri

1/22/2010 4:35:01 PM #680 GET http://audio-sjl-t1-2.pandora.com/access/?...0HJ%2F1KJLG62Ri

1/22/2010 4:35:01 PM Pandora: sniffed Jay-Z - "Run This Town" on 'The Blueprint 3 (Explicit)' (ID S1388938)

1/22/2010 4:35:01 PM S1388938: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 4:35:01 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 4:35:01 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 4:35:01 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 4:35:02 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 4:35:02 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 4:35:02 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 4:35:02 PM #681 GET http://images-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/images/...3_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 4:35:08 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 4:35:08 PM Client: Started playback of song Rihanna - "Umbrella (Travis Barker Remix)" on 'Umbrella (Remix) (Radio Single)' (ID S940787)

1/22/2010 4:35:10 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/access/5...abv33tW3B0gMZMd

1/22/2010 4:35:11 PM #682 GET http://audio-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/access/5...abv33tW3B0gMZMd

1/22/2010 4:35:11 PM Pandora: sniffed Rihanna - "Umbrella (Travis Barker Remix)" on 'Umbrella (Remix) (Radio Single)' (ID S940787)

1/22/2010 4:35:12 PM S940787: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 4:35:12 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 4:35:12 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 4:35:12 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 4:35:12 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 4:35:12 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 4:35:12 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 4:35:18 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 4:35:18 PM Client: Started playback of song Guys & Dolls (The New Broadway Cast) - "A Bushel And A Peck" on 'Guys And Dolls' (ID S1164865)

1/22/2010 4:35:19 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/8...1ueem1L4YC3g%3D

1/22/2010 4:35:19 PM #683 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/8...1ueem1L4YC3g%3D

1/22/2010 4:35:20 PM Pandora: sniffed Guys & Dolls (The New Broadway Cast) - "A Bushel And A Peck" on 'Guys And Dolls' (ID S1164865)

1/22/2010 4:35:20 PM S1164865: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 4:35:20 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 4:35:20 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 4:35:20 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 4:35:20 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 4:35:20 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 4:35:20 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 4:35:20 PM #684 GET http://images-sjl-t2-2.pandora.com/images/...3_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 4:35:26 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 4:35:27 PM Client: Started playback of song Manolo Sanlucar - "Alegrias" on 'Guitarra Flamenca' (ID S538473)

1/22/2010 4:35:27 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/5...nt02BanMziZM%3D

1/22/2010 4:35:27 PM #685 GET http://audio-ash-t3-1.pandora.com/access/5...nt02BanMziZM%3D

1/22/2010 4:35:28 PM Pandora: sniffed Manolo Sanlucar - "Alegrias" on 'Guitarra Flamenca' (ID S538473)

1/22/2010 4:35:28 PM S538473: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 4:35:28 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 4:35:28 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 4:35:28 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 4:35:28 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 4:35:28 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 4:35:28 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 4:35:28 PM #686 GET http://images-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/images/...6_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 4:35:34 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 4:35:35 PM Client: Fetching playlist...

1/22/2010 4:35:35 PM #687 POST http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v26?ri...g6=0&arg7=0

1/22/2010 4:35:35 PM #687 POST 1200 bytes to www.pandora.com

1/22/2010 4:35:35 PM Pandora: Inspecting XMLRPC 'getFragment': http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v26?ri...g6=0&arg7=0

1/22/2010 4:35:35 PM Pandora: Data format: mp3

1/22/2010 4:35:35 PM Pandora: Got song S111017, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/?...j2SIwkxYF7xs%3D

1/22/2010 4:35:35 PM Pandora: Got song S1140358, URL = http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/4...BeKsnKRoxHpc%3D

1/22/2010 4:35:35 PM Pandora: Got song S252405, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?...13Wcii1KHiIk%3D

1/22/2010 4:35:35 PM Pandora: Got song S196456, URL = http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?...fd5NmIOUn3WY%3D

1/22/2010 4:35:36 PM Client: Started playback of song Audio Adrenaline - "You Still Amaze me" on 'Lift' (ID S111017)

1/22/2010 4:35:36 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/?...j2SIwkxYF7xs%3D

1/22/2010 4:35:36 PM #688 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-2.pandora.com/access/?...j2SIwkxYF7xs%3D

1/22/2010 4:35:37 PM Pandora: sniffed Audio Adrenaline - "You Still Amaze me" on 'Lift' (ID S111017)

1/22/2010 4:35:37 PM Pandora: TURBO Predicting 10 secs for S111017 (6s est, speed 998.3KBs)

1/22/2010 4:35:37 PM S111017: Started downloading

1/22/2010 4:35:37 PM StreamPlayer: Data pipe ready

1/22/2010 4:35:37 PM StreamPlayer: Beginning song download

1/22/2010 4:35:37 PM StreamPlayer: Song download complete

1/22/2010 4:35:38 PM StreamPlayer: Pipe connected

1/22/2010 4:35:38 PM StreamPlayer: Starting data transfer

1/22/2010 4:35:38 PM StreamPlayer: Done sending data

1/22/2010 4:35:38 PM #689 GET http://images-sjl-t2-1.pandora.com/images/...7_130W_130H.jpg

1/22/2010 4:35:38 PM S111017: Got album art

1/22/2010 4:35:44 PM S111017: Finished downloading

1/22/2010 4:35:44 PM S111017: Song AART ready, submitting

1/22/2010 4:35:45 PM Saver2: Processing song Audio Adrenaline - "You Still Amaze me" on 'Lift' (ID S111017)

1/22/2010 4:35:45 PM FILE SAVED, Source: Pandora; MP3 format, 6209200 bytes

1/22/2010 4:35:46 PM #690 GET http://www.amazon.com/gp/search/ref=sr_adv...t=relevancerank

1/22/2010 4:35:47 PM Saver2: Successfully looked up larger album art for S111017

1/22/2010 4:35:47 PM Saver2: Fetching AART...

1/22/2010 4:35:47 PM #691 GET http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/412QVWTYEDL._SL500.jpg

1/22/2010 4:35:48 PM S111017: Tagging aac/mp3 file.

1/22/2010 4:35:48 PM Client: Song finished

1/22/2010 4:35:49 PM Client: Started playback of song Kaskade - "Move For Me" on 'Strobelight Seduction' (ID S1140358)

1/22/2010 4:35:49 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/4...BeKsnKRoxHpc%3D

1/22/2010 4:35:50 PM #692 GET http://audio-ash-t2-1.pandora.com/access/4...BeKsnKRoxHpc%3D

1/22/2010 4:36:20 PM StreamPlayer: Exception while starting --> System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out

at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

at Client.StreamPlayer.Play(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\StreamPlayer.cs:line 273

1/22/2010 4:36:20 PM Client: Failed to play song, trying again

1/22/2010 4:36:20 PM Client: Started playback of song Heimataerde - "Gibt Es Wirklich Einen Gott" on 'Gotteskrieger' (ID S252405)

1/22/2010 4:36:21 PM StreamPlayer: Play URL http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?...13Wcii1KHiIk%3D

1/22/2010 4:36:21 PM #693 GET http://audio-sjl-t3-1.pandora.com/access/?...13Wcii1KHiIk%3D

1/22/2010 4:36:51 PM StreamPlayer: Exception while starting --> System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out

at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

at Client.StreamPlayer.Play(String URL) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\Client\StreamPlayer.cs:line 273

1/22/2010 4:36:51 PM Client: ERROR Playback Error: HTTP streaming failure

1/22/2010 4:41:04 PM Saver2: Adding You Still Amaze me - Audio Adrenaline.mp3 to Christian Rock.m3u

1/22/2010 4:41:04 PM Pandora: sniffed Kaskade - "Move For Me" on 'Strobelight Seduction' (ID S1140358)

1/22/2010 4:41:04 PM Pandora: sniffed Heimataerde - "Gibt Es Wirklich Einen Gott" on 'Gotteskrieger' (ID S252405)

1/22/2010 4:41:04 PM S1140358: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 4:41:04 PM Saver2: Adding Gibt Es Wirklich Einen Gott - Heimataerde.mp3 to Industrial.m3u

1/22/2010 4:41:04 PM S252405: Shunning song, already exists!

1/22/2010 4:41:04 PM SocketException while parsing server headers: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)

at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(Byte[] buffer, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)

at Proxy.Funcs.SendHeader(Socket sock, String header, Boolean echo) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\SProxy\Funcs.cs:line 321

at Proxy.Funcs.SendHeader(Socket sock, String header) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\SProxy\Funcs.cs:line 306

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 576

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

data length: 261

0000 48 54 54 50 2F 31 2E 31 20 32 30 30 20 4F 4B 0D HTTP/1.1 200 OK.

0010 0A 44 61 74 65 3A 20 46 72 69 2C 20 32 32 20 4A .Date: Fri, 22 J

0020 61 6E 20 32 30 31 30 20 32 31 3A 33 35 3A 33 31 an 2010 21:35:31

0030 20 47 4D 54 0D 0A 53 65 72 76 65 72 3A 20 41 70 GMT..Server: Ap

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0090 65 2C 20 6D 61 78 2D 61 67 65 3D 2D 31 0D 0A 50 e, max-age=-1..P

00A0 72 61 67 6D 61 3A 20 6E 6F 2D 63 61 63 68 65 2C ragma: no-cache,

00B0 20 6E 6F 2D 73 74 6F 72 65 0D 0A 45 78 70 69 72 no-store..Expir

00C0 65 73 3A 20 2D 31 0D 0A 43 6F 6E 6E 65 63 74 69 es: -1..Connecti

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1/22/2010 4:41:04 PM Generating error page: 500 Server Error 'Internal Server SocketException'

1/22/2010 4:41:04 PM SocketException while parsing server headers: System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)

at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(Byte[] buffer, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags)

at Proxy.Funcs.SendHeader(Socket sock, String header, Boolean echo) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\SProxy\Funcs.cs:line 321

at Proxy.Funcs.SendHeader(Socket sock, String header) in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\SProxy\Funcs.cs:line 306

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 576

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

data length: 261

0000 48 54 54 50 2F 31 2E 31 20 32 30 30 20 4F 4B 0D HTTP/1.1 200 OK.

0010 0A 44 61 74 65 3A 20 46 72 69 2C 20 32 32 20 4A .Date: Fri, 22 J

0020 61 6E 20 32 30 31 30 20 32 31 3A 33 34 3A 35 39 an 2010 21:34:59

0030 20 47 4D 54 0D 0A 53 65 72 76 65 72 3A 20 41 70 GMT..Server: Ap

0040 61 63 68 65 0D 0A 43 6F 6E 74 65 6E 74 2D 4C 65 ache..Content-Le

0050 6E 67 74 68 3A 20 35 36 39 38 32 34 35 0D 0A 43 ngth: 5698245..C

0060 61 63 68 65 2D 43 6F 6E 74 72 6F 6C 3A 20 6E 6F ache-Control: no

0070 2D 63 61 63 68 65 2C 20 6E 6F 2D 73 74 6F 72 65 -cache, no-store

0080 2C 20 6D 75 73 74 2D 72 65 76 61 6C 69 64 61 74 , must-revalidat

0090 65 2C 20 6D 61 78 2D 61 67 65 3D 2D 31 0D 0A 50 e, max-age=-1..P

00A0 72 61 67 6D 61 3A 20 6E 6F 2D 63 61 63 68 65 2C ragma: no-cache,

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00D0 6F 6E 3A 20 63 6C 6F 73 65 0D 0A 43 6F 6E 74 65 on: close..Conte

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00F0 74 69 6F 6E 2F 6F 63 74 65 74 2D 73 74 72 65 61 tion/octet-strea

0100 6D 0D 0A 0D 0A m....

1/22/2010 4:41:04 PM Generating error page: 500 Server Error 'Internal Server SocketException'

1/22/2010 4:41:04 PM #693 died with fatal exception!

System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 598

1/22/2010 4:41:04 PM #692 died with fatal exception!

System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine

at Proxy.ProxyConnection.HandleRequest() in E:\Codin' Projects\Saver Project\SProxy\ProxyConnection.cs:line 598

1/22/2010 4:41:11 PM #694 GET /log

here is a screenshot if that doesn't do it for ya!


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I took this after clicking away the error I'll take a screenshot too when it happens again (few minutes)

UPDATE Here is the error again Maybe I caught what I needed to this time

here is a screenshot if that doesn't do it for ya!


Aha. It's the damn ID3 lib. No wonder. I will look into this. Part of it is likely that you seem to be using a network filesystem (the server hasn't deleted the file by the time the move command has been sent) or something loopy like that. But it shouldn't show a messagebox like that. And the code looks loopy, to say the least... this is actually a holdover from the original PS, so, yeah... should have a fix in a bit.

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Aha. It's the damn ID3 lib. No wonder. I will look into this. Part of it is likely that you seem to be using a network filesystem (the server hasn't deleted the file by the time the move command has been sent) or something loopy like that. But it shouldn't show a messagebox like that. And the code looks loopy, to say the least... this is actually a holdover from the original PS, so, yeah... should have a fix in a bit.

You're the best! In case it helps I'm running a Windows home server box Acer Aspire EasyStore. The program is actually being run via remote desktop on the server its self, saving to the servers own internal hard drives. I tried saving the files to the same folder via both the network address as well as the local address, the same thing results each time. The same thing also results when I run the program on an different computer and save over LAN onto the server. Sometimes it will run for a gig or more before erroring though, occasionally much more. If it becomes trouble, really having a delay and pressing OK on the error messages automatically is more than enough for me.

Let me know if you need anything else to lock this down!

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You're the best! In case it helps I'm running a Windows home server box Acer Aspire EasyStore. The program is actually being run via remote desktop on the server its self, saving to the servers own internal hard drives. I tried saving the files to the same folder via both the network address as well as the local address, the same thing results each time. The same thing also results when I run the program on an different computer and save over LAN onto the server. Sometimes it will run for a gig or more before erroring though, occasionally much more. If it becomes trouble, really having a delay and pressing OK on the error messages automatically is more than enough for me.

Let me know if you need anything else to lock this down!

it shouldn't pop a message - period. it locks like that as you saw. i already had a facility to retry that but since that was popping a message it locks, basically. until that message is dismissed it can't do anything and hence the timouts. the code was more than a little loopy so it should *hopefully* be fixed by the changes i made.

anyways, i should have a new version up sometime tomorrow. just a few things to sort out still

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Update up. This isn't a vital update, per se, but i marked it as such due to the volume of changes/fixes/additions.

Per usual, post feedback here. Also, I'm on irc now: http://zzj.itf-inc.com/s2/irc/

Alternatively, one can connect to irc.coldfront.net and join the #saver2 channel. WOn't be on much until later however.


YouTube plugin added! However, it is disabled by default. Look in settings.

Amazon album art search has been fixed - when available (and enabled) it will give songs 300x300 or larger art!

Many various bugfixes/minor improvements in the Pandora Client.

Client: Song lengths are now read properly (instead of being estimated)

Client: The old save button can be enabled in settings.

Client: A window will be shown when the pandora protocol has been updated with instructions on what to do.

Client: All mplayer output is now saved to mplayer.log

Client: Standalone log is now named pclient.log, formerly PandoraLog.txt

Client: Fixed subtext when mplayer had to be downloaded and completed successfully

Client: Time elapsed will not skew when pausing a lot now.

Client: (Saver2) Location of window will now be remebered properly when launched manually.

Client: Fixed standalone client not remebering volume, always on top, last position, current station, and shaded state.

Pandora: Some unnessiary log messages removed.

Pandora: Negatively rated songs will now be removed from any playlists which reference them.

Saver2: Amazon art fetching is now completely reliable.

Saver2: Bugfix in encoder which prevented the decoding(rencoding) of flv properly.

Saver2: References to songs which were replaced will be removed from playlists

Saver2/ID3: will nolonger lock saver2 when encountering an esoteric error.

Saver2/ID3: Small bugfixes in Save(), hopefully will correct the problem theds encountered.

SProxy: IE settings are correctly updated when exiting now. Before, reopening apps was required for it to be updated. This fixes some update errors (and general usability).

SProxy: Log file is now named sproxy.log, formerly SPLog.txt

Installer: Added YouTube and tenatively fixed a case where the installer would delete a conf when it should not.

YouTube: First release.

Updated assembly information for all files. It's 2010 now!

Forcing videos to be treated as songs in youtube settings will cause them to be re-encoded using the settings on the encoding tab. (by default, 160kbs mp3). You're probably better off searching on grooveshark, though...

Known bugs:

YouTube: Videos played on channel pages (not a page with watch in the URL) will not have a title and will be named by ID.

YouTube: Save format is forced to either flat structure or \YouTube\; the file names will either be the title or the ID (if title is not available)

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Thank you so much. My problem seems fixed so far!

I've mentioned this sometime before, but have you ever considered adding ripping support for Spotify? It's pretty amazing. If you think that you would be interested in I can get you an account, let me know.

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