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Driver Update Tool?


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Does anybody know of a good automatic Driver Updater. I already tried Drvier Max, did not work.

Thanks Tyler

If it aint broke, don't fix it. ;)

Unless you have a bug in something, crashes, etc, you only need to update when there is a fix or enhancment to a device. Otherwise, always go to the manufacturer for udaptes or even windows update will fix them sometimes, like my GPU drivers always do when there is a newer one.

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It would be a lot easier to write a script to check for updates. cURL or wget along with md5check. Have it download the latest version, compare it to the old version. If they are different then install... This is pretty dangerous, you should always make sure you are installing important system software your self.

Modified version(url change)

Author: netytan

#!/usr/bin/env python 

import urllib, md5

page = urllib.urlopen('http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_180.29.html').read() 

checksum = md5.new(page).digest()

if open('md5.txt', 'r').read().strip() != checksum:
    print 'Page has been changed\n'
    open('md5.txt', 'w').write(checksum)
    print 'Page has not been changed\n'

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Yeah, you should start seeing a lot more drivers updated through WU with W7. Heck, you can even update some programs now through WU... or at least update them through the typical update dialog users are used to. Makes it a lot simpler than having a user memorize for each program where to go to get updates.

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you could use http://driveragent.com/ to check for which ones are outdated then use google to find them (the scan is free but they charge to download from them so just use them to find which ones are outdated then do the google work your self to find the downloads

but keep in mind that most drivers don't need to be updated

the main ones to keep up to date are videocard drivers as games constantly change for for the rest, they rarely need updates

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