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I'm using Tor (from outside the US) to access pandora. I installed fiddler, privoxy and PandoraSaver.

I am using Firefox portable to listen to Pandora.

Fiddler is capturing the session, and the music plays correctly, but PandoraSaver is not able to save the songs.

This is the log:

PandoraSaver started

Inspecting URL: http://audio-sjl-a-2.pandora.com/access/.....HaynuDb2mLcA%3D

Not a known audio url: http://audio-sjl-a-2.pandora.com/access/.....HaynuDb2mLcA%3D

Cached albumArt: http://images-sjl-4.pandora.com/images/pub...8_130W_130H.jpg

Inspecting URL: http://audio-sjl-t1-2.pandora.com/access/....AA4rx1APcSaA%3D

Not a known audio url: http://audio-sjl-t1-2.pandora.com/access/....AA4rx1APcSaA%3D

Cached albumArt: http://images-sjl-1.pandora.com/images/pub...3_130W_130H.jpg

You are doing a terrific job!!

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I'm using Tor (from outside the US) to access pandora. I installed fiddler, privoxy and PandoraSaver.

I am using Firefox portable to listen to Pandora.

Fiddler is capturing the session, and the music plays correctly, but PandoraSaver is not able to save the songs.

This is the log:

PandoraSaver started

Inspecting URL: http://audio-sjl-a-2.pandora.com/access/.....HaynuDb2mLcA%3D

Not a known audio url: http://audio-sjl-a-2.pandora.com/access/.....HaynuDb2mLcA%3D

Cached albumArt: http://images-sjl-4.pandora.com/images/pub...8_130W_130H.jpg

Inspecting URL: http://audio-sjl-t1-2.pandora.com/access/....AA4rx1APcSaA%3D

Not a known audio url: http://audio-sjl-t1-2.pandora.com/access/....AA4rx1APcSaA%3D

Cached albumArt: http://images-sjl-1.pandora.com/images/pub...3_130W_130H.jpg

You are doing a terrific job!!

It looks like pandorasaver did not sniff any XML song data. Try reloading pandora - you should see something similar to this when it started (and sniffed data)

PandoraSaver started
Inspecting XML doc: http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v21?rid=3752257P&method=sync
Inspecting XML doc: http://www.pandora.com/radio/xmlrpc/v21?rid=3752257P&lid=55181377&method=getStations
Sniffed station query
Got station name 'Techno/Trance/Dance/Etc' (38518692694851649)
Got station name 'Rawk and such.' (13776992420364353)
Inspecting XML doc: http://www.pandora.com/radio/x...3=47507329&arg4=&arg5=&arg6=aacplus
Sniffed playlist answer
Got audio url: http://audio-sjl-a-1.pandora.com/access/...WKqsHL9Ep5SPGco%2BRkiixEYXkd9cPcESJ
Got audio url: http://audio-sjl-t1-1.pandora.com/access/...hMnxN%2Fj%2Blz0XM7X5Tl10l0E2Xg%2FZy
Got audio url: http://audio-sjl-a-1.pandora.com/access/...3xGETo4I7l3PoqiJTxqe%2B2UKn30T%2FPA
Got audio url: http://audio-sjl-a-2.pandora.com/access/...CqTDnFi%2BsuVLcbWZKHWz%2B63s1UqHpqY
Inspecting URL: http://audio-sjl-a-1.pandora.com/access/...3mmV%2BRmU3kh6Pli3Yg6Eg4ky9pfuvA%3D
Matched audio URL: http://audio-sjl-a-1.pandora.com/access/...3mmV%2BRmU3kh6Pli3Yg6Eg4ky9pfuvA%3D

The audio URLs ofc will be different, as will the station names. Are you using the browserPAC method to use fiddler, or ....?

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I tried restarting Pandora several times with no success. Yes, I use the browserPAC. The song are cached by fiddler correctly: if I save a specific answer body and change the extension to .mp4 it will play the song but pandora is not getting the XML.

I tried all combinations: manual thumb-up, automatic scan, etc.. nothing seems to work.

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I tried restarting Pandora several times with no success. Yes, I use the browserPAC. The song are cached by fiddler correctly: if I save a specific answer body and change the extension to .mp4 it will play the song but pandora is not getting the XML.

I tried all combinations: manual thumb-up, automatic scan, etc.. nothing seems to work.

Try setting firefox to use fiddler for _everything_, that is, use 8888 as the proxy under settings and select use this proxy for all protocols. That will tell me if it is a problem with pandorasaver or something else.

I think this might be a bug i found earlier, but this will tell me for sure. I'm going to box up the "beta" version of the standalone in a bit for testing if people want to. It works fine locally, except for HTTP proxy chaining; Tor and such are known to work. Some outside testing would be very handy for that.

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Hey a quick and very new guy question. When using the program I always end up with a substantial number of .dat files that accumulate as I try to download files. These files don't appear to do anything but sit there. At the same time, not all of the music I request the program to download appears in my artist folders.

My first question then, is why am I accuminlating all these temp files and what are they?

and secondly, how do I make sure that every song I ask it to download actually gets downloaded?

Thanks a lot for the program. College students are poor, but I'll be sending something your way. Some damn good work.

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Hey a quick and very new guy question. When using the program I always end up with a substantial number of .dat files that accumulate as I try to download files. These files don't appear to do anything but sit there. At the same time, not all of the music I request the program to download appears in my artist folders.

My first question then, is why am I accuminlating all these temp files and what are they?

and secondly, how do I make sure that every song I ask it to download actually gets downloaded?

Thanks a lot for the program. College students are poor, but I'll be sending something your way. Some damn good work.


Those temp files are the music from pandora - they are kept as *tmp files while the songs are pending approval. If approved, they are moved (and renamed) appropriately.

How are you approving the songs for download? the three triggers right now are either 1. positive feedback in pandora, 2. selected song on the song viewer and pressed download button, or three used the download button which can be integrated into pandora's page.

If the download request is successful, you should see the song disappear from the song viewer, and it will note it in the log (something like title by artist to be downloaded) if you used the button. If you use the song viewer to approve a song, it will disappear from the viewer and you should see it log it as having taken action on the song in about 5 seconds. If it catches feedback, it will say something like "Song title by artist has been positively rated".

The temp files *NOT* approved for download will stay until it hits the limit for queued songs (adjustable from 10 to 250 under advanced settings). They will also be deleted upon exit.

Post a copy of the log when you approve a song and it doesn't download, if you get a sec.

(The log viewer is accessible under log viewer on the tray icon or pandorasaver menu. double click where the text is to copy it all)

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Thanks a lot. This is my first day using program, so I'm still figuring it out. The main trigger I use is the integrated download button-"download "title"- artist." I'm basically just sitting here and hitting that button every time i see a song I want, and I have the settings on turbo download.

When I click the download button, I get all those temp files accumulating, but it seems like half of them never become converted mp3 songs. Right now I have 180 .tmp files in my save folder.

What should I be doing to avoid this problem?

also when I look at the song viewer, it says Known Songs 207, 180 pending. How do I approve those 180 songs?

When I go to the log viewer, it says 6 songs ripped, 9 sniffed, 180 pending.

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Thanks a lot. This is my first day using program, so I'm still figuring it out. The main trigger I use is the integrated download button-"download "title"- artist." I'm basically just sitting here and hitting that button every time i see a song I want, and I have the settings on turbo download.

When I click the download button, I get all those temp files accumulating, but it seems like half of them never become converted mp3 songs. Right now I have 180 .tmp files in my save folder.

What should I be doing to avoid this problem?

also when I look at the song viewer, it says Known Songs 207, 180 pending. How do I approve those 180 songs?

The song viewer, on the PandoraSaver menu on fiddler is how you approve songs (you can also access the menu on the pandora tray icon, if you have it enabled under settings. It shows a list of all the pending songs. Select one and hit the download button. Also, you should not use turbo download with mp3 conversion enabled, as it takes 30secs to a minute to convert a song. I'd recommend you use the song viewer while using turbo ripping; the download button may skip a song depending on the connection load.

Here is a visual of all that:


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The song viewer, on the PandoraSaver menu on fiddler is how you approve songs (you can also access the menu on the pandora tray icon, if you have it enabled under settings. It shows a list of all the pending songs.

Those graphics made everything much more clear. I've deactivated the button and will now just use the song viewer to approve them. One slight problem regarding previous download requests, none of the "180 pending songs" are shown in the song viewer. How should I approve them if they aren't in the song viewer?

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Those graphics made everything much more clear. I've deactivated the button and will now just use the song viewer to approve them. One slight problem regarding previous download requests, none of the "180 pending songs" are shown in the song viewer. How should I approve them if they aren't in the song viewer?

Might have to restart - if you uncheck the download button, it will have unchecked the only download positively rated songs checkbox unless you had don't automatically download any songs checked, thus it would've went and saved them all (possibly)

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Try setting firefox to use fiddler for _everything_, that is, use 8888 as the proxy under settings and select use this proxy for all protocols. That will tell me if it is a problem with pandorasaver or something else.

I think the problem is with privoxy not with Pandora, I am not able to chain it correctly with fiddler and tor. In all the combinations that I tried the only one that actually plays the songs (nevermind ripping) is when I put explicitely in the pac file (used by firefox) something like

if (shExpMatch(host, "www.pandora.com")) return "SOCKS";

return 'PROXY';

If I send everything to :8888 Pandora understands I am not in the US (so I assume privoxy is not working correctly)

The above solution lets me play the songs since they come from a different host (audio-sjl-.....pandora.com)

but the xml data got intercepted by the SOCKS:9050 and is not available to fiddler (and so to Pandora saver)

going to box up the "beta" version of the standalone in a bit for testing if people want to.

Absolutely!!! I look forward to it

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hmm, yeah, that does look like privoxy is not being used. you did run the install script in the privoxy zip, right? (Setup.RUNONCE.vbs) it sets fiddler to chain properly with privoxy (if everything is working properly you will see requests in privoxy's main window). Specifically, what it does is write two fiddler registry settings to ensure fiddler chains, and then writes the info (into IE settings) so fiddler catches it.

Just found out what is wrong for those who get audio URLs but no XML data: IE is setup to use the proxy, (which flash takes from) and is thus making requests properly through the proxy, but the browser pandora is in is NOT set up properly and is not making requests through the proxy.

You can try the beta at zzj.itf-inc.com/SP1.0bPS1.006BETA.zip (OUTDATED) . extract it somewhere, and run SProxy.exe.

Simplish setup instructions for Tor+beta SP:


Known problems in beta:

HTTP Proxy-chaining is not currently functioning

This essentially combines the function of fiddler and privoxy into one: it deals with any proxy chaining (tor) and allows PS to intercept data. Just run SProxy.exe, and setup your browser as if you were to use fiddler (by default, i have this listen on the same port)

I should note the standalone seems to be significantly faster than fiddler when set to do all requests, probably due to how it handles the requests.

if everything is working correctly on the standalone you should see a status report at

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SProxy is working fine here in Thailand using TOR. Only a couple of problems below:

-Still no music played with "It's taking longer than expected.."

-A lot of "Timed out waiting for response" errors

A request: Would it be possible to automate PAC file setup at the launch of SProxy?

BTW, with SProxy now, can I uninstall Fiddler2 altogether?

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SProxy is working fine here in Thailand using TOR. Only a couple of problems below:

-Still no music played with "It's taking longer than expected.."

-A lot of "Timed out waiting for response" errors

A request: Would it be possible to automate PAC file setup at the launch of SProxy?

BTW, with SProxy now, can I uninstall Fiddler2 altogether?

Yes, Sproxy obsoletes fiddler/privoxy as a host for PS.

I'll increase the timeout limit (that is one of the things I was worried about). By the way, is it a proxy timeout or a server communication timeout? it should be noted somewhere, the log probably. (i'll allow for both anyways)

As for no music played, you might try firefox, and see if that works. Playing no music while displaying "It's taking longer..." while happily ripping away seems to be an IE-specific problem. I haven't the faintest what would cause that problem, though. If you can, PM me the results of on the newest beta version.

It would be possible to put the PAC file somewhere and or modify the contents as it goes, but not the browser setup for it (nicely anyways). The method for programmaticly changing firefox's settings goes along the lines of killing firefox, molesting a file in the user's profile, and then re launching it. Rather nasty, if you ask me.

Random statistics- I found a tool called cloc to count number of source lines; SProxy (the host program wrote from scratch) ends up at 2418 lines of code (excluding blank lines and comments) and PandoraSaver comes in at 2985 lines. (PS 1002 comes in at 1114) More than I expected. SProxy has been built 600+ times now (successfully); PS, I didn't use the automatic version incrementer on it. Certainly, C# has more "power" per line than I had expected.

The beta version, located at http:// zzj.itf-inc.com/SP1.0bPS1.006BETA.zip(OUTDATED) has been updated to the most recent version. I haven't fixed the HTTP proxy-chaining not functioning proper, yet, but lots of other stuff has been fixed. (Do people even use HTTP proxies for this sort of thing?? Those public ones are godawful slow...)

Of note is the miniature website it now hosts when you hit ; it shows the current status such as bytes transferred, number requests handled, uptime; also, the status of pandorasaver including known stations and songs. It also provides a page that shows _all_ configuration options, including that of PS ( ), EXCEPT any fields with "pass" in the name. Finally, it allows you to see the last 100 log lines ( )

Perhaps I can get a flash applet made to hit a server much like pandora would do; to test the config. OFC, you could just run pandora itself.

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I'm not sure i understand what you are asking- the AAC files from pandora are not re-encoded and are already in HE-AAC format. Or, do you mean provide the facility to use another encoder other than LAME? Currently, LAME's options are customizable under Advanced settings if you wish to use VBR etc to encode.

Also, why would you want to specify the decoder? Faad seems to work fine? :S

Please make any follow ups to this in this thread, as it is somewhat of a pain to deal with two threads on the same topic. I should note that the PandoraSaver being used in this version is outdated (iirc).
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thanks for the answer!

and sorry. i was using the standalone installer and the version numbers got me confused. now i see the lame encoder parameter field. i was thinking of using neroAAC encoder and decoder. the aac encoder from nero is considered very good. comparable to apple aac in LC. i need to play my songs on my portable and aac will save a lot of space. please implement it if it is not too much to ask for. you could specify the encoder path and the parameters in the config file or even in the reg file. faad decoder is decent. so no complaints there :)

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I'm not sure i understand what you are asking- the AAC files from pandora are not re-encoded and are already in HE-AAC format. Or, do you mean provide the facility to use another encoder other than LAME? Currently, LAME's options are customizable under Advanced settings if you wish to use VBR etc to encode.

Also, why would you want to specify the decoder? Faad seems to work fine? :S

Please make any follow ups to this in this thread, as it is somewhat of a pain to deal with two threads on the same topic. I should note that the PandoraSaver being used in this version is outdated (iirc).
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thanks for the answer!

and sorry. i was using the standalone installer and the version numbers got me confused. now i see the lame encoder parameter field. i was thinking of using neroAAC encoder and decoder. the aac encoder from nero is considered very good. comparable to apple aac in LC. i need to play my songs on my portable and aac will save a lot of space. please implement it if it is not too much to ask for. you could specify the encoder path and the parameters in the config file or even in the reg file. faad decoder is decent. so no complaints there :)

So, you basically want to use another encoder in place of lame (to convert the HE-AAC which pandora gives us to LC-AAC)? It wouldn't be particularly hard to implement, just add a few tags like it handles %bitrate% (which is the bitrate selected under common options.) It will be part of 1.006; the new standalone version which will be released soon.

I've finished implementing this. Waiting on adding a blacklist feature to ignore certain songs + more testing of the standalone (fiddler-less) host before release. The version number will also be incremented.

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So, you basically want to use another encoder in place of lame (to convert the HE-AAC which pandora gives us to LC-AAC)? It wouldn't be particularly hard to implement, just add a few tags like it handles %bitrate% (which is the bitrate selected under common options.) It will be part of 1.006; the new standalone version which will be released soon.

thanks! yes, i wanna convert the HE to LC so that it will be compatible with itunes and my phone.

nero encoder has this format : neroAacEnc.exe [options] -if <input-file> -of <output-file>

if not for the "-if" and "-of" switches, i could have just renamed the neroaacenc.exe to lame.exe and modified the rest in advanced options. :(

anyways, will be waiting for the next version with the nero support. :)

and everybody who is using the advanced options, if you use -V3 instead of the -h -b %bitrate% will give a decent VBR mp3 file.

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thanks! yes, i wanna convert the HE to LC so that it will be compatible with itunes and my phone.

nero encoder has this format : neroAacEnc.exe [options] -if <input-file> -of <output-file>

if not for the "-if" and "-of" switches, i could have just renamed the neroaacenc.exe to lame.exe and modified the rest in advanced options. :(

anyways, will be waiting for the next version with the nero support. :)

and everybody who is using the advanced options, if you use -V3 instead of the -h -b %bitrate% will give a decent VBR mp3 file.

I ended up adding a field for the path to encoder (%path% will be replaced with the path to the directory SProxy was launched from; and will always end with a slash, example "%path%lame.exe"), a field to edit the arguments (such as "-h -b %bitrate% %wavtmp% %out%"), and finally a field in which to put what extension should be used for the output (ie "mp3", "aac", "wma" etc etc), which it uses to check for the existence of the output file

%wavtmp% was the wav file decoded in step one with faad, %out% is the name used for output. it uses the full path enclosed in quotes for both, to prevent errors relating to spaces.

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I ended up adding a field for the path to encoder (%path% will be replaced with the path to the directory SProxy was launched from; and will always end with a slash, example "%path%lame.exe"), a field to edit the arguments (such as "-h -b %bitrate% %wavtmp% %out%"), and finally a field in which to put what extension should be used for the output (ie "mp3", "aac", "wma" etc etc), which it uses to check for the existence of the output file

%wavtmp% was the wav file decoded in step one with faad, %out% is the name used for output. it uses the full path enclosed in quotes for both, to prevent errors relating to spaces.

awesome! that should be enough! :) thanks again.

and could you update the other thread too, telling people that the standalone installer does not have the latest plugin?! i am new here and dont wanna pm a mod with such a request :)

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