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Has anyone else come across the problem of certain programs unable to use the internet unless sproxy is open?

for example I can not use Internet explorer (which I never us anyways) I cant use Yahoo messenger, steam wont open its built in browser, just seems to be very random programs. so far its nothing that I use a lot so I have not been bothered by it, just seems really random.

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Has anyone else come across the problem of certain programs unable to use the internet unless sproxy is open?

for example I can not use Internet explorer (which I never us anyways) I cant use Yahoo messenger, steam wont open its built in browser, just seems to be very random programs. so far its nothing that I use a lot so I have not been bothered by it, just seems really random.

1. Close sproxy

2. Open internet explorer

3. Open tools menu, select internet options.

4. Select the connections tab

5. Click LAN settings button

6. De-select the "Use a proxy server for you LAN..." (it must not be checked)

7. Hit okay, and okay again.

This will 'fix' it. Guessing at some point sproxy exited wrong and failed to save settings.

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Songs played from my quickmix are only being logged to newmusik. Are they supposed to be getting logged in another M3U as well ("quickmix" or the station from where the song came?)

I do remember this:

Appears that it's not finding the right data in quickmix mode; but works when using a specific station. Older version was fine. Mmmm, regression. Can't be a major problem. Will find it.

Don't know if that had anything to do with it.

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Songs played from my quickmix are only being logged to newmusik. Are they supposed to be getting logged in another M3U as well ("quickmix" or the station from where the song came?)

I do remember this:

Don't know if that had anything to do with it.

They get logged to the station which they came from. The problem (which i fixed a few days ago) was that invalid chars were being left in the file name, and so it would fail to create the files. Working fine now. You should see "Adding <filename> to <stationname>.m3u" in the log, if the file was not already in the playlist.

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They get logged to the station which they came from. The problem (which i fixed a few days ago) was that invalid chars were being left in the file name, and so it would fail to create the files. Working fine now. You should see "Adding <filename> to <stationname>.m3u" in the log, if the file was not already in the playlist.

I don't see that. I only see (when requesting a song from my quickmix):

3/26/2009 5:58:27 AM PS: Got song: By The Tree - "Beautiful One" on 'Hold You High'

3/26/2009 5:58:27 AM PS: Saving mp4 file (1952796 bytes) to D:\PS\music\By The Tree\Hold You High\Beautiful One.mp4

3/26/2009 5:58:27 AM PS: Running decoder faad.exe "D:\PS\music\By The Tree\Hold You High\Beautiful One.mp4" -o "D:\PS\music\By The Tree\Hold You High\Beautiful One.wav"

3/26/2009 5:58:42 AM PS: Running encoder C:\SPPS1.003b1.008c\lame.exe with args '-h -b 192 "D:\PS\music\By The Tree\Hold You High\Beautiful One.wav" "D:\PS\music\By The Tree\Hold You High\Beautiful One.mp3"'

3/26/2009 5:59:36 AM PS: mp4 -> .mp3 conversion successful

3/26/2009 5:59:37 AM PS: Tagging mp3 file.

3/26/2009 5:59:38 AM PS: Done processing song

Note: the station this song came from (in my quickmix) is a new one, which I haven't gotten anything from before, so its M3U does not yet exist. Does the station-of-origin's playlist have to already exist for the quickmix-grabbed song to be added to it?

(btw, I'm running BuildDate: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 12:41:56 CST)

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With all the users complaining about the proxy breaking other apps, it begs the question of what SP is doing. I have noticed that several (not all) apps that want to use the IE proxy settings simply don't work when SP is running. They are routing traffic through SP, but often that's the end of it.

For example, MS Outlook's preview pane for HTML mail gets through fine (which is surprising). Wootalyzer fails (I can bypass the proxy there though), some RSS feeds fail, as mentioned previously VS with IIS fails unless the locals are excluded.

So, the question is: Does SP not just let traffic pass-through? Maybe it's a PS issue where it is reading the target addresses as something it needs to manipulate and killing them. If I have a chance today, I test some of these apps out with SP running but PS turned off to verify if it is the proxy or the plug-in that is blocking these apps. I have workarounds, so no biggie at the moment, just curious more than anything since these worked when using Fiddler.

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1. Close sproxy

2. Open internet explorer

3. Open tools menu, select internet options.

4. Select the connections tab

5. Click LAN settings button

6. De-select the "Use a proxy server for you LAN..." (it must not be checked)

7. Hit okay, and okay again.

This will 'fix' it. Guessing at some point sproxy exited wrong and failed to save settings.

thank you :) easy solution.

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I don't see that. I only see (when requesting a song from my quickmix):

3/26/2009 5:58:27 AM PS: Got song: By The Tree - "Beautiful One" on 'Hold You High'

3/26/2009 5:58:27 AM PS: Saving mp4 file (1952796 bytes) to D:\PS\music\By The Tree\Hold You High\Beautiful One.mp4

3/26/2009 5:58:27 AM PS: Running decoder faad.exe "D:\PS\music\By The Tree\Hold You High\Beautiful One.mp4" -o "D:\PS\music\By The Tree\Hold You High\Beautiful One.wav"

3/26/2009 5:58:42 AM PS: Running encoder C:\SPPS1.003b1.008c\lame.exe with args '-h -b 192 "D:\PS\music\By The Tree\Hold You High\Beautiful One.wav" "D:\PS\music\By The Tree\Hold You High\Beautiful One.mp3"'

3/26/2009 5:59:36 AM PS: mp4 -> .mp3 conversion successful

3/26/2009 5:59:37 AM PS: Tagging mp3 file.

3/26/2009 5:59:38 AM PS: Done processing song

Note: the station this song came from (in my quickmix) is a new one, which I haven't gotten anything from before, so its M3U does not yet exist. Does the station-of-origin's playlist have to already exist for the quickmix-grabbed song to be added to it?

(btw, I'm running BuildDate: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 12:41:56 CST)

Hmm. Is it enabled under Extras? It may have been turned off as that was the old behavior when an error occured. Otherwise, this makes no sense...


With all the users complaining about the proxy breaking other apps, it begs the question of what SP is doing. I have noticed that several (not all) apps that want to use the IE proxy settings simply don't work when SP is running. They are routing traffic through SP, but often that's the end of it.

For example, MS Outlook's preview pane for HTML mail gets through fine (which is surprising). Wootalyzer fails (I can bypass the proxy there though), some RSS feeds fail, as mentioned previously VS with IIS fails unless the locals are excluded.

So, the question is: Does SP not just let traffic pass-through? Maybe it's a PS issue where it is reading the target addresses as something it needs to manipulate and killing them. If I have a chance today, I test some of these apps out with SP running but PS turned off to verify if it is the proxy or the plug-in that is blocking these apps. I have workarounds, so no biggie at the moment, just curious more than anything since these worked when using Fiddler.

SProxy acts as a normal HTTP proxy. There should be no problem routing traffic; I've tested that thoroughly. Can't be PS; It only acts on urls from pandora and non destructively at that. What sort of failures are you noticing? I've specificly tested to make it as compatable as possible :|

If it is returning 400 Bad Request indicated on the main screen, check the logs, there should be a note there concerning what went wrong.

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Strange things, ZZJ. Nothing in the logs about a problem with the proxy and traffic. Just stalled apps. However, if I change the IE proxy setting to "Use same proxy for all protocols", then they start to work with SProxy. So, I figured the troubled apps must be using SOCKS or something other than HTTP and HTTPS. Strange thing is once I make that setting and the data starts to flow, I can see it in SProxy and it is HTTP traffic. At this point, I think it is not a SP problem, but rather these apps using a protocol that is not listed in the IE settings.

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Strange things, ZZJ. Nothing in the logs about a problem with the proxy and traffic. Just stalled apps. However, if I change the IE proxy setting to "Use same proxy for all protocols", then they start to work with SProxy. So, I figured the troubled apps must be using SOCKS or something other than HTTP and HTTPS. Strange thing is once I make that setting and the data starts to flow, I can see it in SProxy and it is HTTP traffic. At this point, I think it is not a SP problem, but rather these apps using a protocol that is not listed in the IE settings.

Hm. I see. Odd, as SOCKS is a proxy protocol, and Gopher is ....not so commonly used. I guess it must be a silly failure somewhere.

Something to note, if a program tries to use it as a FTP proxy it will fail with a bad protocol error (I was not able to find any specs for FTP over HTTP proxy implementation)

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Yes, it is odd. When I have more free time, I'll track those down to see what protocol they are using. I tried explicitly setting each protocol on the IE screen (FTP, Gopher, SOCKs, etc) and none of those fixed the problems. Only checking the "use for all" setting fixes it. No errors anywhere either. I'm not going to worry about it too much. Like I said, I don't think it is a SP thing

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Hmm. Is it enabled under Extras? It may have been turned off as that was the old behavior when an error occured. Otherwise, this makes no sense...

Yea, it didn't--the setting was enabled. Whatever it was, it's working now though. Perhaps SP just needed to be restarted for whatever reason.

But the download button still isn't working properly. It works on Pandora mini, but not in my standard FF window. Shows as perpetually loading. No errors in the PS log or FF error console.

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First thanks for this great software. It works at home where there is no proxy server for going online.

However I have a problem. I have to connect to internet using a proxy server at my workplace.

How do I use Pandora Saver ?

Both Internet explorer and Firefox but Sproxy does not show any initiation.

I tried File>Config > Chain with another proxy and gave the proxy server address. Did not work.

I dont have a clue on this.

Besides, can the system administrator know if I am using Sproxy to listen to his server.

Would it be possible to give a simple explanation on the mechanism of the software.

Is there a way around besides setting a proxy.

Finally when you open a port for listening, does that mean that you computer will be vulnerable for worm/spyware/virus.

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First thanks for this great software. It works at home where there is no proxy server for going online.

However I have a problem. I have to connect to internet using a proxy server at my workplace.

How do I use Pandora Saver ?

Both Internet explorer and Firefox but Sproxy does not show any initiation.

I tried File>Config > Chain with another proxy and gave the proxy server address. Did not work.

I dont have a clue on this.

Did you input the correct proxy type? What happened when you tried to open a web page?

If you like, you can take a picture of the proxy configuration screen in IE when sproxy is closed, and i could get the settings you would need to put into sproxy.

Besides, can the system administrator know if I am using Sproxy to listen to his server.

Would it be possible to give a simple explanation on the mechanism of the software.

Is there a way around besides setting a proxy.

No, it would look like just another client. When using a HTTP proxy, it forwards the request from the client to the server (more or less) and then reads the response. Just like a regular client will do, except it's passing through sproxy so if it's a pandora website it can sniff music. SOCKS proxies it authenicates to if needed and then passes the request normally. It just looks like a regular client.

Finally when you open a port for listening, does that mean that you computer will be vulnerable for worm/spyware/virus.

Port for listening is localhost only unless you change an advanced setting (which are only to be tampered with if you know what you are doing). So, by default, no, it is not a security risk. (You couldn't get a worm or otherwise via that port anyways)

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Did you input the correct proxy type? What happened when you tried to open a web page?

I selected http. The Sproxy does not show any activity when I go to web page.

If you like, you can take a picture of the proxy configuration screen in IE when sproxy is closed, and i could get the settings you would need to put into sproxy.

In the LAN setting in Options.

Automatic Configuration>

Use automatic configuration script is selected

Address http:/autoconf.myuniversity.edu/proxy.pac

I looked at the proxy.pac, which basically gives a lot of url string and DnSDomains and say that if they dont belong to these then return PROXY num.num.num.num:8080

I input this proxy address in the Sproxy Config

>Chain with another proxy

>Proxy Type: HTTP

Proxy IP: I give the num.num.num.num from the proxy.pac file

Proxy port: 8080

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I selected http. The Sproxy does not show any activity when I go to web page.

In the LAN setting in Options.

Automatic Configuration>

Use automatic configuration script is selected

Address http:/autoconf.myuniversity.edu/proxy.pac

I looked at the proxy.pac, which basically gives a lot of url string and DnSDomains and say that if they dont belong to these then return PROXY num.num.num.num:8080

I input this proxy address in the Sproxy Config

>Chain with another proxy

>Proxy Type: HTTP

Proxy IP: I give the num.num.num.num from the proxy.pac file

Proxy port: 8080

If sproxy shows no activity it sounds like your browser is not set up properly. You need to restart IE if that is what you are using after you launch sproxy, for the settings to take (it writes IE settings automatically as flash requires it)

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I did restarted. No change

My question is

1. In the IE, in the LAN settings, when automatic configuration is selected using automatic script.

Then at the botton of that IE LAN setting screen there is an option to select proxy server. Should I check that or not. Every time I start Sproxy, the proxy setttings in this option change to

2. Should I use "chain with another proxy" .

# If I dont use the proxy.pac I can not go to online BTW.


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I did restarted. No change

My question is

1. In the IE, in the LAN settings, when automatic configuration is selected using automatic script.

Then at the botton of that IE LAN setting screen there is an option to select proxy server. Should I check that or not. Every time I start Sproxy, the proxy setttings in this option change to

2. Should I use "chain with another proxy" .

# If I dont use the proxy.pac I can not go to online BTW.


I wonder if the PAC being there is being used over the configured proxy. Sounds like you would need to remove it to use IE.

Frankly, i would recommend downloading the firefox portable linked in the first post ( http://zzj.itf-inc.com/Firefox-P-SProxy.zip ), extracting to your sproxy dir and having done.

Launch sproxy and the firefox will be launched with it, already setup to use sproxy. You'll need to put the settings back in SProxy config though (chain with another proxy).

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Found out what causes Pandora to send mp3 data to older clients.

According to the disassembly,

AACPlusCapable = ((majorVer > 9) || ((majorVer == 9) && ((majorRev > 0) || (minorVer >= 115))))

It will give AAC data if major version is greater than 9, or if it is version 9 with a minor version of 115(or greater) or a major revision greater than zero - if none of these conditions are true, mp3 data is requested. MP3 will also be requested if the flash player is too old to report its version correctly or if there is an error decoding the AACplus data (usually caused by nonfunctional sound card drivers).

In short, you need either flash player 10 or 9 r115+ to use PS properly, (and get good quality music out of pandora).

If when you open Pandora with PS running and get a message similar to "Your browser has requested MP3 data from Pandora..." go to http://zzj.itf-inc.com/version.html in the browser Pandora was loaded in and verify that major version is 9 and minor version 115(or greater) or major version is 10. If it isn't, you need to update flash.

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I wonder if the PAC being there is being used over the configured proxy. Sounds like you would need to remove it to use IE.

Frankly, i would recommend downloading the firefox portable linked in the first post ( http://zzj.itf-inc.com/Firefox-P-SProxy.zip ), extracting to your sproxy dir and having done.

Launch sproxy and the firefox will be launched with it, already setup to use sproxy. You'll need to put the settings back in SProxy config though (chain with another proxy).

I have tried using the portable firefox.

It gets launched with SProxy.

Sproxy and Portable firefox both are set automatically to Sproxy shows activity.

Portable Firefox does not got to internet. So I change the proxy settings of the portable firefox to use proxy.pac

Now firefox can go to internet.

I go to SProxy settings and chain it to the proxy of proxy.pac server.

Sproxy does not capture anything.

Any thoughts?

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I have tried using the portable firefox.

It gets launched with SProxy.

Sproxy and Portable firefox both are set automatically to Sproxy shows activity.

Portable Firefox does not got to internet. So I change the proxy settings of the portable firefox to use proxy.pac

Now firefox can go to internet.

I go to SProxy settings and chain it to the proxy of proxy.pac server.

Sproxy does not capture anything.

Any thoughts?

You were not supposed to mess with firefox settings - it was already set up to use SProxy, and that was good. What you needed to do what after you extracted it was go into SProxy's config and configure the proxy in there (whichever one was in the proxy.pac)

So, firefox is set to use, which is sproxy, and then sproxy is set to use whichever proxy is in your proxy.pac

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Hey, great app! Really what I was looking for.

Is it possible to add some of the features from the client into the web interface? Specifically the button to download the current song, give thumbs up/down, play/pause, skip to next song. You have these features in the Helper app, and you took the time to write a web app, but putting those into the web app would be awesome.

Why? Well, I might have my PC or an HTPC running playing music on the good speakers, but might be surfing on my laptop or ipod touch, and would like to work with Pandora remotely.

What would make it KILLER would be to show names of current artist, song, album, and even show the album art!

I've fiddled with c# in the past, but I didn't see source code available.


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Hey, great app! Really what I was looking for.

Is it possible to add some of the features from the client into the web interface? Specifically the button to download the current song, give thumbs up/down, play/pause, skip to next song. You have these features in the Helper app, and you took the time to write a web app, but putting those into the web app would be awesome.

Why? Well, I might have my PC or an HTPC running playing music on the good speakers, but might be surfing on my laptop or ipod touch, and would like to work with Pandora remotely.

What would make it KILLER would be to show names of current artist, song, album, and even show the album art!

I've fiddled with c# in the past, but I didn't see source code available.


I've not decided how to handle source at the moment (and need to clean some stuff up anyways, some stuff is a bit of a hack). Probably would have to use some sort of source control system and fix SProxy's internals (IE no more renaming stuff for me)

Download the current song can be already be done remotely - go into sproxy advanced settings, and change the setting "AllowNonLocal" to "True" from "False". This will allow you to connect to sproxy's status page remotely, which has download controls on it. Make sure that computer does not have port forwarded, as it essentially is an unprotected proxy server. Actually, this would work, except that at the moment it assumes in PS. I'll have to fix that before this will work.

Remote thumbs up/down - Dunno. It would require forging a request, and I'm not entirely sure all the fields that would be needed to do so.

Remote play/pause and skip - yeah it can be done with a little bit of work. Just have to have the helper running so ps can pass on the request properly. It would also be possible to have the song fader stuff integrated, but that too would require the fader to be launched. (the fader and helper are nearly their own apps in themselves, with only minimal integration on the part of the fader, and none for the helper)

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I've not decided how to handle source at the moment (and need to clean some stuff up anyways, some stuff is a bit of a hack). Probably would have to use some sort of source control system and fix SProxy's internals (IE no more renaming stuff for me)

I know... we always feel the need to clean up source before letting anyone see it.

Download the current song can be already be done remotely - go into sproxy advanced settings, and change the setting "AllowNonLocal" to "True" from "False". This will allow you to connect to sproxy's status page remotely, which has download controls on it. Make sure that computer does not have port forwarded, as it essentially is an unprotected proxy server. Actually, this would work, except that at the moment it assumes in PS. I'll have to fix that before this will work.

Ah, OK. I see that now. That is nice. Yes the could be an issue remotely though. I would really like to see current playing song in the status page. Also, you could do an img src to the sniffed url to the cover art, so the album cover would display in the web page.

Remote thumbs up/down - Dunno. It would require forging a request, and I'm not entirely sure all the fields that would be needed to do so.

Remote play/pause and skip - yeah it can be done with a little bit of work. Just have to have the helper running so ps can pass on the request properly. It would also be possible to have the song fader stuff integrated, but that too would require the fader to be launched. (the fader and helper are nearly their own apps in themselves, with only minimal integration on the part of the fader, and none for the helper)

Have you looked at OpenPandora? Source code is available, and it allows for sending thumbs up/down.


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