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Windows is Dead Well Sort Of


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I've tried google it gave me answers but one problem my CD/DVD drive is broken. So I booted off of USB into DSL to mount the drive and just replace it with the backup SYSTEM.old but the hard drive won't mount (I pretty sure the hard drive isn't dead because the problem is a file can't be found, and wouldn't the BIOS raise an error if the hard drive was dead.). So I know have run out of ideas (BART PE doesn't fit on the flash drives that my BIOS will boot. Also no chain loading (for the USB drive to boot) the computer that is dead it the only one that can right to floppies :(. All I need is to rename to file on a NTFS partition got any suggestions, experience, or ideas I'm all ears. Thanks.

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Try Windows PE 2, part of the Windows Automated Install Kit (WAIK), will let you access your drive and rename the file (the stock version doesn't have a gui). Should fit on a small usb stick. There is also unetbootin, which will let you convert an iso image of Ubuntu to a bootable USB stick.

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If you know someone who has a floppy drive and the same version of Windows (XP? I take it).

Copy these files to it and see if you can boot it that way:






You might need these too



when you do, do a sys C:\ at the command prompt and that should fix it. If the system files are that only thing that is damaged. This only works if no other system files are damaged.

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if the bios doesn't see the drive, then check the jumper settings. if that fails, then the board on the drive is dead. you can swap it out if you can find the same drive. if the drive isn't clicking or making weird noises, this will bring it back to life

if it can be seen by the bios, you can try using spinrite http://www.grc.com/intro.htm or PTDD http://www.ptdd.com/ to bring it back to life. i would recommend spinrite because it does a much better job at fixing drives. ptdd is more of a partition recovery tool, whereas spinrite does much more, and can even tell you if your drive cable is bad.

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OK BIOS recognizes it. There are no clicking sounds. Also when this happened I turn my computer on from standby and log in and it suddenly shutdown (as though the cord were yanked (it wasn't))). It is not overclocked etc. I was thinking of spinrite but if I could get this fixed with free software (not saying SpinRite is a bad product I've heard what it can do). I'm trying booting into DSL (Damn Small Linux) and then copying the files needed for a DOS floppy, which I copied from a working computer, to a floppy and try and run chkdsk and replace the needed file.

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OK BIOS recognizes it. There are no clicking sounds. Also when this happened I turn my computer on from standby and log in and it suddenly shutdown (as though the cord were yanked (it wasn't))). It is not overclocked etc. I was thinking of spinrite but if I could get this fixed with free software (not saying SpinRite is a bad product I've heard what it can do). I'm trying booting into DSL (Damn Small Linux) and then copying the files needed for a DOS floppy, which I copied from a working computer, to a floppy and try and run chkdsk and replace the needed file.

If you can get it booted. I recommend doing a sys C: at a command prompt. This is to make sure that the system files are repaired. If you don't then reboot you will get the same error message. After that's done you can be some what comfortable running CHKDSK (I recommend the /R option /F is implied when you run /R).

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ALSO! try these little known commands in recovery console, as this has got my a$$ out of binds a few times w/ corrupted partitions and boot files:

c: cd..

c: ATTRIB -H C:\\boot.ini

c: ATTRIB -S C:\\boot.ini

c: ATTRIB -R C:\\boot.ini

c: del boot.ini

c: BOOTCFG /Rebuild



you can read the whole thing at: http://icrontic.com/articles/repair_windows_xp

Might I also add that this is the ONLY fix that I have valued so much, I actually have 2 print outs of it. 1 in my car, and 1 by my pc.

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Same Here The C:\windows\system32\config\system message :angry: After Quick Brownouts Last Week

my system also pwned

BTW: we've Downloading and Installed UBCD4Win on pc and Boot UBCD4Win on Registry Recover. after quick fixes my rig back to normal

@Zimmer, Try This to Fix

@h3%5kr3w, thanks for the info ;)

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