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Hackers are people to


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hey everyone! i just finished watching hackers are people to on secuirtytube.net and i feel as if a lot of weight has been taken from my chest. i recommend EVERYONE watch it. I RECOMMEND EVERYONE WATCHES THIS. ESPECIALLY ANY ONE THAT HAS EVER ASKED THE QUESTION ON THIS FORUM "HOW DO I HACK MY SCHOOL (ETC...)."i am sorry for the quotes but i feel as if that is the only way i can emphasize how important it is. this documentary explains everything. If you do watch is please tell me how you liked it because i really enjoyed it.



p.s. dont be a scene whore :P

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i know! the segment about children is very true and real. i think that documentary should be broadcasted on live t.v. i think that would benefit everyone, but most of all benefit the government. the eef is a really great thing. when is the next con?



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To be honest I can't see it being broadcast on T.V making much of a difference to peoples opinions. The people who think there is something wrong with being interested in science related topics tend to be small minded people who will only follow what is portrayed as the cool things etc. and unfortunately the media and other personel who influence the masses don't promote being intellectual as a good thing anymore.

But it would be nice to see such documentary hit the box :)

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I disliked it, it was not a film about hackers but a film about people with social disorders.

metatron i disagree with you. i dont see how you came to that conclusion, social disorders. So, pretty much your saying the creater of defcon has a social disorder?

it would be a huge statement if it was on t.v. i think. i can imagine it either, but you can always hope. the only problem if it was on t.v. it could either go good or bad. good being the government lets down a lil. and bad scene whores come and next thing you know conventions are run with people who ask you how to hack their bank:-(

I wonder if that was the first documentary of the sort on the subject?



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metatron i disagree with you. i dont see how you came to that conclusion, social disorders. So, pretty much your saying the creater of defcon has a social disorder?

it would be a huge statement if it was on t.v. i think. i can imagine it either, but you can always hope. the only problem if it was on t.v. it could either go good or bad. good being the government lets down a lil. and bad scene whores come and next thing you know conventions are run with people who ask you how to hack their bank:-(

I wonder if that was the first documentary of the sort on the subject?



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The overall tone of the film (I'm not calling it a documentary) is that of people that clearly have deep seeded personal issues, just look at that woman with the short hair and glasses that almost cries. Not everyone in it should seek help but maybe 95% would benefit from treatment of some kind for social disorders. I came to this conclusion after studying at medical school many things which include areas related to mental health.

Really AC1D_BURN for a nick?, haha. No offensive mate.

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A couple weeks ago, a friend (not a hacker-type) came over to my house and brought a divx copy of Hackers Are People Too and he was saying "You gotta watch this, these people are all JUST LIKE YOU!" I got a bit of a laugh out of the way he said it, especially when I told him I already bought a copy of the DVD a couple months ago.

I enjoyed the film, it's not without flaws but I did think it was well put together. I think I was most impressed by the way different people expressed their different views on subjects. (for example, there were a couple people complaining 'the scene isn't like it used to be', and then there were a couple of people saying the opposite - the underground is still there, but there is just much more of everything, even if you aren't in the underground.) I think the point that 'hackers are a wide variety of people' was well made.

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I have yet to watch the documentary, but I will say this to you metatron. In the eyes of social behavior, there is no one on the face of the earth without some kind of behavioral / mental issue.

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I didn't think it was to great. It didn't really prove that hackers are people to. I think if they followed a hacker around for a week it would of been better and actually proved that hackers are people to. Personally I think talking to them at a hacker conference kinda does the opposite of what the wanted to prove. But then I guess you have to know what they actually meant by "Hackers are people to", are they trying to prove that they are people? Or are they trying to prove that they are normal?

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I didn't think it was to great. It didn't really prove that hackers are people to. I think if they followed a hacker around for a week it would of been better and actually proved that hackers are people to. Personally I think talking to them at a hacker conference kinda does the opposite of what the wanted to prove.

I liked that they talked to 'random people at a hacker conference'. It's an interesting see a little sample of some hacker-type-people. The differences between the people interviewed, and the differences between what those people think, is what makes them 'people too'.

I agree that following a hacker around for a week would be an interesting film, but I think that's just a different angle to look at than this film took. (and it has some of its own problems - what one person is representative of 'hackers' as a group?)

I think the idea to talk to a lot of different people at a hacker conference (where else do you find a lot of hackers in one place?) is a good way to present a sampling of opinions of some hackers. Maybe the sample is not as large as it could be, and maybe some of the people don't seem like the best examples of 'the hacker community', but at the same time I think it is done well in the film. There are only so many people you can fit into a film of a couple hours (ok so I guess it's only 43 minutes), and who decides which people are considered hacker-enough? I think that generally if a person is at a hacker conference - they are a hacker, part of the hacker community.

One of the things the film shows is how dynamic the hacker community is - at the same time all these people share a lot in common, as hackers, but also they all are independent. That 'independent thinker' is a core part of what makes people hackers.

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The overall tone of the film (I'm not calling it a documentary) is that of people that clearly have deep seeded personal issues, just look at that woman with the short hair and glasses that almost cries.

I would have to disagree with you there, to me it just seemed to revolve around peoples views of the computing scene and showing the diversity of peoples opinions. I also thought it did show that people who have what most people consider to be abstract interests such as programming, network security etc. are also capable of socialising as you see at the conferences.

I could see myself going to a conference such as DefCon but I wouldn't say I have any social issues or psychological scars.

I can see where you are coming from though, some people did seem to be a bit OTT

Really AC1D_BURN for a nick?, haha. No offensive mate.

That made me lol big time :lol:

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I actually really enjoyed it. I can see where metatron's coming from but I wouldn't really agree. Ok, hackers are often presented as socially inept and emotionally bent but some of them are (just like some non-hackers) and it's not necessarily a bad thing because I think having a screwy mind can assist in thinking differently (and who really is normal anyway?). I did expect it to be a load of bollocks but I think the overall feel of the film said something of what I've been trying to say for ages, that it's not about hiding in your mum's basement with dot-matrix printed posters of scifi actresses and it's not all about breaking into stuff either.

It's not something I would expect everyone to like, I'm sure it's not perfect, but it does make a change from "hackers are stealing your credit card and are the scum of the planet, wipe them out now!".

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I actually really enjoyed it. I can see where metatron's coming from but I wouldn't really agree. Ok, hackers are often presented as socially inept and emotionally bent but some of them are (just like some non-hackers) and it's not necessarily a bad thing because I think having a screwy mind can assist in thinking differently (and who really is normal anyway?). I did expect it to be a load of bollocks but I think the overall feel of the film said something of what I've been trying to say for ages, that it's not about hiding in your mum's basement with dot-matrix printed posters of scifi actresses and it's not all about breaking into stuff either.

It's not something I would expect everyone to like, I'm sure it's not perfect, but it does make a change from "hackers are stealing your credit card and are the scum of the planet, wipe them out now!".

I also expected it to be quite bad at first too but I was pleasently suprised :D

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I think it was too one dimensional. It only showed one side of hackers, the social gathering, con going crowd and what they like to call "the scene". Hackers are more than just computer people who go to cons. And more than people who grew up in "the scene". What about the real every day life of a hacker? Yeah, we want to be treated fairly and want people to understand we aren't all evil twats with the intention to steal their credit card or raid their bank accounts, but thats kind of common sense. What about the people who don't work in the computer field, or run day cares, work in doctors offices, are in the military, never stepped foot in a con, etc. There are more sides and dimensions to a hacker, and this was only one aspect of it for me. Hackers are more than just the people shown in this video, and if they had followed some of them around in their every day life, with their family, what they do aside from computers, etc, that would have been more convincing to show that hackers are people too.

Let me phrase it this way. Do all of you sit at your PC 24hrs a day, drooling over your keyboard? Or do you have a life? What do you like to do besides computers? Where do you go to hang out? What are your interests? What kind of music do you like? Do you play an instrument? Do you like sports? Do you have kids, a wife or husband? Do you travel? Do you like art? Are you an artist? Do you do computers for a living, or are you a doctor, a lawyer, a construction worker, work at McDonalds, a library, a school teacher, etc.

We're no different than the rest of the world except we have a love of all things technology related and we want to see how things work. I myself want to know what makes something tick, how to take it apart, break it, fix it, make it better, modify something to make it do a new task it wasn't intended for. That is a hacker to me. And my interests vary. I like movies, art, music, I play guitar, enjoy riding dirt bikes and riding through the trails, swimming in blue holes, camping, spending time with my family, and a whole lot more shit I can't even think of right now, but you get the point...

I'm not saying the video was bad, but maybe lacking more of a hackers daily life and what they do as people, and not as hackers. We know what hackers do in repsect to going to cons and "hacking" but what convinces me that they are people too? If anything, the video only does more to convice me they are hackers.

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I'm not saying the video was bad, but maybe lacking more of a hackers daily life and what they do as people, and not as hackers. We know what hackers do in repsect to going to cons and "hacking" but what convinces me that they are people too? If anything, the video only does more to convice me they are hackers.

Pretty much what I was saying before.

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I made my wife watch it and she liked it. Opened her eyes a bit. But a agree with the above posts that it didn't really touch enough on the non-computer side of hackers. I think what would be sweet is if a guy like Charlie Rose had on the founder of defcon or someone equally associated with the culture that could speak on its behalf, if there is such a person. I got a feeling that they concentrated just on the con scene cause its the only place where they could get a slew of them in one place to do interviews. But anyway, i know dick about film making.

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Wow i am loving all the comments everyone! i think this subject is a success! and yes i know about the name all i could think of that day, it is only temporary. Has the hak5 team seen this. i know they have given it away and interviewed, but this is right up their alley. i wonder why the person who made this documentary made this. it would really interest me and delight me if she posted here!


p.s. if you have any good nick name suggestions i am open!

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The woman who made the film has been interviewed on the show, some time last season.

Edit: As for a nickname, you'll have to choose that yourself, a handle is your identity and generally exists as a result of some story, thought or attitude you have. It's a personal thing.

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"OH MY GOD!! Crash, And BURN!!!"

Where the hell is lord Nikon?!

...in your first post

p.s. dont be a scene whore!
comes to mind :P

Bout to watch this said documentary.

ok... just seen it. they all look pretty normal to me.

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I always wanted a cool handle ....but i got stuck with Mnemonic because it was easy to remember :)

Altho a lot of ppl used to think that it was just something i stole from a movie...

i dunno...maybe i'll still search for a handle.. an identity but ...

on topic tho....i watched the doco and enjoyed it..i showed my old man who still didn't get it...meh life goes on

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